Julia says she is dumb, wants Aussie to be uncompetitive

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Julia says she is dumb, wants Aussie to be uncompetitive

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun Jun 10, 2012 1:42 am

http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/j ... 6389989799

Does this fucking idiot realize that the carbon tax will hit every business and none of them get any govt handout? People will be put out of work and exports that compete on an international level will be hurt

Dear god, someone cap one of these pricks
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Re: Julia says she is dumb, wants Aussie to be uncompetitive

Post by mantra » Sun Jun 10, 2012 6:37 am

Julia Gillard wrote:"And I actually think if you try to imagine six months in to carbon pricing, what will people be experiencing and thinking then? They'll have their tax cuts, so their pay packet will be different ... many working women won't be paying tax at all any more and many (will be) seeing tax cuts like $500
Like $500? That's per annum and many working women aren't on that great a wage to start off with. She is turning a blind eye to the flow on effect of the carbon tax. Some people might get a $10 p.w. tax break, but the ramifications of the tax will mean at least an extra $50 spike in the cost of living. Food, transport, rates, electricity, charities, building materials, home maintence etc will increase by 23% - possibly more as all these businesses will pass on their tax debt to us.

I do agree with the mining tax though and although it will hit us with a further increase in building materials - we should be recycling more. The amount of good used timber & metal you see lying around destined for landfill could in many cases be recycled but few companies bother and now with the addition of the carbon tax - for those who do it won't be worth their while.

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