Labours fraudband revealed!

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Re: Labours fraudband revealed!

Post by GeorgeH » Sun Oct 05, 2014 11:15 am

Anybody notice that we won’t have FTTN by end 2016 as promised? One trial that by *late 2015* might have 1000 subscribers. There might be a rollout in another area with brand new copper.

Guarantees of 25mbps have been dropped, as anybody half way sensible knew they would be—Telstra copper is both too rotten and too thin to provide much of a speed boost.

We have heard there will be 60,000 nodes, about 20,000 too few. A cost of $2000 per node has been mentioned—bet it will be more like $10,000 per node by the time they are assembled, erected, powered and connected.

So 2016 will roll around with stuff all FTTN, not enough FTTH and I have no idea what is happening with the truly stupid part of Turncoat’s plan—HFC.

To replace the employment lost when Holden finally closes its door—the SA govt should roll out a statewide State Broadband Network.


Re: Labours fraudband revealed!

Post by GeorgeH » Mon Oct 06, 2014 1:07 pm

Having a bit of a browse through Whirlpool, found this:
dhcp writes...
Do they install a POTS card in the ISAM?

as currently installed there is no pots splitter card installed, and in the video and linked twitter pic it shows no pots splitter card installed

edit:- which I guess that all on nodes will still be paying Telstra landline rental, just like the BT model ... &p=33#r660" onclick=";return false;

So on FTTN you get hardly any speed increase and are still paying the landline rental of $30/month! (To NBN Co or Telstra?)

Slower—speed and rollout schedule—and more expensive to you as tax payer and subscriber. Abbott just wants to wreck, which is why I call him monkey. People build, monkeys wreck.


Re: Labours fraudband revealed!

Post by GeorgeH » Tue Oct 07, 2014 7:18 am

Outlook for FTTH 2016 and beyond.

With Project Fox (see Melton rollout below, a few days ago) and greenfields a significant amount of fibre is still being rolled out even tho the present board of Turncoat cronies is throttling the rollout rather than ramping it up.

OTOH Turncoat has stuffed up the FTTN rollout. Maybe it was always going to take forever to change the rollout—new planning, new skills, new Telstra Agreement, now the need for council permission to erect the vandal and graffiti magnets the FTTN node cabinets are and the arranging of power to the cabinets. By the time of the 2016 election FTTN rollouts will be pretty minimal—they have to cherry pick areas with brand new copper or the ugly reality of FTTN/VDSLx over the dreadful Telstra copper will become too obvious.

Who will win the 2016 election? ATM the shambles pretending to be a govt are inching up in the pills due to the huge wastes of money of our military commitment in Iraq and the huge security ramp up/draconian security laws. But inside two months the shambles have to present the MYEFO/Mini Budget including money to pay for our stupid Iraq adventure, an adventure with no clear strategy, tactics or exit plan.

That MYEFO will show an accelerating deficit and the huge borrowings Hokey has been doing. That will focus attention on the here and now. With coal and oil prices tumbling the revenue projections, which always overestimated tax receipts when Swan was Treasurer, will be shown to be way too optimistic.

A deficit nudging up to $100BN in one year is quite likely, especially if unemployment keeps going up—we had 6.4 then a miraculous decline to 6.1% unemployment. I think the next figure will be over 6.4%—I don’t believe we saw a 100K increase in jobs last quarter especially as hours worked declined.

So by 2016 the pisspoor performance of the Libs in handling the economy is likely to lose them the election, however much the ISIS threat/home grown terror threat is blown up. Incompetence like the Abbott govt’s startling and obvious gross incmpetence (it is October and they are STILL trying to get Budget bills passed?) will be punished.

So Labor could resume FTTH at the accelerated rate Project Fox makes possible. Question is—will they?

They will be facing the huge damage done in the Libs’ three years of gross incompetence, a Budget deficit by then of over $100Bn a year and real debt of half a trillion dollars. Where will be the appetite for big spending on infrastructure? Will Labor just sell the NBN mess to Telstra?

That would see us falling behind ever more rapidly, we will be bringing up the rear of the third world in terms of broadband speed. (Please do not imagine wireless/mobile broadband will fill the gap, it just cannot do the heavy data moving load, never will be able to.)

People like us will have to ensure Labor continues the NBN at a more rapid rate—it will be the only way to boost jobs, exports and GDP. The Future Fund could fund the rollout if debt is too expensive (in terms of interest paid, in terms of public appetite for more public debt. Labor should have done that anyway, IMHO, make it harder for the libs to stuff the roll out up like they have.

Labor can also implement a much better MRRT and Carbon Price bringing in substantial revenue, plow the revenue into productive infrastructure like strategic road spending, the NBN etc.


Re: Labours fraudband revealed!

Post by GeorgeH » Tue Oct 07, 2014 9:16 am

Holy fuck! That stupid Vertigan committee cost the poor bloody taxpayer $1m dollars! And produced useless shite! A CBA that didn’t work out costs and benefits, a final report that would bring us to the 1970s! HM money has the poor old taxpayer shelled out in useless reports and enquiries? All the NBN claptrap that is useless (A Strategic Review that used overseas copper and played simple stupid accounting tricks to make FTTN look better than FTTH (and this report now completely useless given the slow FTTN rollout—40 connected to it after months!),ve ... sions.aspx" onclick=";return false;

Be sure to look back at this tomorrow—bet the comments will be doozies!


Re: Labours fraudband revealed!

Post by GeorgeH » Tue Oct 07, 2014 9:27 am

HAHAHAHAHAHA NBN hater Henry Ergas trying to shut the stable door after the horse (new figures for NBN rollout) has bolted. Oh, we can’t use the Melton rollout figures, oh no. Maybe, just maybe, Henry and the rest of the drones on the Vertigan committee should refund the taxpayers’ money wasted on them?,er ... dotal.aspx" onclick=";return false;

Going to reproduce the two comments there are as of this moment as they are illustrative (if not official.)
Paul Krueger • 3 days ago
The Strategic review came out Dec 12, 2013 before any results from Melton would have been available. To put it gently, Ergas is mistaken in his assertion that the Strategic Review incorporated them. Attempting to deny or minimise this shows a lack of scientific rigour.

If the roll-out of fibre can be done for ~50% less cost and 61% faster it will invalidate all the reviews the gov has commissioned. That the spreadsheet created and used in each of the reviews, which would allow an updating of information to a more current value, is not available seems a shameful waste. A cynic might suggest that the assumptions used as inputs were embarrassingly inaccurate, and so hidden to produce results that could withstand some level of scrutiny.

Simple arithmetic would demonstrate that 10 million fibre connections at ~$1200 each would be only $12 billion dollars. Add $6 billion for the transit network THAT IS ALREADY BUILT and you get $18 billion dollars. The remaining cost is the much more expensive wireless and satellite connections for those too remote for fibre to be cost efficient.

Certainly $35 billion dollars for the build (including interest) seems more reasonable then $60 or $90 billion.
Zenarto • 2 days ago
The smell of corruption, because no peer review available.

$1100 x 13 million = $14,300,000,000
$1200 x 13 million = $15.600,000,000
$1300 x 13 million = $16.900,000,000
$1400 x 13 million =$18.200,000,000

My maths might not be as much compared to Paul's, but we get similar results.

No where near the estimates in the SR review, or for the matter, any other review that has been commissioned by the Coalition Party goverment.


Re: Labours fraudband revealed!

Post by GeorgeH » Thu Oct 09, 2014 5:56 pm

Optus points out Telstra needs to be broken up into two separate customers since it will own the copper FTTN runs on:
New Optus chair Paul O'Sullivan has warned that Telstra's continuing control over the copper network needed for the Coalition government's National Broadband Network (NBN) rollout scheme is like "putting the fox in charge of the hen house".

Speaking at a Trans-Tasman Business Circle event in Sydney on October 8, O'Sullivan said that unless Telstra is broken up, Australia's telecommunications landscape is likely to suffer severely as a result of its market dominance and potential future earnings from the taxpayer-funded NBN rollout.

"First and foremost, we need to break up Telstra," said O'Sullivan. "If Telstra's going to have a key role to play in the NBN, because we're now dependent on their copper in order to get from the node to the home, that is a huge conflict of interest if they're maintaining and operating that network. So, it needs to be taken away from their operational control. ... 000034451/ ... 000034398/

NONE of the expensive bits of paper Turncoat has received really mentioned this. Optus also backs breaking the NBN into different companies with different technologies (this bit of Vertigan stupidity was covered here a little earlier.) No wonder—smaller companies will be easier to Optus to deal and compete with, even take over. No thanks—1970s US type thinking that is hampering the US broadband/telcom sector now!

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Re: Labours fraudband revealed!

Post by Super Nova » Tue Feb 23, 2016 12:31 am


So we invest in fibre but as I predicted wireless is on the improve. 600Mbps that is fast. Put up towers in remote towns.

Telstra's 4G network is going to be nearly twice as fast by the end of the year

Towards the end of last year Telstra switched on its Category 9 and Category 11 networks across parts of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane's CBDs. This brought Telstra's network speeds up to 600Mbps, and achieved the fastest real world speeds in the world with Samsung's Galaxy Note 5. Like that rollout, the new upgrades will begin in major cities first before rolling out across the country.

To get Category 16 4G to work, Telstra combines three different spectrums on its network, 700MHz, 1800MHz, 2600MHz in a piece of technology known as carrier aggregation. Your phone then works with the network using three separate connections across three separate bandwidths and combines its downloads between them, resulting in super fast speeds.

Telstra will be the first in the world to roll out the technology, meaning it again will be the fastest mobile network on the planet. ... spartanntp
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Re: Labours fraudband revealed!

Post by skippy » Tue Feb 23, 2016 9:53 am

I have never understood why fibre was being laid out. It's as though it's 1916. I live in " the bush" yet even I can get small reception via wireless now. Why are the governments spending billions on such an old school idea when if that money were put into better wireless we could have already been experiencing the benifits as is evident by SNs story about the major cities.

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Re: Labours fraudband revealed!

Post by Black Orchid » Tue Feb 23, 2016 11:15 am

NBN is a huge waste of funds. Wireless is definitely the way to go. We need air fibre broadband and 6G.

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Re: Labours fraudband revealed!

Post by Neferti » Tue Feb 23, 2016 1:35 pm

Monk wants FREE and FAST internet. He is still going on about eHealth or some such. Everyone (including the Telcos) has moved on since Gillard/Rudd mentioned the NBN.

I have ADSL2+ and I download games (you have to these days) and anything else I want .... nothing is instantaneous (except death, hopefully). People I know watch movies via ADSL2+ ...... IF my GP had the ability (and knowledge .... :rofl ) I could probably log in and "talk " to him now and whine about whatever ........ I am surprised that my GP has actually mastered the computer. :rofl He's a great doctor but technology is definitely NOT his thing. However ....he bulk bills. :thumb

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