Liebors duplicity exposed on whaling

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Outlaw Yogi

Re: Liebors duplicity exposed on whaling

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Sat Jan 08, 2011 12:01 am

I suspect I have an amendment/addition for your judgement/opinion concerning justification of hunting.

While its no secret I (at times) eat wild animals I've killed [including fresh roadkill], I also kill creatures every other day and not eat them, or use them for anything other than fertiliser if anything at all.

Why would I do that?
Because I consider some creatures an environmental menace .. cats, dogs, rabbits, foxes, pigs , goats ...

While working on farms Euro backpackers often cringed and squeamed when I stabbed cane toads at the base of their head with a pair of snips, or picked them up by the back legs and smash their head on farm machinary, because they thought I was being cruel. But the fact is, I do it that way to kill them as quickly as practicality allows.
On the other hand I've seen people deliberately inflict suffering on toads and I've got up 'em by saying "Don't torture it yer sick phuk, just kill the phuking thing."

Like it or not nature is cruel, and hunting, by all sorts of creatures, including many mammals, is natural.
It is those who kid themselves that they are above it, and want to ban it who are unatural and against nature.

Ever looked into an injured wild animal's eyes and seen the combined agony and terror? I doubt it.
Well twice now I've had to strangle wallabies with my bare hands. The 1st had been shot (by another) so I tried to cut its throat but the knife was blunt. The second I accidentally ran over with a panel van, I tried to club it with a hydrolic jack by it moved its head and I bashed my leg.

Anyway, mercy killing aside, I think you should add culling ferals to your reasons for legitimate hunting.

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Re: Liebors duplicity exposed on whaling

Post by mantra » Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:05 am

On the other hand I've seen people deliberately inflict suffering on toads and I've got up 'em by saying "Don't torture it yer sick phuk, just kill the phuking thing."

Like it or not nature is cruel, and hunting, by all sorts of creatures, including many mammals, is natural.
It is those who kid themselves that they are above it, and want to ban it who are unatural and against nature.
I have made a few mercy killings in my time, if I've been sure I can do it quickly and efficiently. Your example of the cane toads is all too common and some people take great delight in watching an animal of any kind suffer unnecessarily. A quick cull of whales hasn't been perfected yet and may never be and so it remains cruel especially when there is no valid reason for it.

I agree nature is cruel and that includes human nature - but aside from the domestic cat or dog, most animals in the wild appear to kill for surival.

Australia seems to be the only Western Country that makes no improvement to their methods of culling animals for mass food production, or even for hunting.

NSW recently, because they desperately needed the support of the Shooter's Party to sell our State Lottery, amended the hunting act in National Parks to include an additional 5 different native species. It is also suspected that this same group have been releasing new stocks of pigs and deers into the parks to keep their supporters happy.

If the hunters used the birds, goats, pigs, deer and rabbits for food - perhaps people with similar views to me - would feel more appeased, but their carcasses are just left to rot and hunting in our Parks remains unregulated. Our population is growing so rapidly - that there will come a day when we regret not utilising our food resources more effectively. If hungry nations use every part of a feral animal for food - why can't we?

The whale is not a feral animal though - nor as IQ pointed out - is their meat commercially viable.

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Re: Liebors duplicity exposed on whaling

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sat Jan 08, 2011 10:06 am

Sappho wrote:...
Uh oh. Looks like it's someones time of the month.

Be a good girl and get yourself back to the kitchen and make the men a sammich if you can't understand the conversation. There's a dear
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Re: Liebors duplicity exposed on whaling

Post by freediver » Sat Jan 08, 2011 10:28 am

Sappho wrote:
freediver wrote:See boxy's post.
boxy wrote:Of course... people who have actually been watching the discussion will know that freediver's quote is a direct, and sarcastic reply, to the "you can't debate logically with a hunter" remark.

Both are stupid remarks, only one was stupid on purpose.

But don't let me get in the way of your self-righteous indignation.
freediver wrote:
Sappho wrote:Too quickly and too often do those who seek sarcasm resort to gender bashing.
I wasn't aware of any other groups mantra belonged to which I could use.
I still don't understand your reply to my sentence.
Well, suppose she was a vegitarian, or belonged to some other group that it was not politically incorrect to malign, I could have said 'you can't argue logically with a vegetarian'. That would have had an equal measure of truth in jest.
Ethnic wrote:
freediver wrote:I guess this is why you aren't running a business.
I am but thanks for yet another ignorant remark.
So do you often make a public stance likely to offend most of your customers?
Hunting is tolerable when it's out of necessity.
So you think I should be banned from enjoying it?
You're just passionate about whales, mantra. Nothing wrong with that at all.
There is if it clouds your judgement and turns you into a racist.
Well, if it is a tired old subject for him... why doesn't he stay out of it and let those who do not think that way, explore it.
I am helping yhou to explore it. I wouldn;t want you to get lost.
I am with you Mantra, I think hunting mammals has no place in modern society.... not when we have mastered animal husbandry (which could be a lot less cruel also)
Kind of hypocritical. We are far crueller to many of our farmed mammals. Also, how would you get rid of cats if you couldn't hunt them?
It is cruel to hunt and kill for sport or employment rather than for food.
False dichotomy.
And I am more than happy to discuss that with anyone, except freediver, who has made his gloating and disinclination for sharing knowledge and opinion absolutely clear.
Like here? ... aling.html
I also kill creatures every other day and not eat them, or use them for anything other than fertiliser if anything at all.

Why would I do that?
Because I consider some creatures an environmental menace .. cats, dogs, rabbits, foxes, pigs , goats ...
What are your thoughts on brushtail possums?
but aside from the domestic cat or dog, most animals in the wild appear to kill for surival
Many intelligent predators kill for fun. Even the adults will waste most of it if they are having a good night.
NSW recently, because they desperately needed the support of the Shooter's Party to sell our State Lottery, amended the hunting act in National Parks to include an additional 5 different native species.
Which ones?
If the hunters used the birds, goats, pigs, deer and rabbits for food - perhaps people with similar views to me - would feel more appeased, but their carcasses are just left to rot
Aren't you happy enough that they are dead? You think this is a good thing, right?
and hunting in our Parks remains unregulated
Didn't you just explain some of the regulations?
If hungry nations use every part of a feral animal for food - why can't we?
We do. That's what meat pies (aka penisburgers) are for.
The whale is not a feral animal though - nor as IQ pointed out - is their meat commercially viable.
Another 'obvious mistake'?

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Re: Liebors duplicity exposed on whaling

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:51 am

nor as IQ pointed out - is their meat commercially viable.
Your a sneaky bitch. I said it wasn't commercially available.

Just for that I am going to fillet a dolphin in your honour
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Re: Liebors duplicity exposed on whaling

Post by freediver » Sat Jan 08, 2011 2:37 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:
nor as IQ pointed out - is their meat commercially viable.
Your a sneaky bitch. I said it wasn't commercially available.

Just for that I am going to fillet a dolphin in your honour
Do you live on the Gold Coast by any chance?

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Re: Liebors duplicity exposed on whaling

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sat Jan 08, 2011 4:23 pm

Only people who are batshit crazy live in qld
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Re: Liebors duplicity exposed on whaling

Post by freediver » Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:44 pm

The Japanese also slaughter a lot of dolphins. There is an impressive video of it on youtube.

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Re: Liebors duplicity exposed on whaling

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:56 pm

I masturbate to it regularly
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

Outlaw Yogi

Re: Liebors duplicity exposed on whaling

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Sat Jan 08, 2011 10:04 pm

mantra wrote: I have made a few mercy killings in my time, if I've been sure I can do it quickly and efficiently. Your example of the cane toads is all too common and some people take great delight in watching an animal of any kind suffer unnecessarily. A quick cull of whales hasn't been perfected yet and may never be and so it remains cruel especially when there is no valid reason for it.
I'll repeat my position for clarity's sake.
I say if the Japanese want to hunt whales, let them do so in Japanese waters, the fact they've virtually exterminated them within their own waters is their problem. My opposition begins when they (or anyone for that matter) hunt in other's territory.
I would love to be a crazy Paul Watson X Karl Stromberg type character skippering an Ice breaker with a penchant for running at ramming speed.
mantra wrote:I agree nature is cruel and that includes human nature - but aside from the domestic cat or dog, most animals in the wild appear to kill for surival.
Sorry to disapoint, but plenty of animals kill for reasons other than survival or territorial disputes. Dingos kill for entertainment, chimpanzes kill for sport (and in recent times even learnt to make spears) Koalas kill to eliminate competition for breeding, parrots kill just because they don't like other types of parrots, Orcas/Killer whales play footy with seal pups for entertainment ... um ... there's a few more I can't remember, and probably plenty I'm unaware of.
The idea that only humans demonstrate callous tendencies has been proven to be fallacy/myth.
Watch a doco about Coco the gorilla, it will show you other animals have exactly the same range of emotions we do - just not the intellect to reason with or understand it.
mantra wrote:Australia seems to be the only Western Country that makes no improvement to their methods of culling animals for mass food production, or even for hunting.
So when did Canada reform the Fur seal pup slaughter?
mantra wrote:NSW recently, because they desperately needed the support of the Shooter's Party to sell our State Lottery, amended the hunting act in National Parks to include an additional 5 different native species. It is also suspected that this same group have been releasing new stocks of pigs and deers into the parks to keep their supporters happy.
The shooting lobby is a reactionary response to faux environmental extremist bureacracy gone mad.
I'm of 2 minds on national parks. While I agree its America's best idea and are required to allow species repopulation, I've become a bit of a NIMBY on them.
Near my bush hideaway a large portion of state forest with cattle leases on it, was resumed by the Qld govt and designated a national park. We've long had a recuring dingo/feral dog problem, and we pretty much wiped out feral cats, we never had a feral pig population/problem, but since the new national park feral dog and pig populations have exploded.
So much so, the ajoining shire has placed a $200 bounty on dingos/feral dogs.
Forestries have sporadic dog and pig baiting programes, but feral in the national park are protected.
There is nothing in the new park that does not exist elsewhere, and I suspect the Nat park designation is invalid/illegal, as I was not able to obtain gold fossicking or exploration permit on the former state forest because 2 Murri tribes have layed competing land rights claims on the same ground, and so no govt depts can issue permits for anything until the dispute is resolved in court.
Also in our area, we have lots of wallabies. One type, Pretty face wallaby is protected, killing one incurs a $10,000 fine, but they are so prolific, nobody takes the protected species status seriously, and so are routinely shot for dog food.
Protecting prolific species devalues the concept of protected species.
mantra wrote: If hungry nations use every part of a feral animal for food - why can't we?
Ever tried eating fox?
mantra wrote:The whale is not a feral animal though - nor as IQ pointed out - is their meat commercially viable.
I never implied whales were feral, nor condoned free for all harvesting, but if I was an Inuit/Eskimo confronted by some suburban idealist from phuk knows where condemning my dietary habits, I'd be tempted to take them on a one way polar bear sight seeing tour.

Sustainability depends on moderation by all. Arbitary outlawing eventually/ultimately destroys support for conservation.

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