http://www.theaustralian.com.au/nationa ... 6701847777
And as for Labor making it a central theme in their campaign .... I doubt it, because a majority of Australians were thinking the exact same thing and really do wish Kevin Rudd would STFU.
Rudd's a grandstander and a control freak who gets-off on the sound of his own voice and wont let anyone get a word in edgeways.
Rudd had to be told several times to stop speaking (aka shut-up) by the ABC moderator at the first debate between Rudd and Abbott when again, the audience laughed in agreeance because Rudd just kept going despite being told to stop as it wasn’t his turn to speak.
This time, Tony had had a gut full, and beat the Mod to it.
If anything, Tony should start printing off some "STFU Rudd" Tshirts for his campaign.
I'd buy one, and others would too I’m sure.
Especially Rudds ministers and staffers, because like the rest of us, they want him to STFU too because every time self-pontificating Kev opens his mouth, Labor lose another seat.

Note how biased the ABC were on the subject... Some laughed did they?
Just some?
Just a few even?
How about noone?
That sound better?
Reality checkpoint. Most laughed, while the rest clapped.

http://www.abc.net.au/lateline/content/ ... 831053.htm
Note how the ABC omitted the "Shut-up" factor from their video clip.... selective editing all the rage...