LEFTWINGER supreme wrote:Meanwhile in Australia the uptake of renewables is Boo boo booming
Not for long. Investment in just about everything (except precious metals and weapons)in this country is about to crash n' burn.
If you'd read the business section of yesterday's Australian, you'd have noticed an article about a funds manager who has liquidated his company and given
all (no fees taken) the investors their money back. Other funds managers are said to be scratching their heads, saying they've never seen anything like it (handing money back). This particular funds manager takes advice from economists, unlike other funds managers who take advice from share market experts.
Y'see when the markets are good it's known as a bull market, and when bad a bear market, and at the moment it's the running of the bears.
Turns out the over inflated property bubble in Sydney and Melbourne is about to pop, and have a massive impact on the economy.
Meanwhile Turnbull's Labor-lite policies are chasing investment out of the country, and most of the renewable power infrastructure is foreign owned and virtually all of the investment for renewable power sources is foreign.
Those in the know are pressing "eject" and cashing out ATM.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?