ACT introduces Marriage Equality Bill

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Re: ACT introduces Marriage Equality Bill

Post by Neferti » Thu Sep 26, 2013 10:00 am

As far as I am aware, and nothing has changed recently, a couple who marry have the same legal rights as those who live in common law/de facto partnerships. There is only one difference, the law kicks in when you sign the marriage certificate for the married ones and after 12 months living together for the unmarried ones. When the relationship breaks up, same law applies to both married and unmarried. Ditto share of property, children, etc. Homosexual partnerships come under the same law when sharing property, etc. upon breakdown of relationship.

The same sex partners can already apply for a common law ceremony performed by a Celebrant. They get a certificate and all. Why they want a Church Wedding, when most people do NOT do that these days (many never actually marry, there is no point). It seems the word Marriage is what they are after.

I would imagine that 50% plus young couples these days have not gone through a marriage ceremony, but have bought a house together and have had a bunch of kids. The only difference is that they don't call their partner their "husband" or "wife". They just say "my partner". Maybe that is what the same sex couples want? To be able to call each other "my husband" or "my wife"?

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Re: ACT introduces Marriage Equality Bill

Post by Chard » Thu Sep 26, 2013 11:30 am

Rorschach wrote:Ah no I didn't Chard you are being an idiot.
And what exactly was your idiotic "apples and oranges" bullshit other than a half-assed attempt at suggesting that gays are somehow less deserving of their their rights than straights are?
Rorschach wrote:I have gay friends and guess what? None of them want to get married.
Yeah, I'm calling bullshit on this for two reasons.

1. I hear the same shit from white people trying to claim they aren't racist when they make the good old Appeal To Black Friends horseshit. Also, who gives a fuck what your alledged "gay friends" say. Tell those fucks to register and tell me themselves, and I'll tell them that two queers does no ta pride parade make.

2. You said they're your "friends, and the idea that your socially retarded ass actually managed to cultivate friends is about as likely as me winning the Powerball lottery three times in a row.

Rorschach wrote:SN Marriage is an eons old tradition that involves a man and a woman....
Yes, the good old "Appeal to Cattle Sacrificing Primitives" argument. Just because a bunch of superstitious fucks did it millennial ago doesn't mean it's the right thing to do, you idiot.

Rorschach wrote:I'm not using a generic term for joining 2 things together. I'm talking about the globally accepted practice that involves a Man and a Woman.
No, you're talking about a government regulated legal contract.
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Re: ACT introduces Marriage Equality Bill

Post by Rorschach » Thu Sep 26, 2013 11:48 am

Your problems seem to be many... fortunately not my problem.

If you can't handle the truth probably best you withdraw to the fantasy world you obviously live in. Unlike you I don't talk in colours, nor do I see people as colours, probably an American thing. I understand that marriage is the Union of a Man and a Woman. I see no reason at all to change that. LW Progs and other insecure minorities do. Me and my gay friends don't.

Oh and please if you want to quote me addressing someone else at least do it in context.
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Re: ACT introduces Marriage Equality Bill

Post by Neferti » Thu Sep 26, 2013 12:33 pm


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Re: ACT introduces Marriage Equality Bill

Post by Chard » Thu Sep 26, 2013 1:04 pm

Rorschach wrote:blah blah blah I'm a whiny fluffy bunny that cannot defend my arguments and backs down like a bitch when confronted blah blah blah
Rorsch, we've already gone over how your position is indefensible. Either you believe gays aren't human and therefore do not deserve the same rights as others or you believe they are people just like everyone else and deserving of the same rights.
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Re: ACT introduces Marriage Equality Bill

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu Sep 26, 2013 2:27 pm

Your strawman building skills aren't very good.

Is that a black thing or a gay one?
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Re: ACT introduces Marriage Equality Bill

Post by Chard » Thu Sep 26, 2013 10:27 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:Your strawman building skills aren't very good.
What strawman? Dumbass tried to equate gay rights to being an apples to oranges comparison, thereby implying that gays are not the same as other people. His meaning was nailed down pretty damn accurately with the words "apple cannot be equal to an orange." Change the words "apple" and "orange" to "gay" and "straight" and you get Rorsch's meaning perfectly. Do I need to open MS Paint and draw a cartoon of this for you dense fucks to understand it?
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Re: ACT introduces Marriage Equality Bill

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu Sep 26, 2013 10:34 pm

I didn't see anyone 'imply' that gays are not human except you in your strawman argument.
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Re: ACT introduces Marriage Equality Bill

Post by IQS.RLOW » Thu Sep 26, 2013 10:42 pm

Just so a dumb shit like yourself can remember what you posted before
Dude, you're the one trying to suggest that gays are some how not humans
That, my melatonin enhanced friend is a strawman
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

Howard Stinks

Re: ACT introduces Marriage Equality Bill

Post by Howard Stinks » Thu Sep 26, 2013 11:54 pm

IQS-RLOW you're talking shit again.....

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