Biography of the Glorious Julia

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Jovial Monk

Biography of the Glorious Julia

Post by Jovial Monk » Mon Oct 12, 2009 11:39 am

Am about 1/2 the way through:

Jacqueline Kent "The Making of Julia Gillard" Penguin Books

Fascinating reading. The Fibs were right to be scared of her before the last election and they should still be scared of her and her formiddable intellect and appetite for hard work. Just getting into Parliament wasn't easy, with Lindsay Tanner and Kim Carr of her Left faction against her. Then she gets tasked with formulating Labor's immigration policy in the aftermath of the Tampa and the racism and xenophobia whipped up by the contemptible little man then the PM.

Julia is a mediator and network builder, all the way from her work in the student union, and these networks are one of her strengths.

If you want to know more of the Glorious Julia, who will be the first female PM, grab the book! It is fairly easy reading, not some great tome full of 8 point type and 6 point footnotes :)

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