Jihadis & Terrorism

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Jihadis & Terrorism

Post by Rorschach » Fri Oct 14, 2016 11:24 am

http://www.theaustralian.com.au/in-dept ... 1e12863a1e
TAKING ON TERROR - Egypt deported accused Sydney teen over terror fears
The Australian
October 14, 2016
Paul Maley
National Security Editor

An alleged teenage extremist arrested on the streets of Sydney moments before he was to commit a grisly terrorist attack was deported by Egyptian security services less than a year ago after he travelled to the Sinai region to join a foreign terror group.

In a measure of how committed the 16-year-old was to the Islamist cause, The Australian has learnt that the boy, who cannot be named, was stopped and interrogated by Egyptian security services after he travelled to Egypt last December.

The boy’s co-accused also has a long pedigree in radical Islam, with police alleging the 16-year-old was taken to the 2012 Hyde Park protest when he was just 12 and given a sign that read: “Behead all those who insult the Prophet’’.

Both teenagers were charged yesterday with terrorist offences after they were arrested on Wednesday outside an Islamic prayer centre in Bankstown, in Sydney’s southwest, after police surveillance teams observed them purchasing bayonets. On them, police found knives, shaving gear and a single note handwritten in Arabic pledging allegiance to the caliphate of Islamic State.

According to police the pair were moments away from carrying out a gruesome stabbing attack, or perhaps a beheading, one of the hallmarks of Islamic State-inspired terrorism. The Australian has learned that, minutes before they were arrested, the pair washed, shaved and prayed at the Islamic centre.

The claims will be crucial to the police case against them, with prosecutors set to allege they constituted the final, ritualistic prepar­ations of martyrdom.

In an interview with The Australian, the manager of the centre, who asked not to be named, said he found the two in the bathroom together minutes before police ­arrested them. “I asked: ‘Why were you in there?’ One said: ‘I was teaching my friend to do wudu (ablution before prayers)’,’’ the manager said.

Yesterday, the two were form­al­ly refused bail at the Parramatta Children’s Court after being charged with acts in preparation for a terrorist act and being members of Islamic State.

Court documents tendered by prosecutors quoted a phone conversation between one of the boys and his mother, intercepted a day after the murder last October of NSW police worker Curtis Cheng.

The boy is alleged to have told his mother: “When they come, I am going to do something to them that they have never seen before. I am going to do something bigger.”

NSW Police Deputy Commissioner Catherine Burn said yesterday that police could not at this stage say who was to be the target of the attack on Wednesday.

“What we do know, though, is that the actions, we will allege, were enough to say they were preparing to do an attack, although we don’t know specifically where that attack was going to take place,” Ms Burn said.

The court documents also ­allege that the second boy tried to travel to a terrorist-held region.

The Australian has learnt that area was the Sinai region of Egypt.

It is understood Egyptian authorities provided information on the teenager’s alleged activities to Australian intelligence services, which fed into an investigation of the boy, who was just 15 at the time of his travel.

It is not clear which organisation the boy tried to join, but the most prominent terror group in the Sinai region is Ansar Bait al Maqdis, a Salafist extremist group that has pledged allegiance to Islam­ic State. Last year Islamic State claimed to have brought down a Russian passenger jet, killing all 224 passengers.

When the boy returned to ­Australia he was stopped and ­questioned by counter-terrorism officials. Extremist material, understood to be a copy of Dabiq, Islamic State’s online propaganda magazine, was found on his phone.

However, the information provided by the Egyptians could not be used as evidence in an Australian court, prompting officials to watch and investigate the boy.

Despite their age, both boys had a long history of radical behav­iour and were well known to police. One was the stepson of a terrorist convicted earlier this year.

In 2014 the boy garnered the attention of police and the media after he refused to stand for the national anthem during an assem­bly at East Hills Boys High, his school.

Last night some head of some Islamic organisation gave excuses for the boys. Apparently we and the police are to blame for their behaviour.

Not their parents or peers or the people they associate with.

Get a load of the mother in the original article. You have to ask why do pollies keep making excuses for these people.


Gee I wonder what her children are taught?
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: Jihadis & Terrorism

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Fri Oct 14, 2016 12:39 pm

Read this article on the front page of today's Australian.

I've told this story previously, but it relates directly to the Islamic prayer centre cited, so I'll tell it again.

In the early 90s I lived at Condell Park (next to Bankstown) to do security on my mag wheel repair business (Chullora/Enfield) and cut down on traffic travel from Sutherland Shire.
The local rag kept running stories about this 'illegal mosque'.

A bunch of Lebos bought 2 houses (side by side), knocked 1 down using it as a car par, and converted the other in to a mosque without council approval. These articles ran for several months, so one night I decided to go and see what all the fuss was about.

I took my dog (40kg Shepherd X Cattle dog) for a walk. As I walked along this short end of the street terminating in a culdesac up against the raised railway line I saw an East Asian man putting or removing something from the boot of his car in a front yard. A couple of house blocks further along a white van with 3 letters indicating a business acronym on the side went in the opposite direction, with 3 woggy males giving me a foul look.

When I got to the end of the street adjacent to the chain wire fence preventing access to the rail line I looked through the car park at the illegal mosque while my dog left his mark. While standing in the street the white van returned with the 3 wogs. The driver asked "What are you doing?"
I replied "Walking my dog, what are you doing?"
The diver said "This is our street" - Bet the East Asian bloke I'd seen minutes earlier didn't know that.
I countered "This is my country"
The driver continued "Yes, now leave"
I answered "you leave"
My dog stood up on his hind legs and stuck his face in the driver's window, and the driver was visibly and audibly disturbed.

They mumbled in Wogastani to each other and drove away. I have no doubt if my dog wasn't there, the 3 of them would have exited the van and I would have had to give them a martial arts lesson.

This Islamic prayer centre is called Al Rizila (sp?) and has quite a history in recent years for it's members having Jihadist involvement and association, yet it remains on Australian soil.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: Jihadis & Terrorism

Post by Rorschach » Fri Oct 14, 2016 12:58 pm

Long live Multiculuralism... and spineless politicians :du :du :du
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Jihadis & Terrorism

Post by Neferti » Fri Oct 14, 2016 5:09 pm

Is this in Sydney? Imagine wearing that outfit on a humid Sydney Summer day!


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Re: Jihadis & Terrorism

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Oct 14, 2016 5:20 pm

Definitely Sydney and I can guarantee that standing near one on a hot summer's day is not a pleasant experience for the senses.

Deporting wannabe terrorists back to Australia. What next?

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Re: Jihadis & Terrorism

Post by AnaTom » Fri Oct 14, 2016 7:50 pm

What next?

Pensions, free cars, housing, fascist political power, guns, jihad, etc

you know, the usual hateful stuff we the inhabitants must ignore.


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Re: Jihadis & Terrorism

Post by Rorschach » Sun Oct 16, 2016 2:05 pm

Australian values are anathema to teen jihadists
The Australian
October 15, 2016

The news that two radicalised 16-year-old Islamists were moments away from carrying out a beheading or stabbing in Bankstown, in Sydney’s southwest, this week was a wake-up call about the potential perils of terrorist atrocities on our soil. As Islamic State is beaten back in the Middle East, the risk of more attacks in Australia will increase with the likely return of ­dozens of children from Syria and Iraq. Federal and state authorities are assessing how children taken to the war zone by their parents or born there to Australian brides or Australian jihadist fathers should be integrated if they settle here.

The arrest of the teenagers, who were ­refused bail on Thursday at Parramatta Children’s Court after being charged with preparation for a terrorist act and being members of Islamic State, again showed the expertise of our security services in monitoring potential jihadists and preventing atrocities. Authorities who monitored the boys and acted swiftly after they bought bayonets on Wednesday may have saved innocent lives. Authorities have prevented 11 attacks since Australia’s terror alert was raised to “high” in September 2014.

The case suggested that, despite deradicalisation programs, jihadists in Australia, like those in other Western and Muslim nations, are being radicalised younger. Last month, Melbourne teenager Sevdet Ramadan Besim, 19, was jailed for 10 years for plotting to run down and behead a police officer on Anzac Day in 2015. A year ago, police accountant Curtis Cheng was shot dead outside Parramatta Police Station by schoolboy Farhad Khalil Mohammad Jabar, 15. Court documents allege that crime had prompted one of the 16-year-olds arrested on Wednesday to tell his mother he would “do something bigger”. She reportedly did nothing but their phone call was intercepted.

Radicalisation often begins in childhood, as evidenced by yesterday’s front-page photograph of one of the arrested teenagers from four years ago. He was pictured at a Muslim protest in Sydney’s Hyde Park in 2012, holding a placard urging “Behead all those who insult the Prophet”. Such violent undertones are a sign of the menace Islamic extremists pose to Australians and their hostility to our freedoms. The accompanying photograph of one of the boys’ mothers leaving court on Thursday swathed in black from head to ankle, with her face fully covered, raised legitimate questions about whether niqab-clad women should be compelled to show their faces in public.

Given the seriousness of Australia’s terror threat, human rights and civil liberty advocates are being naive in criticising a government plan to detain high-risk terrorists after they have served out their jail terms. Another group that needs a reality check is the love media, including The Sydney Morning Herald, which underplayed the issue initially with a small story on page 10 reporting the teenagers’ arrests. The case is a reminder of the need for vigilance against brutal killers intent on spreading fear and fundamentalism.
Radicalisation is a crock... this is just bad behaviour and is fostered and nurtured by hatred of Australia and Australians especially those non-Muslim Australians in enclaves and communities allowed under our policy of Multiculturalism.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Re: Jihadis & Terrorism

Post by Rorschach » Wed Oct 19, 2016 2:13 pm

Of course it was Fraser who first opened the floodgates to Muslim immigration here from the criminals in Lebanon.

Then of course we had both parties attacking anyone who spoke up or criticised their immigration and settlement policies.

Then we had the fiddling at the edges of Multiculti, without addressing it properly.

Now we have home grown Jihadis and Terrorists.

Labor of course under Kevin and Julia opened the doors to these people and we still have them in our detention centres.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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lisa jones
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Re: Jihadis & Terrorism

Post by lisa jones » Wed Oct 19, 2016 6:40 pm

Outlaw Yogi wrote:Read this article on the front page of today's Australian.

I've told this story previously, but it relates directly to the Islamic prayer centre cited, so I'll tell it again.

In the early 90s I lived at Condell Park (next to Bankstown) to do security on my mag wheel repair business (Chullora/Enfield) and cut down on traffic travel from Sutherland Shire.
The local rag kept running stories about this 'illegal mosque'.

A bunch of Lebos bought 2 houses (side by side), knocked 1 down using it as a car par, and converted the other in to a mosque without council approval. These articles ran for several months, so one night I decided to go and see what all the fuss was about.

I took my dog (40kg Shepherd X Cattle dog) for a walk. As I walked along this short end of the street terminating in a culdesac up against the raised railway line I saw an East Asian man putting or removing something from the boot of his car in a front yard. A couple of house blocks further along a white van with 3 letters indicating a business acronym on the side went in the opposite direction, with 3 woggy males giving me a foul look.

When I got to the end of the street adjacent to the chain wire fence preventing access to the rail line I looked through the car park at the illegal mosque while my dog left his mark. While standing in the street the white van returned with the 3 wogs. The driver asked "What are you doing?"
I replied "Walking my dog, what are you doing?"
The diver said "This is our street" - Bet the East Asian bloke I'd seen minutes earlier didn't know that.
I countered "This is my country"
The driver continued "Yes, now leave"
I answered "you leave"
My dog stood up on his hind legs and stuck his face in the driver's window, and the driver was visibly and audibly disturbed.

They mumbled in Wogastani to each other and drove away. I have no doubt if my dog wasn't there, the 3 of them would have exited the van and I would have had to give them a martial arts lesson.

This Islamic prayer centre is called Al Rizila (sp?) and has quite a history in recent years for it's members having Jihadist involvement and association, yet it remains on Australian soil.
FMD..... :WTF
I would rather die than sell my heart and soul to an online forum Anti Christ like you Monk

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