No-one who arrives by boat will get to come to Australia.

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No-one who arrives by boat will get to come to Australia.

Post by IQS.RLOW » Mon Jul 22, 2013 11:02 pm

Some dikhead wrote: No-one who arrives by boat will get to come to Australia as a refugee.
This is a quote from some dickhead who swallows labor filth like starving baby on a tit.
The Manus MP has already said just tonight that they won't be resettling refugees. If PNG aren't going to settle them (and these will be genuine refugees) where does dickhead think they will end up? Some unknown 3rd country that is prepared to accept them but hasn't put up their hand yet?

It's time to face facts and realise that this non-binding, non-legal 'arrangement' will fall over quicker than Kev Kardashian in high heels, either by legal challenge (we all know how legally 'watertight' Malaysia was, don't we :roll: ) or by PNG pulling out when and how they want for any reason. Not to mention Manus at the moment with the 4 boats in two days is over capacity even in the squalor that's available now.

It's about time these sucklers on the labor tit weaned themselves off. A grown man shouldn't be making a fool of himself because he is a cheerleader for another fool.
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Re: No-one who arrives by boat will get to come to Australia

Post by Rorschach » Tue Jul 23, 2013 10:30 am

Well the Arrangement details and the understanding of them don't seem to be available for public scrutiny and I doubt a local PNG MP would have a good grasp of it or be able to over-ride a deal signed by the PM.

However PNG politics can be very brittle and public opinion (upheaval) can be easily swayed.

I have been concerned for the people since the Arrangement was signed... I am thinking so far that the PNG government see this as a way to get money and infrastructure from the Australian government. (I have no real problem with that considering our historical ties). But as each day goes by the gap between what Kevin said the Arrangement will do and what New Guineans think it will do is getting wider and wider.
Mind you we all know what a liar kevin is.

'bout time this was cleared up.
Last edited by Rorschach on Tue Jul 23, 2013 11:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: No-one who arrives by boat will get to come to Australia

Post by mellie » Tue Jul 23, 2013 10:36 am

I'm sure all will be revealed in the days following August 31.


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Re: No-one who arrives by boat will get to come to Australia

Post by Rorschach » Tue Jul 23, 2013 10:49 am

Tony Abbott said:

"On Friday night, Mr Rudd said that everyone who came illegally by boat to Australia would go to PNG and that no one who went to PNG would ever be resettled in Australia. Now that we have seen the arrangement entered into between Australia and PNG, it’s clear that neither of Mr Rudd’s assertions are actually borne out by the document.

"The document does not say that everyone who comes to Australia will go to PNG. The document does not say that no one who goes to PNG will ever come to Australia. It simply doesn't say that."

Scott Morrison said:

"This arrangement does not provide that compulsion on Papua New Guinea that would require them to resettle every single person in Papua New Guinea. It just simply isn't there. This is Mr Rudd's promise. This is Rudd's talk. It's his assertion that he's asking the Australian people to take at face value."
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Re: No-one who arrives by boat will get to come to Australia

Post by IQS.RLOW » Tue Jul 23, 2013 12:08 pm

Its going to be a funny as fuck when the first transferred refugees turn up in QLD claiming asylum because of persecution in PNG.

The ALP has just opened another route for Achmeds business, effectively doubling his income source. :roll:
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Re: No-one who arrives by boat will get to come to Australia

Post by Rorschach » Tue Jul 23, 2013 12:23 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:Its going to be a funny as fuck when the first transferred refugees turn up in QLD claiming asylum because of persecution in PNG.

The ALP has just opened another route for Achmeds business, effectively doubling his income source. :roll:
Yes I'm betting some will think a quick trip in a tinny... but to do so will mean they were recognised as refugees and released or resettled into the community and identified.

Having been identified... easy to return.
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Re: No-one who arrives by boat will get to come to Australia

Post by Rorschach » Tue Jul 23, 2013 1:37 pm

Don't let political opportunism hide an idea that may work
July 23, 2013
Mark Kenny
Chief political correspondent

By aggressively talking down Kevin Rudd's new asylum seeker package, Tony Abbott is in danger of putting personal political interests ahead of the national interest and even ahead of the stated objectives of his own policy. It is that bizarre.

Abbott's frustration is understandable. Faced with a late policy shift that might do the very thing he's been demanding, which is stop the boats, he is flummoxed, claiming the new policy is already ''unravelling before our very eyes''.

''It is not legally binding and it doesn't say what Mr Rudd says it said. It doesn't say that everyone who comes to Australia illegally by boat will go to PNG and it doesn't say that no one who goes to PNG will ever come to Australia,'' he said.

Rudd, who said the policy was absolute and was not contradicted by PNG Prime Minister Peter O'Neill at their joint press conference on Friday, was scathing.

''It is quite plain to us that Mr Abbott is out there deliberately undermining the government's clear message to people smugglers,'' he said on Monday. ''This is not in the national interest. It might be in Mr Abbott's personal political interest but, frankly, if you do that sort of stuff you raise the question about your ultimate fitness to hold the high office of prime minister.''

Abbott's partisan campaigning on the domestic front would be unremarkable this close to an election were the subject policy not so vulnerable to doubt in the international arena.

Like the Malaysian transfer agreement, doomed by the opposition because it too might have succeeded in stopping the trade, the new policy is, by definition, a calculated bluff. It is designed to outweigh the desire to get here with the horror of being sent somewhere else. In other words, it is deliberately awful. Don't take my word for it: look at the department's own ads.

The only reason PNG agreed to this new arrangement was that, if it works, relatively few refugees will need resettlement. The boats, ideally, would stop coming, and dirt-poor PNG would pick up some much-valued financial assistance for infrastructure and education.

As with national defence and strategic security, the success of Australia's tough new asylum-seeker stance relies on something our bitterly divided polity seems incapable of - the outward projection of an unwavering resolve. The message should be that anyone and everyone attempting entry by sea will be turned away.

Let's be clear. People smugglers are brokers of slim chance. For their market to exist they need two things: human misery born of violence and persecution, and they need a product to sell. Australia is that product - a land of ''hope, reward and opportunity'', as the current Liberal Party slogan so neatly says.

Rudd's shamelessly rightward policy shift has infuriated his opponents and has been done under the moral cover of stopping deaths at sea. As covers go, it's a solid one. Rightward? Really? The ALP brought in detention centres... was that a rightward or leftward shift?

But the political opportunism of Labor's capitulation should not be used to obscure its potential to solve one of the country's most intractable problems.
Read more: ... z2Zpt4YZJE" onclick=";return false;
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Re: No-one who arrives by boat will get to come to Australia

Post by Neferti » Tue Jul 23, 2013 4:36 pm

As usual, kevvi was talking through the hole in his fat, pudgy head. No thought about the problem, just Me Myself I and power. In one word, kevvi is VAINGLORIOUS!

The (2-page) Arrangement is out there for all to see, Rorschach. Think Michael Smith has it on his site.

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Re: No-one who arrives by boat will get to come to Australia

Post by Rorschach » Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:37 pm

Below is a verbatim reproduction of the text signed by prime ministers Kevin Rudd and Peter O'Neill on Friday, July 19, 2013.
Regional Resettlement Arrangement between Australia and Papua New Guinea

This Arrangement outlines further practical measures Australia and Papua New Guinea will pursue together to combat people smuggling. It builds on the mutually agreed principles governing cooperation set out in the Joint Partnership Declaration signed in Port Moresby in May 2013, notes that Australia and Papua New Guinea have a common interest in addressing regional and global challenges, in collaboration with the wider region, including other countries in the South Pacific. The cooperation outlined in this Arrangement underlines the strategic importance and enduring nature of the bilateral relationship, and the commitment of both governments to ensure that the relationship remains relevant to contemporary challenges.

Enhanced cooperation to combat people smuggling

1. Australia and Papua New Guinea recognize the serious and urgent humanitarian and border security challenge presented to regional countries by people smuggling. Both countries recall the key outcomes of the Fourth Ministerial Conference of the Bali Process on People Smuggling, Trafficking and Related Transnational Crime, held in Indonesia in March 2011. These include encouraging sub-regional and bilateral arrangements to create disincentives for irregular travel, including through possible transfer and readmission arrangements.
2. Existing cooperation between Australia and Papua New Guinea, in particular through the Manus Island Regional Processing Centre, represents a significant element of the regional response to people smuggling. Australia warmly welcomes Papua New Guinea's offer to adopt additional measures which build on the Manus Island Regional Processing Centre. These measures will make a significant further contribution to encouraging potential unauthorized arrivals to avail themselves of lawful channels to seek asylum and to abandon the practice of perilous sea journeys which has led to the deaths of so many.
3. Commencing on the day of announcement, any unauthorized maritime arrival entering Australian waters will be liable for transfer to Papua New Guinea (in the first instance, Manus Island) for processing and resettlement in Papua New Guinea and in any other participating regional, including Pacific Island, states. Papua New Guinea undertakes for an initial twelve month period to accept unauthorised maritime arrivals for processing and, if successful in their application for refugee status, resettlement. This program will be for 12 months and will be subject to review on an annual basis through the Australia-Papua New Guinea Ministerial Forum.
4. In the case of Papua New Guinea, unauthorised maritime arrivals would be transferred to Papua New Guinea following a short health, security and identity check in Australia. Transferees would be accommodated in regional processing centres. Papua New Guinea will undertake refugee status determination. The regional processing centre will be managed and administered by Papua New Guinea under Papua New Guinea law, with support form Australia.
5. What is unique about this Arrangement is that persons found to be refugees will be resettled in Papua New Guinea and any other participating regional, including Pacific Island, state. Persons found not to be refugees may be held in detention or returned to their home country or a country where they had right of residence.
6. The Refugees Convention requires a commitment to non-refoulement. However the missing element in current regional processing arrangements involving Australia is the absence of a final destination for proven refugees for permanent resettlement.
7. Australia and Papua New Guinea take seriously their obligations for the welfare and safety of any persons transferred to Papua New Guinea under this Arrangement. Papua New Guinea, a signatory to the 1951 Convention Relation [sic] to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol, will immediately take steps to withdraw its reservations to the Convention, with respect to persons transferred by Australia to Papua New Guinea under this Arrangement.
8. Australia will provide support, through a service provider, to any refugees who are resettled in Papua New Guinea or in any other participating regional, including Pacific Island, state. Australia will also assist Papua New Guinea in effecting the transfer of those transferees who seek return to their home country or country where they have right of residence.
9. Australia will bear the full cost of implementing the Arrangement in Papua New Guinea for the life of the Arrangement. If this requires additional development of infrastructure or services, it is envisaged that there will be a broader benefit for communities in which transferees are initially placed.
10. Regional Processing Centres will continue to play an important part in bilateral cooperation, especially as locations to house transferees temporarily should the capacity of communities require development. Australia will work with Papua New Guinea to expand the Manus Island Regional Processing Centre and will also explore with Papua New Guinea the possible construction of other Regional Processing Centres and other options. Regional Processing Centres will be developed so that they can be utilised flexibly for the benefit of local communities or for wider national purposes.
11. The undertakings set out in this Arrangement are sufficient for the new arrangements to apply for any unauthorised maritime arrival who presents from the date of announcement. Officials will settle separately detailed administrative arrangements, including by 31 July 2013 a new bilateral Memorandum of Understanding to replace the Memorandum of Understanding currently in effect for the Manus Island Regional Processing Centre. Transfers can commence ahead of the Memorandum of Understanding being finalized.

Oh yeah almost forgot kevvy promised no unilateral action to Indonesia... a week later... ta da.....h Go kevvy... keep telling them lies.
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Re: No-one who arrives by boat will get to come to Australia

Post by Neferti » Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:40 pm

Kevvi is full of it. People are beginning to wake up. VAINGLORIOUS. Describes Kevin Michael Rudd. End of!

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