Why the world is rooted.

America, Europe, Asia and the rest of the world
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Black Orchid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Mar 26, 2020 5:12 pm

Seriously though, as far as I am concerned ALL of these people have had more than ample time to get home already. Those that aren't home by now can stay where they are ... wherever that is.

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billy the kid
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Fri Mar 27, 2020 4:42 pm

https://www.news.com.au/finance/busines ... 6521507b23

What does Gomer mean when he talks about a hibernating business....
He states that this is a very innovative approach in the circumstances we find ourselves in...."
WTF is that supposed to mean....
Businesses all over Australia hear those words and immediately think...wtf is he talking about.....
He states:
"The idea is simple – there are businesses which will have to close their doors. They will have to keep them closed either because we have made it necessary for them to do so, or simply there is just not the business to keep their doors open,” Mr Morrison said.
Mr Morrison said he wanted those businesses “to start again” and he does not “not want over the course of the next six months or as long as it takes, for those businesses to be so saddled by debt, so saddled by rental payments, so saddled by other liabilities that they will not be able to start again on the other side”.
“This will underpin our strategy as we go to the third tranche of our economic plan,and that will include support by states and territories on managing the very difficult issue of commercial tenancies and also dealing ultimately with residential tenancies as well,” he said.
The Prime Minister said he and Treasurer Josh Frydenberg would have more to say on the hibernation plan “in the next few days”.
“We will make announcements on the details. I today wanted to speak about what the objective was,” Mr Morrison said. "
So now....businesses wait in limbo...wait with baited breath to listen to Gomer or Rosco tell them all about "hibernation"
Businesses aren't interested in hearing about innovation or hibernation or any other bullshit phrases that this moron
utters.....they need leadership...they need direction...they need an assurance of some description...
What do businesses do during the next few days....close their doors...stay open....let staff go....keep staff....
Pay their rent.....don't pay their rent....
Gomer floats a phrase or two like he floats a thought bubble here and there...and then leaves everyone
hanging around like a stale bottle of piss...then walks away.....
No wonder schools are doing their own thing....
A mate of mine walked past the Tweed Primary School today at 3pm, heard the bell ring.....not one kid walked out of the school.....(why the bell rang Im stuffed if I know...maybe its on auto...…)
Not one.....and yet Gomer wants to keep the schools open...….
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Fri Mar 27, 2020 7:18 pm

My spies tell me that Qld will be in a total lockdown for 30 days starting midnight tomorrow nite….
So much for Gomers leadership...the States are all making their own decisions...and that's why Qld
had to go ahead with the 77 local government elections tomorrow plus two by elections....and get
the state ready for the lockdown with the border closure...…
Still don't know what hibernation means from my previous post.....
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Mar 27, 2020 7:28 pm

I think I heard earlier that 'hibernation' means that businesses will not have to pay rent, mortgages, tax etc for 6 months in the hope they come out the other end as unscathed as possible.

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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Sat Mar 28, 2020 11:38 am

Rumour has it that the Qld grubberment has abandoned plans for the border lockdown by Police....
Police apparently are no longer stopping motorists...they are being stopped by private
This ill conceived, ridiculous attempt by a moronic premier was doomed to fail right from
the beginning....
One only has to look at, and listen to this stupid woman to see that she hasn't got a brain
in her head...
BTW, she has been gradually reducing Police numbers every year to the extent that every time
100 new Police graduate from the Academy, 200 Police are resigning....
When there is a serious road accident on the Gold Coast and roads have to be blocked off.
Police crews from neighbouring patrols are diverted to the scene...
Nerang has been understaffed for years...back up has always been up to an hour away, if called....
No wonder the border blockade was abandoned by Police....they have no staff......
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Sat Mar 28, 2020 4:39 pm

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-03-28/ ... k/12096736

How spineless is this.....
AFL and NRL members want their money back because no games are being played....
The AFL and NRL players have all taken pay cuts and rightly so, because they aren't playing any games....
plus various sponsors have withdrawn from their sponsorship deals as the games are not being played....
Yet the poor buggers who are being slugged monthly membership fees who have probably lost their
jobs or are about to lose their jobs.....well their clubs still want them to continue paying their monthly
membership fees, the clubs bleating that they need the support of their members.....
What a joke......Id be stopping my payments if I was a member of any club due to the doctrine
of frustration of contract.....
If a party cant perform their side of the deal, (ie games are not being played for the members to attend) then that's sufficient for the other party to pull the pin on the contract....
Hopefully this advice is released by the media somewhere....
The legal expert quoted in the link obviously knows jackshit about contract law....I can only hope
he was misquoted...….
Could only happen in Australia...…. :shock:
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Sun Mar 29, 2020 10:49 am

https://www.9news.com.au/national/coron ... 310e22afb1
https://anglenews.com/news/au-news/now- ... on-flight/

The incompetence of the NSW grubberment continues...."Police are already looking for 33 medics trying to avoid the quarantine after returning from a convention in South America."
I see...how does this happen....not one..not two...but 33 people have "escaped" our authorities...by now are back
into the population....great news....
The phrase "Keystone Cops" comes to mind....why weren't the Police arresting these people....
I stand corrected...they arrived on Friday night...before the quarantine began...it still beggars
belief that they were not detained due to their previous escapades on a cruise ship......
AND yet on the other hand...the Qld Premier tells us that "We're very well set up. We have been planning for this for weeks,"
I see...that sounds like total bullshit to me....this woman couldn't govern her way out of a shithouse....
As can be seen by the border lockdown which has become a debacle, the lockdown is now controlled by private
contractors...not Police....not enough coppers methinks....
AND Dr Kelly comes out and says...." a "blanket lockdown" hadn't been implemented in Australia because "unlike countries such as Italy, Spain and Iran, and cities such as Wuhan in China, we have remained ahead of the curve".
This curve data is beginning to puzzle me....
Its a bit like creating a horse racing system and using dishonest tactics to say how good the system is...
After a few weeks...the system give you 3 winners from ten selections...but then if you decide to window dress the system..
...you throw out a few losers because they all carried too much weight...or were drawn badly...
Surprise surprise your system is now giving you 3 winners from five...
In other words youre just bullshitting your way to success....
The losers we should be throwing out are our incompetent politicians....
Then we might have a successful system...…. :rofl
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Sun Mar 29, 2020 10:16 pm

https://www.news.com.au/finance/coronav ... 3a3d77466b

A moratorium on evictions for six months...…
I see....ludicrous.....preposterous.....
This will open up the biggest can of worms you've ever seen...…
How can the Prime Minister of Australia virtually throw all commercial and residential leases out the window....
He has virtually null and voided all legally binding contracts in Australia between every Landlord and Tenant...
If you were a tenant today....would you now pay your rent, knowing that you cant be evicted for six months....
I wouldn't...….
These leases are legally binding contracts...
It is not for the PM to simply side with one party to a legally binding agreement for six months and totally
disregard the rights of the other party....
What ifs come to mind...…
What if the owner of the property decides now to sell...…can he....
What if the tenant was behind in his rent a month or two....it now becomes eight months....
What if the Landlord was in the process of evicting the tenant because of say...damage he was
causing to the property...….do those proceedings now cease.....
What if various Police/Sheriffs Officers have in their possession a Warrant to Evict....is that warrant
now null and void.....
What if various landlords have issued a Notice to Quit already...is that Notice to Quit now null and void....
What if a Residential Tenancies Tribunal has ordered the issue of a Warrant to Evict, but it has not
issued as yet....is the issue now cancelled.....
What happens after the six months has expired and tenants haven't paid their rent for six months....
Do they then "catch up" as best they can....over what period, and at what rate....
If commercial landlords aren't being paid their rent, the cash flow of such rent to banks
will cease immediately....what effect will this have on the banks bottom line.....
Answer...the banks will suffer greatly.....millions of dollars will be lost....
These losses will combine with other losses and banks will go under.....
The only advice to give to landlords and tenants was to try to work this out individually....
A moratorium for six months on eviction....pathetic, ill-judged, poorly thought out decision....
This is an abuse of landlords and makes a complete and utter mockery of the Law of Contract...
BTW....I am not a landlord......
This man is relying on phonecalls and footlockers to save this country...
He even implies we should all go out and buy jigsaws and everything will be alright....
Jigsaws......ffs...…. :shock: :shock: :shock:
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by billy the kid » Mon Mar 30, 2020 11:13 am

https://www.9news.com.au/national/treas ... e6e6f770e1

I sometimes think Ive been cast back into the 60s...….
Am I watching episodes of "The Honeymooners"....or maybe "F Troop"....maybe even "Hogans Heroes"
Someone tell me how a business that has closed down in recent times, or is about to close down....
......can actually pay the salaries of their workers if "Metho" Cormann and his sidekicks give every business
$1500 per fortnight for each employee....
Do businesses just wave a magic wand and cause those payments to be credited into their workers accounts...
Maybe the Payroll staff will all work from home, even though the business has closed.....
I know...maybe the answers will be somewhere in that jigsaw puzzle that Gomer has told us to go and buy....
Wait a second...hasn't the jigsaw shop closed down.....
This idea of paying everyone a wage subsidy was originally shitcanned by Gomer weeks ago....
Metho actually said that a wage subsidy was "not the best way forward"
Now he reneges on those comments and is now thinking about it....
Even the eviction freeze...ill conceived policy on the run
I read that the Tasmanian grubberment legislation will provide for an eviction freeze....
BUT tenants still have to pay their rent.....
Whats the point of an eviction freeze if you still have to pay rent...
Their freeze also includes a freeze on periodical inspections during the tenancy and a freeze
on maintenance repairs....
Isnt the tenant entitled to have his plumbing problems repaired, or his leaky roof repaired...
Isnt the landlord still entitled to inspect the property to ensure it isn't being wrecked.....
Someone tell me Im not watching Larry Storch, or Jackie Gleeson, or Colonel Hogan...
At least Hogan was smart...
Maybe Im watching Colonel Klink..... :rofl
Yep...that's it....a bunch of Colonel Klinks is running the joint....with a few Sergeant Schultzs thrown
in for good measure...…
Jawohl Herr Kommandant..... :rofl
God help us......if you believe in God.....
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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Re: Why the world is rooted.

Post by Redneck » Mon Mar 30, 2020 11:17 am

Calm down Billy you are starting to sound nuttier than Redneck!


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