by Outlaw Yogi » Wed Dec 11, 2013 1:39 pm
The problem with small minded ignorance regarding crime, criminality, and/or organised crime syndicates from the
likes of Rawsack, is frightened little wimps who've led such sheltered lives fail to understand crime is a nescessity
for governments so they can impose tax penalties upon it in the form of fines and forced aquisition of assets. That's
why governments invent new crimes and new deffinitions concerning them.
Dwelling within such sheltered bubbles allows such sheeple to ignore anthropogenic realities in the name of social
responsibility so they don't have to recognise or deal with their own hypocrisies. And cry victim loudest when
governments create new prohibitions for revenue raising if the population becomes too compliant.
A car thief and insurance scammer from Mt perry complaining his autographed AC/DC poster was pilfered when his house
was burgled, said to me "We need the Police, otherwise old grannies would get bashed" (and Mantra once wrote the same
or similar insinuation). To which I replied "No, these things happen anyway, regardless of police, and in fact happen
more because of police, due vto criminals now having human rights. If we had no police there would be far fewer
criminals because the public lynch mobs would deal with it themselves. Like they did before Posse Commitas was
abolished and replaced by police forces".
Before the invention of Police forces in the Victorian era, most westernised nations used the Saxon law 'Posse Commitas'.
Which obliged the community to form a posse, apprehend the law breaker and deliver them to a magistrate or judge for
trial. When governments realised they could financially benefit from crime rather than it costing currency and resources,
police forces became a universal institution.
Human social evolution made police forces inevitable, but the human failings of zenophobia and malice induces fear and
demonisation of the other, so victimization and corruption incites retalition by any means, and those who dare retaliate
are deemed criminal. The result is authority generates criminality.
Malicious and corrupt beligerance by authorities causes anti authoritarian sub cultures, which affords genuinely habitual
criminals and anti social delinquents alike an outcast status to identify with, and in turn allows them to become folk
heros. So in effect, outlaws from Ned kelly and Ben Hall to the Hell's Angels and Comanchero are a direct retalitory
result of government authorities arbitary powers and desire for totalitarian control.
Personally I suspect Rawsack wouldn't know $#!+ from clay about organised crime if I rubbed his nose in it. Because he is
what I call a partisan zombie, which exhibits a similar but opposing brand loyalty as a rusted on robot. A rusted on robot
is unable to break their programing, so mymics an answering machine. A partisan zombie is the perfect slave because no
restraints are required and no matter how much they are mistreated, they will never defy their master.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?