Campbells LNP criminal talents

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DaS Energy

Campbells LNP criminal talents

Post by DaS Energy » Wed Apr 09, 2014 5:22 pm

Campbell Newman correctly worked out the Magistrates Court is avoided by employing dishonest person for deceit to bring Police punishment against those not paying to stop Police punishing them.

Police will stop dealing out the punishment when money is paid over to anonymous employee of Can Do Campbell's Government.

Campbell Newman can’t run this extortion game without some high level personnel backing.

Campbell Newman can’t deny this extortion game without the records going public, hence no denial from Campbell Newman.

Campbell Newman and his dishonest crew know the writings on the wall, they tried their stunt on one who wont bend over for the likes of them!

DaS Energy

Re: Campbells LNP criminal talents

Post by DaS Energy » Sat Apr 12, 2014 12:18 pm

Public. Facebook.
Criminal extortion ring consists of Treasury Registrar Helen Cooten in hand with head of Treasury Helen Gluer and Director General Main Roads Neil Scales and Commissioner for Elections Walter van de Merwe.
To achieve their criminal activity reliance is had Attorney General Jarrod Bleijie to personally prohibit the Courts from hearing the criminal charges laid against them.
Both rely upon Queensland Premier Campbell Newman’s blind eye to practice of his Government.
Newman, Beattie and Joh, had Criminal Ministers engaged and barracked for.
Bligh was the only Premier not infested with Ministers and Public Servants using their position for criminal activity.

DaS Energy

Re: Campbells LNP criminal talents

Post by DaS Energy » Sat Apr 12, 2014 1:58 pm

Can do Campbell Government’s 2012 declaration to the Federal Government, SPER is a privately owned business of BigFoot Shoes in Cairns!
Can do Campbell Government’s 2012 declaration to the People of Queensland, SPER is owned by Bigfoot Shoes in Cairns, itself owned by Queensland Treasury.
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Can do Campbell Government’s 2012 declaration to the Federal Government, QLD Road tolling business is a non-Government Entity!
Can do Campbell Government’s 2012 declaration to the People of Queensland, QLD Road tolling business is owned by the QLD Investment Corporation!
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Post two QCAT hearings 2013, hearing privately owned businesses road toll demands and collection by using threat of punishment by Police and Courts if money not handed over!
Can do Campbell Government’s 2013 declarations to the Federal Government, QLD road tolling business is a non- Government entity!
Can do Campbell Government’s 2013 declaration to the People of Queensland, QLD road tolling business is the Department of Main Roads!
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Can do Campbell Government’s 2013 declaration to the Federal Government, has changed SPER is now owned by QLD Attorney General!
Can do Campbell Government’s 2013 declaration to the People of Queensland, has changed SPER is now the Government Department Treasury!
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Reasons for Can do Campbell Government’s continuum of deceit to the people of Queensland, and to the Federal Government is not yet laid out in any record.

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