ABC Vote Compass

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ABC Vote Compass

Post by Rorschach » Mon Aug 05, 2013 12:24 pm

Vote Compass.." onclick=";return false;

anyone done it yet?
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Re: ABC Vote Compass

Post by Neferti » Mon Aug 05, 2013 1:27 pm

Yes, I did it. Didn't keep a copy of the results but they were the same as I usually end up when I do that sort of thing. Slightly right of centre and a little left of the Liberals but nowhere near the ALP and definitely not near the loonie Greens. :mrgreen:

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Re: ABC Vote Compass

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Aug 05, 2013 1:27 pm

Tried to but it froze on the last page. Can't be bothered starting again.


Re: ABC Vote Compass

Post by kevin457 » Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:01 pm

I did it and think it's geared towards enticing people to believe they are more in-line with the ABC's (gov's) preferred party's values, than they might have thought.


My results were as follows...


Just because I think Universities should be funded a little bit more by our federal government should not mean I am 21% in-line with the Greens and their policies.

I also think compulsory student unionism and it's associated fees should be scrapped, and the federal government to pay the difference, so student unions cant argue they provided students with specific services the Liberal government wont.

The part where we had to slide the bar across to indicate how important certain issues were to us, ie, Education and Climate change was ruddiculous .... Climate change is important to me sure, but not for the reasons this survey seemingly interpreted. Climate change is important to me because I believe it's based on pseudo science.

Their take home message to those among us who loath Labor and the Greens is simple.....

"We're not so different, you and I."


Take another look...


My results suggest that I should perhaps consider voting for a Labor-Green alliance, as I am more in tune with their policies and values combined than I may have thought, the difference only being 2 points... because according to them, I have much in common with both.

GALP 63%
LNP 65%

Roach, the ABC vote Compass is just some of what we can expect being used to try and win back Green and Labor votes.
They want the public to re-think their current position because the polls suggest they are screwed.

Their theory is, if people truly think they have more in common with Greens and Labor combined than they might have thought, they may consider voting for them if they think they have less in common with Liberals.

I wonder who developed the ABC's Vote Compass survey?


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Re: ABC Vote Compass

Post by Rorschach » Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:11 pm

My results suggest that I should perhaps consider voting for a Labor-Green alliance, as I am more in tune with their policies and values combined , than I may have thought, the difference only being 2 points... Liberals, because according to them, I have much in common with both.
No mel, interesting thought but that is not how it works or how to use it. Those percentages add up to more than 100%.
only the greatest percentage identifies the party you have most in common with.

As for the rest, yes, the compass has a few dodgy questions where you can interpret it one way or another and the choice of answers is poor on others so I am thinking the result will not be accurate and might just end up being skewed slightly depending on those answers.
I wonder who developed the ABC's Vote Compass survey?
the abc and 2 unis... see the bottom of the quiz.
Last edited by Rorschach on Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ABC Vote Compass

Post by Neferti » Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:12 pm

I hope that Tony Abbott privatises "our" ABC, I really do. I haven't watched any of their News or "political" programs for a very long time, they are all so biased. I used to think Kerry O'Brien was so left that it was a wonder he didn't fall off his chair, but they are ALL the same. Just watching ABC24 yesterday was a pain, I put it on CC so I didn't have to actually listen to them. They seemed "so excited" to see Kevvi, it would make you puke. Honestly!

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Re: ABC Vote Compass

Post by Neferti » Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:14 pm

Actually, if I recall, my Liberal Party percentage was 68%, I think. Can't remember the others though.

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Re: ABC Vote Compass

Post by Rorschach » Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:16 pm

Oh and I think you'll also find that this quiz is geared toward this election specifically and is not an indication of your personal politics as much as it is on how you will vote at the election. (At this point in time)
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD


Re: ABC Vote Compass

Post by kevin457 » Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:25 pm

Rorschach wrote:
My results suggest that I should perhaps consider voting for a Labor-Green alliance, as I am more in tune with their policies and values combined , than I may have thought, the difference only being 2 points... Liberals, because according to them, I have much in common with both.
No mel, interesting thought but that is not how it works or how to use it. Those percentages add up to more than 100%.
only the greatest percentage identifies the party you have most in common with.

As for the rest, yes, the compass has a few dodgy questions where you can interpret it one way or another and the choice of answers is poor on others so I am thinking the result will not be accurate and might just end up being skewed slightly depending on those answers.
I wonder who developed the ABC's Vote Compass survey?
the abc and 2 unis... see the bottom of the quiz.

Garbage Roach, you have been sucked in again. That or you know fine well what it is.

Furthermore, they would love to gain the twitter accounts and email addresses of those who they think they stand a chance of persuading . 8-)

A social-network campaign target list, is what’s being generated from that survey.

Lol, you gave them your email addy and Twitter account didn’t you Roach. :rofl


Re: ABC Vote Compass

Post by kevin457 » Mon Aug 05, 2013 2:28 pm

Neferti~ wrote:I hope that Tony Abbott privatises "our" ABC, I really do. I haven't watched any of their News or "political" programs for a very long time, they are all so biased. I used to think Kerry O'Brien was so left that it was a wonder he didn't fall off his chair, but they are ALL the same. Just watching ABC24 yesterday was a pain, I put it on CC so I didn't have to actually listen to them. They seemed "so excited" to see Kevvi, it would make you puke. Honestly!
Agreed, it definitely needs to be privatised, it's become Network Kevin.

The ABC's board is filled with cherry-picked GALP drones.

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