This is the sort of shit you get from a Labor govt

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This is the sort of shit you get from a Labor govt

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun Aug 11, 2013 5:53 pm

Is it any wonder the country is going broke when the spend money on shit like this. :roll:
AUSSIE workers have been urged to soften their strine and avoid traditional slang, in a Federal Government push to make workplaces more migrant friendly.

Bosses should stop calling migrants “ethnic” because it might be discriminatory – and instead use the politically correct term “CALD”, or Culturally and Linguistically Diverse.

Casual swearing should also be avoided, as it may appear provocative or aggressive.

Despite Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s penchant for obscure Aussie colloquialisms, the Immigration Department is frowning upon strine and slang in the workplace, in a new guide for employers.

Business groups have criticised the advice, one policy analyst dismissing it as political correctness “writ large” that would achieve nothing.

The official document warns the Australian accent can baffle even English-speaking migrants, and tells bosses and workmates to speak slowly, clearly and simply.

“Remember some people, including native English speakers … may have trouble understanding the Australian accent,” the guide says.

“Keep in mind common Australian expressions may be misunderstood, for example, ‘bring a plate’, ‘this machine is cactus’ and ‘he really spat the dummy that time’.

“For some people, casual swearing may also be seen as aggressive or provocative and new employees may not be sure how to respond.

“If it appears your new employee is baffled by the sense of humour and the jokes of your other employees, have someone help them out.”

The guide is accompanied by taxpayer-funded fact sheets on “Harmony in the Workplace”, prepared by the Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils of Australia.

Despite using “ethnic” in its own title, FECCA says the word is “an illogical term with negative and potentially discriminatory connotations” when used to describe individuals.

It says migrants should not be referred to as “ethnic”, but as Culturally and Linguistically Diverse or CALD.

“Referring to someone as an ‘ethnic’ is not acceptable, given its assumptions and stereotypes, and connotations between the term and other racial slurs such as ‘wog’, ‘chink’ and other discriminatory labels,” its fact sheet states.

Centre for Independent Studies policy analyst Alexander Philipatos, who has a Greek background, said the guide appeared to be a well-intentioned waste of money.

“My initial reaction is it is political correctness writ large,” he said.

“I think it’s well intentioned, but personally I don’t think it’s going to do anything and is probably a bit of a waste of money.”

FECCA president Pino Migliorino questioned the Prime Minister’s use of obscure slang, such as “fair shake of the sauce bottle”.

“I think the Prime Minister is very interesting in his use of slang,” he said. “It doesn’t make it right.”

Mr Migliorino said the guide was “not trying to be politically correct, but to give a sense of what’s meaningful”.

The Harmony in the Workplace guide says Australian culture can seem “alien” to migrants – including “Edna Everidge, pavlova, fish and chips, Australian Rules football, the summer barbecue and drinks after work”.

It tells bosses that migrants are “entitled to wear religious dress at work unless it creates a safety hazard”.

“If items of clothing cover the face you can ask an employee to show their face for reasonable identification purposes,” it states.

ACCI director of employment Jenny Lambert said bosses were entitled to set dress standards and make staff wear uniforms.

“There is no doubt employees can have uniform codes, although many workers may also wear a turban if the employer says it’s OK,” she said.

The Harmony in the Workplace guide also explains that some migrant workers will need time off work for prayer.

“Some cultures prioritise family commitments that may, at times, conflict with work commitments,” it says.

Australian Industry Group spokesman Mark Goodsell said employers had to juggle giving special treatment to some workers while being fair to everyone.

“All cultures will say they prioritise family commitments, people with young families prioritise kids,” he said.

“At what point does recognising an individual’s needs create problems with the workers you’re not recognising?”

Australian Retailers Association executive director Russell Zimmerman said employees who asked for time off for non-Christian religious festivals should not be paid penalty rates for working through Easter or Christmas.

“There’s got to be give and take,” he said.

Mr Zimmerman said retailers had the right to insist on a certain “look” or dress code from shop assistants, so long as the clothing was provided free.

Brisbane businessman David Goodwin, who chairs the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry productivity board, said workers would “struggle to get jobs” if they did not try to fit into a workplace.

“You can’t run your business accommodating every single staff member’s specific needs,” he said.

Multicultural Affairs Minister Kate Lundy launched the “harmony” guide and fact sheets last week.

One in four Australian workers was born overseas, and 17 per cent hail from non-English speaking countries.


Sickie – day off sick

Bludger – lazy person

Flat out – busy

Offsider – assistant

Stoked – pleased

Stuffed – tired

Compo – compensation

Smoko – coffee break

Hard yakka – hard work

Arvo – afternoon

Cuppa – a cup of tea or coffee

She’ll be right – it will be OK

You bewdy – excellent

Cactus – broken

Fair dinkum – true

Spit the dummy – get upset

Give it a burl – try it

Knock – criticise

Bring a plate – of food to share

Mate’s rate – discount for friends

No worries – everything’s OK

Tee up – set up an appointment
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Re: This is the sort of shit you get from a Labor govt

Post by Rorschach » Sun Aug 11, 2013 6:29 pm

yes that has already been posted in the Integration not Multiculti topic...


it's worth repeating

it is not only a waste of money it is an insult to Australians and their culture.
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Re: This is the sort of shit you get from a Labor govt

Post by mellie » Mon Aug 12, 2013 8:41 am

This is unbelievable, ... no, actually, it's not, given the Immigration Department itself is filled with left-wing multicults and FOBS.



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