The Real Orange Buffoon

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Black Orchid
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The Real Orange Buffoon

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Aug 23, 2017 12:56 pm

That's right it is not Donald Trump! It is our own Stan Grant. I saw him on tv last night and he looked like a cross between a pumpkin and a clown fish. What a complete wanker he is.


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Re: The Real Orange Buffoon

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Aug 23, 2017 1:06 pm

Snippets from an article and so very spot on ...
Stan Grant says the "The Australian dream is rooted in racism,"

"It is the very foundation of the dream. It is there at the birth of the nation. It is there in terra nullius.”

I say bullshit, Stan.

I say you’re a divider, a segregator and an opportunistic antagonist promoting the ‘Guilt Industry’ that separates Australians into tribes.

You’ve been given every opportunity, Stan, without any barriers of racism - the same opportunities offered to every Australian of every race, if they’re prepared to study and work hard.

As have I, as have millions of other Australians and fellow wogs, from every culture, race and religion.

In that respect you and I are no different to millions of minority individuals who collectively come together as one, around this wonderful country.

Where you and I are different, Stan, I was a target as soon as someone heard or read my name. You never had that problem. Your name is as white Anglo as it comes - Stan Grant.

You enjoyed all the opportunities and benefits of the ‘white man’s’ system. As did I.
According to your online bio after you left Griffith, you went to uni, first in NSW then the ANU, where I’m assuming you weren’t held back by any racism, because you don’t mention it, and you’d be the first to scream about it if it happened.

You got a job as a copyboy at the racist Canberra Times, spent a few years as a news presenter on racist Macquarie radio, then the racist Seven network and the racist ABC.

You then moved onto stints with CNN International in Hong Kong and Beijing, where you were responsible for the network’s coverage of China. No racism there either.

In 1994 you were given the prized gig as host of the Seven network’s racist current affairs program ‘Real Life’ for which you won the racist Logie Award for Most Popular Current Affairs Program (voted by the racist Australian viewing public).

In 2007, alongside Mary Kostakidis you became co-presenter of the one-hour 6.30pm SBS World News Australia bulletin funded by racist Australian taxpayers.

Your former wife, Karla Grant - another successful part aboriginal - is also employed on the SBS program ‘Living Black’.
In September 2007 you were announced presenter and producer of ABC Local radio’s Indigenous program, ’Speaking Out’, funded again by racist Australians.

In 2008 you joined the racist World Bank as Senior Communications Officer based in Sydney.

In 2009 you were appointed UAE correspondent for CNN based in CNN’s new Abu Dhabi news gathering production centre. This racism thing isn't exactly disrupting your lifestyle so far, is it, Stan?

In 2013 you returned to racist Australia and hosted the nightly racist Newsnight for Sky News Australia.

From 2014 you started hosting racist Sky News Australia’s ‘Reporting Live with Stan Grant’ at 6pm. In April you hosted ‘Crimes that Shook Australia’ a six-part drama series on the racist FOXTEL.

In 2016 you’ll be hosting a nightly news bulletin ‘The Point with Stan Grant’ on the NITV (National Indigenous Television). Guess which racists are funding that racist indulgence? Yep, the racist Australian taxpayer - again.
Poor poor Stan let's all feel sorry for him :giggle

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Re: The Real Orange Buffoon

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Aug 23, 2017 1:09 pm

Yesterday, Stan Grant spoke at the racist Press Club to launch a book, transforming Stan from media pariah to media darling.

During the launch, Grant shut down Alan Jones who spoke out on the sexual and other abuse of aboriginal children by their own communities - abuse which is endemic in the Aboriginal and Torres Island community.

Children from Indigenous communities are 7 times more likely than non-Indigenous children to be the subject of substantiated reports of harm or risk of harm.

Jones suggested we ’need another stolen generation’. Crudely put, but the sentiment was in the interest of the children.
Social media fired up the same (yawn) predictable fury, from the same repeat offenders who argue for a borderless country that results in kids drowning at sea, or scalded with boiling water as a means of entry to Australia.

Stan Grant’s slap down of Jones referred to his own great aunt Eunice Grant, who was taken from her home and given the number 658.

"Taken from her family” he said, “losing her name, leaving my aunty to still unpack the grief of that today. You do not steal children. This word 'stolen', 'stealing' - we need another stolen generation?"

Grant said removing children hollowed out communities and affected people for their entire lives.

What hollows out indigenous communities is damaged kids, sexually abused by alcoholic family members who should be caring for them, a pattern repeated generation after generation, while Grant points and looks the other way.

The politically correct blame game peddled by Stan Grant and his enabling cheer squad is contributing to the destruction of innocent kids.

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Re: The Real Orange Buffoon

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Aug 23, 2017 1:11 pm

On a final note, Stan Grant, you may not have noticed - take a look around you next time you walk the streets of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, the Gold Coast or any number of our regional towns and cities.

What do you see?

Chinese, Somalians, Thais, Iraqis, Italians, Yugoslavs, Cook Islanders, Pakistanis, Samoans, Syrians, Greeks, Maltese, Chekoslovakians, Germans, Sri Lankans, Egyptians, Afghans, Dutch, Irish, Japanese, Poms, Malaysians, Indonesians, Russians, Hungarians, Iranians, Maoris, Syrians, Indians, Yugoslavs, Scots, French…..

They migrated to Australia for a better life or to escape persecution, war or conflict.
My father certainly did.

His Northern Italian village home was searched by the Nazis who stormtrooped through his house where his mother hid my 14 year old dad under the floor boards.

Some of his ‘amici’ were not so lucky. Homes were torched, families destroyed forever.

My father never complained. He got on a boat after the war and came to Australia as a young single man. He arrived on his own, in a foreign land, knowing nobody, unable to speak the language.

He raised six boys, sent them all to good schools, the fees paid from the sweat of his brow. There was no whinging, no whining, no hand outs, quite the opposite,

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Re: The Real Orange Buffoon

Post by Black Orchid » Wed Aug 23, 2017 1:17 pm

Finally ...
This country is filled with Giovanni Zanettis, who suffered in silence, quietly contributing to the fabric of the nation without pointing the finger at others.

By contrast, Stan Grant you are a privileged mostly white grandstanding, posturing, squeaky wheel capitalising on the misfortunes of the poorest most needy in your community to leverage your own career.

I, my father, and millions of other Australians refuse to be and cannot be responsible for what may have happened 100 or more years ago by people we don’t know to people we don’t know.

Australians in the millions have had enough of you and your cheer squad enablers. The faux-guilt trip may have washed 60 years ago with a majority Pommy Australia, but that one trick pony has long bolted outta town.

And can I ask what’s with the reverse Michael Jackson skin transformation, Stan?

Do the recent appointments at the tanning salon make your accusations against light skinned Australians more legitimate? ... grant/5750


When will people like this ever learn that they do more harm for their 'cause' than good? What a wanker Stan Grant is. I think the orange pigment has infected his brain.

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Re: The Real Orange Buffoon

Post by Rorschach » Wed Aug 23, 2017 1:27 pm

Aboriginal Activism, and preaching Victimhood are Stan's new hobbies. :roll:
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: The Real Orange Buffoon

Post by Neferti » Wed Aug 23, 2017 6:39 pm

Stan Grant .... enough said!

Suddenly he is the right brown colour as in a REAL Aboriginal. PATHETIC. :rofl :rofl

What some people do for their 5 minutes of "fame".

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Re: The Real Orange Buffoon

Post by 762NATO » Wed Aug 23, 2017 9:51 pm

The last gasp of a wanna be blackfulla who is struggling for relevance

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Re: The Real Orange Buffoon

Post by cods » Thu Aug 24, 2017 9:31 am

I find him embarrassing I wonder what the aboriginal community thinks of him..

maybe ask Ernie Dingo...

he certainly isnt doing them any favors.

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AiA in Atlanta
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Re: The Real Orange Buffoon

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Thu Aug 24, 2017 7:52 pm

Ha. Had forgotten about this man, The way he colors only the top part of his hair and leaves it gray on the sides - he thinks it looks distinguished.

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