ETS and retarded views

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ETS and retarded views

Post by IQSRLOW » Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:25 pm

I have read some LW blogs from idiots who think that there is an urgent time frame for Australia to implement an ETS, and let's face it, the only reason Kruddy proposed his 2010 scheme was to try and trump Howard with the morons that think it will make a difference.

Is it worth destroying the Australian economy with a half arsed ETS based on appeasing the ignoramus populace that are only just now seeing the effects of high energy prices- (they will react)

Does anyone really believe a jumped up little nation like Australia with a population of out-of-touch high and mighty no hopers will have any bearing on the US, China and India as a 'leader' in emissions reductions- or are we just setting ourselves up for economic pain in the race to 'be-seen-to-be doing' as most of the eco-nazis would like?

ie. The moves don't actually accomplish anything but they further the movement


Re: ETS and retarded views

Post by PoliticalHeadkicker » Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:06 am

idiots who think that there is an urgent time frame
Well then how about this:
In March 2008, a senior advisor to the Norwegian Ministry of the Environment said that the Arctic polar ice cap could be completely gone during the summer of 2008
More like idiots with retarded views (like you) who don't think that there is an urgent time frame...

An ETS will create new economic opportunities for smart people (which you are obviously not).

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Re: ETS and retarded views

Post by IQSRLOW » Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:12 am

Retards the preach that 'crisis prevention- is no longer available to us' are more part of the problem than part of the solution- These types should shoot themselves in the face to not only save the planet but to save the rest of us from having to read their constant blather that means absolutely nothing.

I am simply trying to be honest in that the retards have no idea in what you they are talking about and the delusions of grandeur are severely misplaced when you take our GDP and population into account and couple it to not only our emissions but our standing on the world stage.

Fucktards will be the downfall of this country- and we seem to have a plethora of them bred from institutionalised academics with no real world experiences.

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Re: ETS and retarded views

Post by IQSRLOW » Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:14 am

More like idiots with retarded views (like you) who don't think that there is an urgent time frame...
You are one of the 'tards I am talking about- By Australia implementing an ETS- how is this going to 'save' the Arctic?

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Re: ETS and retarded views

Post by IQSRLOW » Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:21 am

An ETS will create new economic opportunities for smart people (which you are obviously not).
An ETS will bleed the populace who are most needy of what they require to live- while making those that are able to make more money. You are even more retarded than you give yourself credit for. You are the super-retard.

...but it might further your cause of wealth redistribution through taxes in the short term. In the long term, most businesses will just import product manufactured in India and China because it's even cheaper than it will be tomorrow once you retards have your way.


Re: ETS and retarded views

Post by PoliticalHeadkicker » Fri Jul 11, 2008 2:26 am

....but it might further your cause of wealth redistribution through taxes

You seem to be debating with yourself.....
I didn't mention wealth distribution. Not my cause.

As someone else has already noted on another thread about your posts - you've stopped making sense.

I know! You really are Nick Minchin.


Re: ETS and retarded views

Post by PoliticalHeadkickerkicker » Fri Jul 11, 2008 6:21 am

PoliticalHeadkicker wrote:
....but it might further your cause of wealth redistribution through taxes

I didn't mention wealth distribution.
You did.
An ETS will create new economic opportunities for smart people
Any ETS will create much higher energy prices so it will take the last vestiges of wealth from those least able to afford it and distribute it to the 'smart people' as you call them. Everyone knows these are the already wealthy.

That is called wealth distribution in English and is a typical leftard pogrom against lower socioeconomic groups. In socialist doctrine there are some who are 'more equal' than others. And we know who 'the others' are.

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Re: ETS and retarded views

Post by freediver » Fri Jul 11, 2008 11:51 am

Carbon taxes are the least costly way to reduce emissions. We could have had them up and running within 12 months or less, covering the majority of emissions. An ETS is the next best option.

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Re: ETS and retarded views

Post by IQSRLOW » Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:24 pm

You mean an ETS is the worst option available and a carbon tax is the next worse option.

All the while China and India will be ramping up their coal fired factories to deal with the rush of exports they will have to deal with once Australian businesses are no longer competitive because the Krudd govt has forced them to price their product outside the world market.

It is a stupid populist policy that is purveyed by an ignorant populace

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Re: ETS and retarded views

Post by freediver » Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:39 pm

No IQ, it makes economic sense. There are plenty of far more populist options, but they don't work as well. Like wind farms, subsidies for solar panels etc.

Why is it that when people want heart surgery, they automatically think of a doctor. When they want a bridge, they think of an engineer. But when they want to mess with the economy, they think a primary school education is sufficient. If it were up to people like IQ, we'd be heading straight for another great depression.

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