ETS and retarded views
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ETS and retarded veiws
Yeah, in-laws were talking to friends in the knob on Sunday evening, they said it was cold down your way. They headed off yesterday for far north Queensland for my wife's grandmother's 90th. Only time of year to be there.
Re: ETS and retarded views
Here comes the heat!
So, check El Nino, check increased solar activity yadda yadda. . .any bets on Adelaide reaching 50C on more than one this summer? We nearly bloody got there last summer with La Nina working to cool things! Brisbane, well {shudder} at how hot that could get.
If we do get days of 50C, expect rail, tram and electricity to be out for some time! Poor old superannuated infrastructure that should have been replaced a decade ago. Fucking useless Howard/Costello! ... -e03j.htmlGet ready for a global heatwave
Duncan Clark, London
July 29, 2009
THE world faces a period of record high temperatures as the sun’s activity increases, heating the planet much faster than scientists had predicted, according to new findings.
The hottest year on record is 1998, and the relatively cool years since have led some global warming sceptics to claim that temperatures have levelled off or started to decline. The new study firmly rejects that argument.
The research, to be published in a forthcoming edition of Geophysical Research Letters, was carried out by Judith Lean, of the US Naval Research Laboratory, and David Rind, of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
The work is the first to assess the combined impact on global temperature of four factors: human influences such as carbon dioxide and aerosol emissions; heating from the sun; volcanic activity; and the El Nino southern oscillation, the phenomenon by which the Pacific Ocean flips between warmer and cooler conditions every few years.
It shows that the relative stability in global temperatures in thepast seven years is explained primarily by the decline in incoming sunlight associated with the downward phase of the 11-year solar cycle, together with a lack of strong El Nino events. These trends have masked the warming caused by CO2 and other greenhouse gases.
As solar activity increases, the study suggests temperatures will increase at 150 per cent of the rate predicted by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
So, check El Nino, check increased solar activity yadda yadda. . .any bets on Adelaide reaching 50C on more than one this summer? We nearly bloody got there last summer with La Nina working to cool things! Brisbane, well {shudder} at how hot that could get.
If we do get days of 50C, expect rail, tram and electricity to be out for some time! Poor old superannuated infrastructure that should have been replaced a decade ago. Fucking useless Howard/Costello!
Re: ETS and retarded views
Hope you have a stock of food--some tins plus a few Kg dried beans, flour, some greens and/or herbs in the garden or pots.
Do you have elderly relatives? How will they fare in a real heatwave?
Thinking of getting a small generator to run my fridges and freezers during the day, with minimal stocks of hops/yeast and plenty bottles of water to keep the contents cool during the night. Might get one for home too, keep the fridge going. Don't need to run the till, and can use a torch for light but I can't do without working fridges and freezers--at least one of each which will be possible with minimal stocks.
Customer has got a 27KW diesel generator dropped into his backyard with noise container--a mate has been doing changeovers in remote areas from diesel to wind/solar generators and gave the generator plus lifting it over the house by crane. What a fucking score!
Hope you have a stock of food--some tins plus a few Kg dried beans, flour, some greens and/or herbs in the garden or pots.
Do you have elderly relatives? How will they fare in a real heatwave?
Thinking of getting a small generator to run my fridges and freezers during the day, with minimal stocks of hops/yeast and plenty bottles of water to keep the contents cool during the night. Might get one for home too, keep the fridge going. Don't need to run the till, and can use a torch for light but I can't do without working fridges and freezers--at least one of each which will be possible with minimal stocks.
Customer has got a 27KW diesel generator dropped into his backyard with noise container--a mate has been doing changeovers in remote areas from diesel to wind/solar generators and gave the generator plus lifting it over the house by crane. What a fucking score!
Last edited by Jovial Monk on Thu Jul 30, 2009 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: ETS and retarded views
As I said, Global warming has been happening since 1998, just look at this.
Re: ETS and retarded views
Larvatus Prodeo and a hilarious take on denialists. ... #more-9216 ... #more-9216
Re: ETS and retarded views
Vic (&SA?) drought permanent & due to climate change. Peer reviewed, no doubt at all. ... -f3cd.html
Only way to stop MD closing down, pump water from Burdekin Rv etc to the Darling. ... -f3cd.html
Only way to stop MD closing down, pump water from Burdekin Rv etc to the Darling.
Re: ETS and retarded views
Wat did John Howard (stinks) do to help local manufacturing? 11 years of no productivity improvement.Then he gave us, wait for it WORKCHOICES,work for less or go on the dole.IQSRLOW wrote:You mean an ETS is the worst option available and a carbon tax is the next worse option.
All the while China and India will be ramping up their coal fired factories to deal with the rush of exports they will have to deal with once Australian businesses are no longer competitive because the Krudd govt has forced them to price their product outside the world market.
It is a stupid populist policy that is purveyed by an ignorant populace
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