Joe Hockey--Beginning to distance Fibs from Howard?

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Jovial Monk

Joe Hockey--Beginning to distance Fibs from Howard?

Post by Jovial Monk » Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:01 am

That is something they really need to do, but can they? Or is Joe playing another game?

Joe has been shooting his mouth off recently: the tax cuts should have been deferred, the Howard/Costello govt should have had bigger surpluses (by) and not spent so much on middle class welfare and tax cuts (and rorting, pork barreling etc etc but Joe wasn't brave enough to say that.

We remember, and Swannee has pointed out, that Attabull was saying the tax cuts should be brought forward.

Now, is Joe distancing the Fibs from the toxic Howard legacy and Tip's really poor economic management? Or is he thinking of making a run for the Leadership at some point? He would have buckleys, Mr WorkChoices and lately involved in Utegate then leaving his Leader stranded when the email behind Utegate was proved to be forged.
One of the Opposition's most senior frontbenchers says personal income tax cuts in Australia may have gone too far, and there was a case for the Rudd Government reneging on the promised tax cuts it delivered in the last Federal Budget.
In hindsight, he said, governments should put more of the money aside in the savings funds set up to finance future education, health and infrastructure needs. ... ion=justin

Hockey is a fool. Take note especially of the last three paragraphs. ... 01,00.html
Joe Hockey creates more turmoil for Malcolm Turnbull
Mr Hockey claimed the BIS report showed that the automatic stimulus created when the budget slipped into deficit was more effective in Australia than in any other country except the US and Korea, meaning that less deliberate stimulus spending was required to keep the economy growing.

A spokesman for the Treasurer said Mr Hockey had misread the BIS data, which in fact showed the automatic stimulus to growth from a rising budget deficit was less effective in Australia than in most other advanced economies.

Mr Hockey conceded that his comments were in error, saying they were based on the incorrect interpretation of a graph.
If the opposition treasury spokesman can’t even interpret a graph correctly how could they be trusted with government.

Jovial Monk

Re: Joe Hockey--Beginning to distance Fibs from Howard?

Post by Jovial Monk » Wed Jul 01, 2009 4:43 pm

Old Joe backing away from those statements.

WTF did he make them in the first place?

Possibly Turdbull wants to ditch Howard heritage, but letting a 'danger mouse' do the heavy hitting. Has he learned from utegate? Such a big ego doesn't learn from experience I would say.

So Hockey jockeying for leadership challenge? Oh please, yes!


Re: Joe Hockey--Beginning to distance Fibs from Howard?

Post by Ethnic » Wed Jul 01, 2009 7:45 pm

Hockey wouldn't do much better than Turnbull with the leadership. It was sad that they dumped Brendan Nelson because I thought he was starting to make some ground, plus he didn't have that arrogance factor that plagues Turnbull. Tony Abbott might do alright, just pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease don't put Christopher Pyne anywhere near the leadership. In fact, if the Liberals had any brains they would dump the annoying whining backstabbing fluffy bunny and deny ever knowing him. He's the kind of person you would deliberately avoid sitting next to on the train - and not just because he looks like a freak.


Re: Joe Hockey--Beginning to distance Fibs from Howard?

Post by Auzgurl » Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:08 pm

Yep I believe Tony Abbot would make a good and credible leader, I might even vote for him..

Christopher mincing Pyne, God no!


Re: Joe Hockey--Beginning to distance Fibs from Howard?

Post by skippy » Thu Jul 02, 2009 10:05 am

Auzgurl wrote:Yep I believe Tony Abbot would make a good and credible leader, I might even vote for him..

Christopher mincing Pyne, God no!
I hate Tony Abbott and would never vote for him, so I think he'd make the best leader for the Libs,to me he is a true Liberal party member in that old fashion Menzies/Howard mould.
There is no point in the Libs putting up Labor clones for leadership they need to have a distinct difference to keep that core constituency.

As for Pyne, god I hate that bloke, I'll bet he got belted for being a whiny little faggot at school and I agree I could never sit next to him on a train, I think he'd smell, he looks like one of those wankers who get dressed up in suits but forget the deodorant.


Re: Joe Hockey--Beginning to distance Fibs from Howard?

Post by Auzgurl » Thu Jul 02, 2009 11:12 am

Now theres a thought skippy..a well suited man and no deodarant. Not cool 8-)

Jovial Monk

Re: Joe Hockey--Beginning to distance Fibs from Howard?

Post by Jovial Monk » Thu Jul 02, 2009 3:12 pm

Howard was in no way in the Menzies mold. Menzies, if he came back today, would think the ALP dangerously far to the right. No, the lying little toerag was in the neocon mold (tho he wasn't a neocon literally, always having those views.)


Re: Joe Hockey--Beginning to distance Fibs from Howard?

Post by Ethnic » Thu Jul 02, 2009 8:35 pm

I wish we could have a leader who combines the best of Menzies, Keating and Holt. Is that really too much to ask?

Jovial Monk

Re: Joe Hockey--Beginning to distance Fibs from Howard?

Post by Jovial Monk » Fri Jul 03, 2009 10:02 am

Yeah, I think Kevin is brilliant, easily the best PM since Curtin. But, yeah. Not the stature of a Menzies who as well as being a drunk was a raconteur or the acerbic wit of Keating. Holt, blah. Too much the wowser & nerd is our Kevin.

Jovial Monk

Re: Joe Hockey--Beginning to distance Fibs from Howard?

Post by Jovial Monk » Fri Jul 03, 2009 1:34 pm

If you thought Tone wasn't making any sense now you know why:


Would imagine that is where Sheepy talks from too.

BTW, isn't his Mum brilliant? ... =20#p16171

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