80 potential terrorists (that we know about)

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80 potential terrorists (that we know about)

Post by Valkie » Sun Sep 05, 2021 8:02 am

79 islamic and 1 made up far right most likely
The 80 potential terrorists on loose

COUNTER-terrorism officials are tracking about 80 religious and far-Right extremists considered capable of “tier 1 and 2” threats to the community,

The figure was disclosed at a NSW parliamentary hearing last week with NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller also revealing how the monitoring of right wing extremism now occupied 20 per cent of counter-terrorism operations by NSW Police.

“I think over the last five years it’s fair to say there has been a progressive increase in right wing extremism, other states around Australia have probably seen a more significant increase,” he told the Budget Estimates hearing.

“It probably consumes around 20 per cent of the time of our counter-terrorism team more broadly, versus other types of extremism.”

Mr Fuller said Covid had given rise to more incidents of extremism, as evidenced by the “online vitriol” and the number of protests that had occurred around Australia.

He described some of the violence police were witnessing as “unusual for Sydney”.

Last month, NSW Police Counter Terrorism at the launch of a $3 million facility to train officers in tactics during terrorist attacks, revealed it was tracking more than 1000 people of interest at all four tier threat levels.

Opposition police and counter-terrorism spokesman Walt Secord said he would support tougher measures and more resources to combat these extremists.

“If the Berejiklian Government has plans or proposals to counter these groups, I stand ready to support any sensible and tough plans that will drive them out of their dark caves,” he said.

“Unfortunately, we have seen an increase in conspiracy theories — especially anti-Semitic elements — in recent months and at recent anti-Covid lockdown rallies.”

NSW Investigations and Counter Terrorism chief, Deputy Commissioner Dave Hudson, told the hearing how a lot of the activity during Covid in relation to ideological extremism was conducted over the internet.
I have a dream
A world free from the plague of Islam
A world that has never known the horrors of the cult of death.
My hope is that in time, Islam will be nothing but a bad dream

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