Tony Abbott

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Tony Abbott

Post by mantra » Sat Jun 06, 2015 8:55 am

Abbott is improving in popularity. Is this because he's appealing to the basic instincts of many people? He's stopped the boats, but at what cost? The smugglers have just changed destination and refugees are still drowning. We've sent people to Nauru and Manus where they don't have access to the Courts - and that's a cost saving, but in the meantime children in detention are being violently abused. Will they become a burden on the taxpayer in the future? Will they sue us because we're ignoring the official warnings of these violations? It's costing us more to reject asylum seekers than it is to accept them.

Since Abbott's been in power - unemployment has increased and wages are being dramatically reduced. Our trade deficit is the worst it's ever been and if this continues we'll get into even more debt. Banks have gone back to lending without security and this is also trouble. We haven't learnt anything much from the GFC.

Austerity is ahead of us and it could become a positive, but it might take some time to turn around. I don't mind austerity because it makes us more resourceful and less wasteful, but there are many people who are incapable of adapting and will demand their "entitlements" at the expense of others.

We're in for a hard time under the current government, but perhaps we need it? Too many people have lived beyond their means for too long and when they go bust, the rest of us have to pay for it - this also includes businesses - national and foreign.

5.56 NATO
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Re: Tony Abbott

Post by 5.56 NATO » Sat Jun 06, 2015 11:47 am

Shorten and plibersek will fix it , Abbott is a facist and will be removed soon. Gillian Triggs would be far better at immigration than Morrison ever was because she understands the asylum seeker issue on a much higher level. She is a professor and loving caring parent herself.
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Re: Tony Abbott

Post by Rorschach » Sat Jun 06, 2015 1:12 pm

mantra wrote:Abbott is improving in popularity. Goodo, can't see why, the prog left will always hate him anyway.

Is this because he's appealing to the basic instincts of many people?

He's stopped the boats, but at what cost?
The cost of keeping these morons in detention. Other than that pretty much a freebie.

The smugglers have just changed destination and refugees are still drowning.
Nope, they just are not coming here. The ones in the med always go to Europe, they don't travel to Indonesia stay there a few years then go back to Africa to cross the Med.

We've sent people to Nauru and Manus where they don't have access to the Courts - and that's a cost saving, but in the meantime children in detention are being violently abused.
Are they? Really? By their fellow detainees eh... How many cases, how many actual real cases?

Will they become a burden on the taxpayer in the future?
They are a burden now. They should be a burden in their own country, not ours.

Will they sue us because we're ignoring the official warnings of these violations? It's costing us more to reject asylum seekers than it is to accept them.
Bullshit mantra... if the prog left would bugger off, then the problem would completely resolve very quickly. Most accepted asylum seekers are still unemployed and on all sorts of welfare 5 years after we accept them. most of them came and were accepted by the Labor/Green government.

Since Abbott's been in power - unemployment has increased was always going to happen and wages are being dramatically reduced. Really, there was just an increase to the minimum wage.

Our trade deficit is the worst it's ever been nope... and if this continues we'll get into even more debt. yes as long as we keep propping up the policies from the last government and as long as this one promises more

Banks have gone back to lending without security and this is also trouble. We haven't learnt anything much from the GFC.

Austerity is ahead of us and it could become a positive, but it might take some time to turn around. I don't mind austerity because it makes us more resourceful and less wasteful, but there are many people who are incapable of adapting and will demand their "entitlements" at the expense of others.

We're in for a hard time under the current government, but perhaps we need it?
Sooner or later some government must bite the bullet mantra... labor/Green governments have showed they don't have the stomach for it and want to keep power at all costs...

Too many people have lived beyond their means for too long and when they go bust, the rest of us have to pay for it - this also includes businesses - national and foreign.
care to name some?
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: Tony Abbott

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Sat Jun 06, 2015 3:44 pm

mantra wrote:Abbott is improving in popularity. Is this because he's appealing to the basic instincts of many people? He's stopped the boats, but at what cost? The smugglers have just changed destination and refugees are still drowning. We've sent people to Nauru and Manus where they don't have access to the Courts - and that's a cost saving, but in the meantime children in detention are being violently abused. Will they become a burden on the taxpayer in the future? Will they sue us because we're ignoring the official warnings of these violations? It's costing us more to reject asylum seekers than it is to accept them.
What endears me to Tony Abbott is he's willing to admit mistakes and learn from them.
I'd much prefer that than the self assured arrogance of Paul Keating or John Howard.
Howard's biggest blunder was "Children overboard" because it empowered the pro asylum bleeding hearts who advocate bleeding us dry.

The boat people are lucky I'm not dictator, because I'd machine gun their boats along the waterline and send the video back to the place of origin.
The Thais had the right idea, extort and enslave them.

Any child being abused in detention is being done by the very low lifes we're sick of coming here, trashing our living standards/quality of life and inciting social unrest/disunity. And it is the fault of said childrens' parents for putting them at risk in the first place.

I very much doubt rejecting queue jumping asylum seekers on boats is costing more than accepting genuine refugees in camps throughout SE Asia who do the hard yards via legitimate means and don't dispose of their proof of ID.

I was incorrect in blaming Gough Whitlam's Minister for Immigration Al Grasby for importing Lebanese muslims, and you were correct in blaming Malcolm Fraser.
Maronite and Orthodox Lebanese Christains lobbied Fraser to allow more Lebanese Christians into OZ, but they didn't qualify as refugees. So Fraser created the 'Lebanese Concession'. The Christian Lebanese were'nt particularly interested in coming to OZ, but the Muslims (Shi'ite in North & Sunni in South) saw their opportunity to bludge off a welfare state, so 4000 came in less than 12 months. Fraser realised the blunder and cancelled the Lebanese concession. But it was too late, within a few years they'd bred to 7000, and for ever 1 that came in on the Lebanese Concession we got 3 more via family reunion.

These Lebo muslims came here as refugees (because Lebanon had a civil war - lasted 27 years) and have made nothing but a menace of themselves ever since. Adding the Doner Kebab to out palate just hasn't been worth the dramas.

Take Lindt Cafe siege gunman Man Haron Monis for example. He came here as an asylum seeker. Within 3 weeks of gaining permanent residency he chained himself to the gates of NSW Parliament House and demanded his family be brought here. He sexually assaulted at least half a dozen spriritual seeking dingbats, ran a number of scams and eventually brought Sydney to a stand still with a sawn off 12 guage.

IS has bragged about sneaking 4000 Jihadis into Europe via the exodus from North Africa, so what's stopping them or any other like mined group doing exactly the same here from who knows where?
Stopping the boats, that's what.

mantra wrote:Since Abbott's been in power - unemployment has increased and wages are being dramatically reduced. Our trade deficit is the worst it's ever been and if this continues we'll get into even more debt. Banks have gone back to lending without security and this is also trouble. We haven't learnt anything much from the GFC.
Higher unemployment was inevitable with the end of the mining boom. Imagine how much worse it'd be if we had to compete with a never ending flow of refugees.
Wages are never reduced, they are always increased, because we have pro inflationary policies. Which I disagree with because it continually increases living costs.
This is one area I dislike about Lib party policies in general. Pro inflationary policies only benefits property speculators. America went bust (GFC) because of ridiculous property value inflation.
My father, the capitalist son of a communist has done rather well out of property speculating.
He's got factories and warehouses all over the place. He's moved into residential and rural properties as well, and has recently just bought another farm. But none of that means shit if no-one can afford to buy when times get tough.

I agree that we've learnt nothing from the GFC, but I don't think the GFC is really over or was an accident in the first place (I predicted it in 2005 - just took longer than I thought). All that really happened was govts nationalised corporate debt and the culprits siphoned off what was left over and got bonuses to boot. Meaning the taxpayer footed the bill for corporate cowboy welfare.

Personally I do well when the economy goes to shit. I make more money and can get more for it. Partly because I'll do things many others won't or think is beneath them, and can buy on the cheap from the desperate in debt.

So here's my next prediction: The corporate sector will soon crash.
How do I know? ... Because the corporate sector has succumbed to Affirmative Action.
Which is in part a ploy in itself.

Y'see the corporate paradigm is about continual expansion. They call it "growth", when in fact except for agriculture they grow nothing. All they do is gobble up productive enterprises, cut costs by reducing quality, cutting corners, laying off skilled staff ect, then sell it and move on like vultures.

Anyway, they're running out of enough victims to prey on because the investor class has wised up to private equity. But there's a heap of divorced women who've swindled their former husbands in the family court and have money they don't know what to do with or how to handle it. So the corporate sector is now appointing women with no experience as board directors, not because they're competent or good at what they do, but solely because they're women. The fact these incompetent new directors will make poor decisions is immaterial to those after the funds, because they can just sell the company or their shares in it.
And the result will be a heap of women who've swindled their ex husband will get swindled by their public company CEOs. Which is poetic justice in a way.
mantra wrote:Austerity is ahead of us and it could become a positive, but it might take some time to turn around. I don't mind austerity because it makes us more resourceful and less wasteful, but there are many people who are incapable of adapting and will demand their "entitlements" at the expense of others.
I agree, and say "Good!". They deserve to suffer. I will prey on them and piss on their entitlements.
mantra wrote:We're in for a hard time under the current government, but perhaps we need it? Too many people have lived beyond their means for too long and when they go bust, the rest of us have to pay for it - this also includes businesses - national and foreign.
Hooray for doom and gloom, I thrive on adversity. :mrgreen:
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: Tony Abbott

Post by mantra » Mon Jun 15, 2015 6:44 am

Outlaw Yogi wrote:What endears me to Tony Abbott is he's willing to admit mistakes and learn from them.
That is true, although how long will the public be tolerant of someone who makes so many mistakes? This assumption we are paying off the people smugglers to turn the boats around is becoming interesting. Abbott is being deliberately non-committal. Will he have to explain himself before an Auditor General's enquiry?

It's always seemed obvious that the smugglers would have to be bribed in one form or another.
The Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has written to the Auditor General asking him to investigate claims that taxpayer money has been used by the Abbott government to fund criminal activities, by paying people smugglers to return asylum seekers to Indonesia.

On Sunday, Prime Minister Tony Abbott repeatedly dodged new questions about whether Australian officials paid people smugglers thousands of dollars to return 65 asylum seekers to Indonesia, only saying that his government was "prepared to do what is necessary to keep the boats stopped".

The government is facing increased pressure to explain the allegations from Labor, the United Nations High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Organisation of Migration (IOM). ... hnosu.html

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Re: Tony Abbott

Post by 762NATO » Mon Jun 15, 2015 9:56 am

The only people that think he is making mistakes are the international and domestic leftist shit beetles ...and that dont matter a fukkin rats arse.

J o h n S m i t h
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Re: Tony Abbott

Post by J o h n S m i t h » Tue Jun 16, 2015 4:09 pm

Outlaw Yogi wrote:
mantra wrote: What endears me to Tony Abbott is he's willing to admit mistakes and learn from them.
Admit he makes mistakes and learns from them? :giggle :giggle :giggle :giggle :giggle

is that what you call back flipping and capitulating these days?

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Re: Tony Abbott

Post by mantra » Tue Jun 16, 2015 4:18 pm

whatever wrote:
Outlaw Yogi wrote:
mantra wrote: What endears me to Tony Abbott is he's willing to admit mistakes and learn from them.
Admit he makes mistakes and learns from them? :giggle :giggle :giggle :giggle :giggle

is that what you call back flipping and capitulating these days?
I didn't actually say that - Outlaw Yogi did. I should have been more specific when I responded. He has at least admitted to some of his mistakes - a rare occurrence from a politician. I'm not endeared to him yet though.

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Re: Tony Abbott

Post by J o h n S m i t h » Tue Jun 16, 2015 4:21 pm

mantra wrote:
whatever wrote:
Outlaw Yogi wrote:
mantra wrote: What endears me to Tony Abbott is he's willing to admit mistakes and learn from them.
Admit he makes mistakes and learns from them? :giggle :giggle :giggle :giggle :giggle

is that what you call back flipping and capitulating these days?
I didn't actually say that - Outlaw Yogi did. I should have been more specific when I responded. He has at least admitted to some of his mistakes - a rare occurrence from a politician. I'm not endeared to him yet though.
sorry .... first time posting on pol animal and still getting used to the quote feature

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Re: Tony Abbott

Post by mantra » Tue Jun 16, 2015 4:25 pm

No problem. Welcome to PA.

Abbott is far from perfect, but he's not as dishonest as I thought he would be.

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