Super Nova wrote:mellie wrote:Bottom line.... our politicians and the wealthy (who have shares in these company's) can afford a non-GMO organic diet, so why should Ingsoc care what the Proles ingest?
I don't buy into this.
The wealthy aren't too worried about GM or not. They worry more about Free Range or not. The generics of the chicken is less important than how it has been fed.
Then why is it that in affluent areas of high social economic status do we see an increase in organic and non-GMO produce stores?
IQS, the effects of these unsafe products/pharmaceuticals aren't always apparent at first, rather are inconspicuous,(Take mercury for instance re- it's accumulative effect) often their harmful effects take years to become apparent, by which stage can be blamed onto other things, with even more industry-backed research deflecting blame from itself.
Why do you think they removed mercury, (Thiomersal) from children's vaccines IQS?
Because the ongoing long-term cost of having damaged 'goods' (Autistic children) outweighed the benefits.
Our government glossed it over, more or less claim to have removed it just to be on the safe side as a few children reacted badly to their mercury laced vaccines... though the truth is, it just simply wasn't worth their while.
If it had have been, they would have left it in there.