Chaos engulfs Turnbull Government

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Chaos engulfs Turnbull Government

Post by Redneck » Sat Oct 28, 2017 9:03 am

This has made Malcolm Turnbull look an arrogant fool with his statement in parliament "The leader of the National Party, the deputy prime minister is qualified to sit in this house and the High Court will so hold"

It is going to be interesting to see if the ALP or others try to use this period of instability to sneak through such things as a Bank Royal Commission or other controversial legislation during the next few months

No judgement and no answers: chaos engulfs the Turnbull government
Mark Kenny

Mark Kenny
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Dismiss all the desperate spin and sugar-coating. Nothing can obscure the fact that these are dark days for the government and a humiliation for the Prime Minister personally.

While Malcolm Turnbull cannot be blamed for the Nationals' slap-dash vetting procedures going back decades, his ill-judged bullishness in response to the citizenship questions once they arose was all his own work.
PM sworn in to new portfolios

Meet Australia's new Minister for Agriculture and Minister for Water Resources: Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

"The leader of the National Party, the deputy prime minister is qualified to sit in this house and the High Court will so hold", he decreed during a raucous question time on August 14.

The High Court held no such thing. And it held no such thing, unanimously.

Turnbull's brash disregard for the separation of powers by enunciating so decisively on a matter before the country's most superior court was surprising.

But it was compounded by the contempt he conveyed to the wider nation by keeping a clearly compromised deputy prime minister in place, when even Joyce himself figured he was toast.

Understand this. Joyce, a big-time player in the government, has never been a validly elected member of Parliament. Not once over five federal elections since he arrived in 2004 as a kind of a quasi-independent Nats outsider, and leaves now as a parliamentary stranger. An outsider all along.
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Whether he returns as a duly elected MP turns on the vagaries of a perilous and expensive byelection.

Turnbull's political judgment throughout this unprecedented episode has been shocking. After accepting Matt Canavan's resignation - pending the court's ruling - he perversely clung to Joyce and Nationals deputy Fiona Nash, insisting they remained in cabinet.

It was 100 per cent wrong. Once again, Turnbull could be seen governing for the internals. Canavan it turned out, was the only one validly elected.

The PM's legal repudiation caps off his worst week and that is saying something.

And there's no blue sky in sight. Questions swirl around a fourth cabinet minister, Michaelia Cash whose political hamfistedness around the two statutory union-taming bodies central to last year's double dissolution has compromised them further and could end her career into the bargain.

Among reporters waiting at the press conference on Friday, the mock question went "PM, are you taking on water... Barnaby's water portfolio, that is?"

It was never asked of course, but then Turnbull was in no mood for jokes and took just one question before scarpering.

That was another mistake. Governments are meant to deliver certainty and provide answers.

He owed the country that much at least. ... z9apg.html

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Re: Chaos engulfs Turnbull Government

Post by cods » Sat Oct 28, 2017 10:00 am

did gillard throw THOMO to the LIONS...

its amazing how much you expect from the libs..

yet nothing the left does bothers you..

its quite extraordinary you never complain about labor never...

even shortarse back stabbing two PMs you give him the leadership as a reward...with narry a word... extraordinary!!!!!!

never once have I seen you call for his [shortarses] sacking...not once... yet he was a traitor to his own govt...not once but twice..UNBELIEVEABLE

yet something as nonsensical as this.... look how many its taken??????????> claim turnbull is arrogant... :roll: :roll: what a dope.

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Re: Chaos engulfs Turnbull Government

Post by Redneck » Sat Oct 28, 2017 10:33 am

cods wrote:did gillard throw THOMO to the LIONS...
Julia Gillard has asked MP Craig Thomson to quit the Labor Party and told Speaker Peter Slipper to accept a longer suspension as she moves to dispel what she says is a "dark cloud" hanging over the Federal Parliament. ... ty/3978614 claim turnbull is arrogant... :roll: :roll: what a dope.
You must be the only person in Australia apart from Juliar that doesnt think he is cods .

The news services have been pointing out how stupid that statement of his was from the day he made it, even Sky News and other right wing news organisations.

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Re: Chaos engulfs Turnbull Government

Post by cods » Sat Oct 28, 2017 11:13 am

Redneck wrote:
cods wrote:did gillard throw THOMO to the LIONS...
Julia Gillard has asked MP Craig Thomson to quit the Labor Party and told Speaker Peter Slipper to accept a longer suspension as she moves to dispel what she says is a "dark cloud" hanging over the Federal Parliament. ... ty/3978614 claim turnbull is arrogant... :roll: :roll: what a dope.
You must be the only person in Australia apart from Juliar that doesnt think he is cods .

The news services have been pointing out how stupid that statement of his was from the day he made it, even Sky News and other right wing news organisations.

your a laugh red she fully supported him for 12 months how soon you forget...she even gave him an hour of free parliament time to tell so many lies
all of which he admitted too when he was found guilty and admitted everything...

come on honest just this once.... he should never have been selected...he had a dark cloud hangin g over him then...

btw I dont like turnbull not by any means... hes almost as bad as shortarse imo...but to call him arrogant whilst supporting gillard is a bit of a stretch..we all know you will vote to elect shortarse next time round.. where as I did not vote Lib and never will whilst turnbull is their chosen leader...

I would vote for Dutton because hes the only one I can see who is putting THIS COUNTRY FIRST.. he doesnt give a shit about polls... or the ABC... he is looking out for this countries future... he has balls I like that....for my grandchildrens sakes we need a safe country

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Re: Chaos engulfs Turnbull Government

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Oct 28, 2017 11:28 am

I didn't vote for Turnbull either but that's the difference between left and right on some of these forums. The left would vote for Shorten no matter what whereas the sensible right don't follow like sheep.

Sure, Turnbull may be arrogant but even considering Shorten for PM is sheer insanity.

I also think Dutton is the best of a very mediocre to shockingly bad bunch on both sides.

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Re: Chaos engulfs Turnbull Government

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sat Oct 28, 2017 12:05 pm

Turnbull has proven two things ...

He's even more pathetic now than he was as leader of the opposition in 2009
That he is still there shows how much the left have infected the liberal party
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Re: Chaos engulfs Turnbull Government

Post by Redneck » Sat Oct 28, 2017 12:13 pm

Shorten is not my pick by any means, I think I would rather Albo.

Dutton .....No way Jose'!

Typical ex bully boy copper in my opinion.

Power has gone to his head!

What about Josh Frydenberg? I saw one of the papers wrote him up as a potential leader the other day, I will see if I can find the article!

This is it I think ... z4wyz.html

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Re: Chaos engulfs Turnbull Government

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Oct 28, 2017 12:29 pm

We will be hearing a lot more from Frydenberg but he seems to be very pro immigration? I don't really know that much about him other than he is called a wannabe tennis pro and media hound lol

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Re: Chaos engulfs Turnbull Government

Post by cods » Sat Oct 28, 2017 12:54 pm

spare me the SMH please....

dutton is doing what we pay him to do..keep this c ountry safe and secure..

and not to read polls first thing to get an idea what he is has to do for this country..

we will in fact get the CFMEU running the country if shortarse gets elected....and you will be responsible

they will be untouchable run amok in fact...they are already above any laws that are made....imagine what they will be like if their leader gets elected..omg.

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Re: Chaos engulfs Turnbull Government

Post by Redneck » Sat Oct 28, 2017 1:11 pm

cods wrote:spare me the SMH please....

dutton is doing what we pay him to do..keep this c ountry safe and secure..

and not to read polls first thing to get an idea what he is has to do for this country..

we will in fact get the CFMEU running the country if shortarse gets elected....and you will be responsible

they will be untouchable run amok in fact...they are already above any laws that are made....imagine what they will be like if their leader gets elected..omg.


I personally think Dutton is a bit on the nose with the general public like bully boy Morrison!

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