now one leftard pays another leftard OUR money to watch trees grow and visit art galleries.
THE Rudd Government has stooped to new lows in media management in its efforts to shield the demoted Peter Garrett and keep the bungled $2.45 billion roofing insulation scheme out of the public eye.
In what is another ministerial reshuffle as a result of the disaster of the roofing insulation scheme the Prime Minister has acknowledged the absurd workload of junior Minister Greg Combet but tried to hide the ludicrous fate of the Environment Minister.
After stripping Garrett of the responsibility for the suspended insulation scheme but leaving him in Cabinet with the junior portfolio of Environment and the Arts the Prime Minister has had to shuffle his ministers again by taking the onerous task of defence personnel from his “Mr Fixit” Combet and giving it to Veterans' Affairs Minister Alan Griffin.
Rudd has now conceded the workload for Combet was unsustainable but left him with the key portfolio of Defence Materiel - an important enough job involving military tenders for a full time ministry in itself - while trying to free him to spend more time on the insulation debacle, which continues to be a potent political threat to the Rudd Government.
To make the imbalance in work and responsibility worse the Prime Minister left Garrett in Cabinet with little to do and at a higher pay scale than the ministers he's given more work to.
With the report on the insulation scheme from former departmental head, Alan Hawke, which is supposed to be tough, still to come out, the Prime Minister may be forced to have a third shuffle based on the roofing insulation debacle and hiding it before the holidays won't work. ... 5848548504