The Sydney Moaning Homosexual is just as guilty by publishing FAKE NEWS from the likes of Mark Kenny ... uaxf0.html
Yet Kenny deliberately ignored the AEMO results that unequivocally lay the blame at the feet of Wind farmsTurnbull government statements blaming last year's South Australian blackout on its high renewable energy target ignored confidential public service advice stating that it was not the cause, according to emails obtained under freedom-of-information rules.
With a febrile debate over renewable energy versus coal-fired generation suddenly raging in Canberra, the revelation is set to undermine the Coalition's energy messaging and shatter confidence in its call for investment certainty through sober debate and bipartisan policy solutions.
That email, sent to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's own officials and others, conveyed the first-blush assessment of the blackout including advice gleaned from the Australian Energy Market Operator: "There has been unprecedented damage to the network (ie bigger than any other event in Australia), with 20+ steel transmission towers down in the north of the State due to wind damage (between Adelaide and Port Augusta). The electricity network was unable to cope with such a sudden and large loss of generation at once. AEMO's advice is that the generation mix (ie renewable or fossil fuel) was not to blame for yesterday's events – it was the loss of 1000 MW of power in such a short space of time as transmission lines fell over." ... ted-43631/
The facts are that SA is heavily reliant on coal/gas fired power but because they suck it like a parasite from other states, they think they are the pinnacle of the Gaia loving fucktards. Their wind power is intermittent and unreliable and still requires fossil fuels to function, even then it does not function adequately.So far, he said, only one remedy had been implemented – adjusting the ride-through settings on the wind farms in the state. Extensive AEMO modelling, Marxsen told the audience, showed that this would be enough to prevent a repeat of the “system black” event that put the whole state in darkness for several hours.
Supposedly, software changes to wind farms will stop blackouts from happening ever again. This remains to be seen and I would bet $$$ on more blackouts and excuses from the SA govt and the shills from the SMH to run fake news to try and muddy the waters.
A smart govt would halt all renewable energy being connected to the grid and remove all subsidies until there has been a full investigation with recommendations that put energy security first, cost to the consumer second and way down the end of the list should be renewables/CO2 emissions.
Vic will be closing a coal fired plant that is 20% of the Vic market. What happens when the ALP pie in the sky 50% renewballs happens in every state?
You can't be a blood sucking parasite state, sucking the life out of another state that is determined to become a blood sucking parasite state as well.
Frankly, the interconnector to SA should be closed and let the SA govt figure their way out of the mess they have created as an example to other state govts to show them what happens when you decide to implement stupid ideas.
With unlimited funds, I'd create a massive brown coal fired plant that would supply energy to business and consumers at the cheapest price possible (and let's face it, brown coal is miles cheaper than anything else on the planet) and I guarantee that business and consumers would vote with their wallets.
If you're a Gaia worshipping hippy, then you can pay higher prices for wind/solar/magic beans but you won't get any subsidies for it.
Pay for your stupidity out of your own pocket.
This bullshit would dry up within a year, power would be cheaper and more reliable for everyone and govts will save money.