We’ll discover alien life in next decade,

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We’ll discover alien life in next decade,

Post by Super Nova » Thu Apr 09, 2015 3:55 pm

This will need to change our view of some ancient views of our place in the universe.

Now what will religion have to say about this when it happens.

We’ll discover alien life in next decade, predict Nasa scientists


Nasa is less than a decade away from discovering crucial signs that we are not alone in the universe, the space agency’s top officials said.

“Giant leaps” in space exploration and new missions under development have placed humanity on the brink of proving that alien life exists elsewhere in our solar system and beyond. However, they added that the chances were that the only life we would be able to detect in the near future would be microbial rather than little green men.

“I think we’re going to have strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade and I think we’re going to have definitive evidence within 20 to 30 years,” said Ellen Stofan, Nasa’s chief scientist. “We know where to look. We know how to look. We’re definitely on the road.”

The forecast came as part of a panel discussion, Our Solar System and Beyond: Nasa’s Search for Water and Habitable Planets, at Nasa’s Washington headquarters. Nasa’s continuing Kepler mission has already shown that the Milky Way galaxy is probably home to billions of Earth-like planets where conditions are ripe for liquid water, and potentially life, to exist.

Yesterday, astronomers working at an observatory in the Atacama desert, Chile, said they had discovered another crucial prerequisite for alien life.

By looking at the spectrum of light coming from a star system 455 light years away, they identified the presence of complex organic molecules in a disc of comets and small rocky planets orbiting the star. Considered the building blocks of life, this is the first time that such molecules have been spotted outside our own star system.

It is believed that bombardments from comets landing on Earth seeded our planet with the molecules that would later form amino acids, proteins and, eventually, life.

http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/science/a ... 405554.ece
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Re: We’ll discover alien life in next decade,

Post by Neferti » Fri Apr 10, 2015 4:36 pm

:rofl :rofl :rofl

"They" have been saying this since forever ... or maybe since Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, Aldous Huxley, Arthur C Clarke et al wrote their first book.

1. There are no aliens in outer space.
2. There is no Heaven.
3. There is no Hell.

Sorry. ;)

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Re: We’ll discover alien life in next decade,

Post by Super Nova » Fri Apr 10, 2015 6:45 pm

1. There are no aliens in outer space. - I do not believe this. There has to be.
2. There is no Heaven. - I believe this
3. There is no Hell. - I believe that
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Re: We’ll discover alien life in next decade,

Post by skippy » Fri Apr 10, 2015 6:54 pm

Super Nova wrote:1. There are no aliens in outer space. - I do not believe this. There has to be.
2. There is no Heaven. - I believe this
3. There is no Hell. - I believe that
I believe given there are thousands of other planets I believe alien life is probable. More likely than heaven and hell. But I'm not sure about intelligent life.

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Re: We’ll discover alien life in next decade,

Post by IQS.RLOW » Fri Apr 10, 2015 10:30 pm

I reckon there is more chance of intelligent life on other planets and more chance of a heaven and hell than there is of intelligent life in QLD and NSW considering the way those fuckwits have been voting.

Seriously, the rest of the country thinks these two states are a laughing stock, although QLD has always had that gold medal of wacked out fuckwittedness after giving us Joh, Rudd, Swan, Hinze and the plethora of snouts in the trough criminals.

When it comes to protecting the federation, I think most people would have no problems in cutting QLD loose and ejecting them from it.
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Re: We’ll discover alien life in next decade,

Post by Rorschach » Sat Apr 11, 2015 10:45 am

Where in the Bible or what Religions say there is no life elsewhere in the Universe SN?
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Re: We’ll discover alien life in next decade,

Post by Super Nova » Sun Apr 12, 2015 2:41 pm

Rorschach wrote:Where in the Bible or what Religions say there is no life elsewhere in the Universe SN?
If you consider angels, demons, devil, god, giants ...etc out of this world and alien then I guess they are referred to.

There is little double that once we find intelligent alien life it will throw religion into chaos in my mind. Do you think differently?
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Re: We’ll discover alien life in next decade,

Post by boxy » Sun Apr 12, 2015 8:34 pm

Mundane alien life is almost certainly going to be found somewhere else in the universe... it's just a matter of time. Intelligent life, however, may be a much harder nut to crack. You'd expect to see evidence already, if it was out there, and their knowledge of and influence on the universe continued to increase over time.
The Great Filter, in the context of the Fermi paradox, is whatever prevents "dead matter" from giving rise, in time, to "expanding lasting life". The concept originates in Robin Hanson's argument that the failure to find any extraterrestrial civilizations in the observable universe implies the possibility something is wrong with one or more of the arguments from various scientific disciplines that the appearance of advanced intelligent life is probable; this observation is conceptualized in terms of a "Great Filter" which acts to reduce the great number of sites where intelligent life might arise to the tiny number of intelligent species actually observed (currently just one: human). This probability threshold, which could lie behind us (in our past) or in front of us (in our future), might work as a barrier to the evolution of intelligent life, or as a high probability of self-destruction. The main counter-intuitive conclusion of this observation is that the easier it was for life to evolve to our stage, the bleaker our future chances probably are.
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Re: We’ll discover alien life in next decade,

Post by Super Nova » Sun Apr 12, 2015 9:13 pm

boxy wrote:Mundane alien life is almost certainly going to be found somewhere else in the universe... it's just a matter of time. Intelligent life, however, may be a much harder nut to crack. You'd expect to see evidence already, if it was out there, and their knowledge of and influence on the universe continued to increase over time.
The Great Filter, in the context of the Fermi paradox, is whatever prevents "dead matter" from giving rise, in time, to "expanding lasting life". The concept originates in Robin Hanson's argument that the failure to find any extraterrestrial civilizations in the observable universe implies the possibility something is wrong with one or more of the arguments from various scientific disciplines that the appearance of advanced intelligent life is probable; this observation is conceptualized in terms of a "Great Filter" which acts to reduce the great number of sites where intelligent life might arise to the tiny number of intelligent species actually observed (currently just one: human). This probability threshold, which could lie behind us (in our past) or in front of us (in our future), might work as a barrier to the evolution of intelligent life, or as a high probability of self-destruction. The main counter-intuitive conclusion of this observation is that the easier it was for life to evolve to our stage, the bleaker our future chances probably are.
I like that conclusion, "The main counter-intuitive conclusion of this observation is that the easier it was for life to evolve to our stage, the bleaker our future chances probably are".

I do think that reaching our level of advancement to send radio signals into space is probably a lower probability than the "Drakes Equation" value normally applied.


There is no reason why an organism needs to evolve to our level to survive unless, like us they are at continual war with each other like we have been. It really was our on going struggle with ourselves for resources and power that drove our innovations to the point we made some discoveries of the natural world for military advantage.

Look at Radar for example... that led to TV.

It took us 100,000 years to get to where we are, without a major wipeout to cover the planet and 100,000 years of fighting each other.
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Re: We’ll discover alien life in next decade,

Post by miketrees » Tue May 19, 2015 6:57 pm

I think we pretty much have already found life from other planets.

I believe in the panspermia theory, that Earth became seeded from microbes in space.

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