Cheap Electricty

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Cheap Electricty

Post by Bart » Wed Dec 21, 2011 6:20 pm

Look at the idiocy of the GALP policy.
Australia has an economic advantage with coal as a means of energy.
It's such a great resource that we sell it overseas and there's a huge demand for it. We even export it to China even though they have more of it in their own backyard.
We sell it to lots of countries, like Korea who are able to generate lots of energy.
And did someone mention how cheap coal energy is. Well it is cheap, extremely cheap.
So cheap that Korea enrgy being produced with Australian coal is cheaper than Australian energy produced with Australian coal!
And that's before Gillard's stupid carbon dioxide tax and the stupid minerals tax.
Bet Korea won't get slugged with any tax. :b :b :b

Good ole GALP, pricing Australia's energy out of the reach of the average Australian hosuehold.
So it is probably cheaper for Australians to rent a shack in Korea with a few powerboards and quite a few really really REALLY long extension leads and bring back the electricity from Korea!
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Re: Cheap Electricty

Post by mellie » Wed Dec 21, 2011 6:34 pm

Meanwhile our electricity prices sky-rocket, moslty because those we now buy electricity from are foreighnly owned companies who may name their price in a 'global context'. ... Years.ashx

It's our coal, but not our electricity, we buy the finished product from global corporations ie Orion.

Welcome to Ausgrid


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