The bullshit thread

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It's such a fine line between stupid and clever. Random guest posting.
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billy the kid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Wed Feb 19, 2020 9:01 am

Sad that Holden employees are going to lose their jobs...some will find other jobs in the motor industry...some
may even get jobs with Ford...
Amusing to see Scumo babbling about it.... :rofl
The blame game has already started....
Its a business decision folks....they couldn't make money so they folded up their tents....
Similar thing would happen if DJ's or Myers couldn't make money....
Why did it happen.....well, perhaps Scumo might want to have a look in his own back yard
before he starts apportioning blame....
His own back yard includes the Australian economy...…
Maybe they could have pulled out of the submarine deal and subsidised the car industry
instead....what a fiasco that deal is now...
The talking heads are saying that the French cant deliver....isn't that a reason to rescind
the whole gig..... from what I have read, this whole gig was doomed to fail right from the beginning....
Well done Mr. Pyne...great job...or should I say Mr Turdbull…..whatever...…. :rofl
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Wed Feb 19, 2020 3:07 pm

Ooops..totally forgot the luxury car tax...
Frydenberg stated today that the grubberment has no plans to remove the
luxury car tax...even thought the grub Howard introduced it to protect the Australian
motor industry....
But with Holden now gone...what actually does constitute the Australian Motor Industry...…
Would the correct answer to that be......we haven't got one.... :WTF
And lets not forget Victoria's plan to add another car tax on cars sold for over $100,000..following
Queenslands tax... ... er-100000/
Don't know if that went ahead...
No wonder the car industry is rooted...the peasants cant afford to buy them....
Laughable isn't it......
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Thu Feb 20, 2020 3:52 pm

ISHKA gone....450 more jobs to go....
What will it take for the grubberment to do something about
Australias false economy....
Soon we will be buying everything on line and having it delivered by drone....
My suggestions....
a) Reduce GST to 5%
b) Suspend the compulsory superannuation levy for five years...or abolish it completely
c) Reduce petrol taxes
d) Reduce politicians wages/retirement packages....
I could go on but I wont...….it wont happen.....waste of time....
Am I disillusioned....yes...….but who isn't.....
Who will be next....DJ's...Myers....
Watch the mongrel politicians bail in our deposits if a bank gets into strife.....
THEN and only then will the grubberment take action..... :WTF
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Fri Feb 21, 2020 10:19 am

How incompetent was Keating....

"Both major parties are to blame for the destruction of Australian manufacturing, due to their blind embrace of neoliberal free trade as a dogma. (In international trade negotiations, Australia is referred to as the “free trade Taliban”.) The turning point for the car industry and manufacturing came under Labor’s Paul Keating, whose tariff cuts in the 1980s and ’90s destroyed the ability of Australian companies to manufacture at Australian wages. For an insight into the flawed ideology behind the destruction,

See how Paul Keating justified his policies in a 26 November 2013 interview with Kerry O’Brien on ABC-TV.
O’Brien asked, “Looking now at the state of manufacturing today: the rustbelts around the major cities; industries like cars and steel and shipbuilding still in trouble; so many skills lost, jobs exported to Asia; are you still sure it was the right thing to do the way you did it?”
Without hesitation, Keating replied, “Oh, absolutely! I mean, it advanced us donkey’s years….”
Pointing to the human toll, O’Brien countered, “But many of those working people were now staring at lost jobs. Many of those working people in factories, in various jobs, skilled, semi-skilled, unskilled—gone.”
“Yeah—gone”, Keating responded defiantly. “You know what they found? A better job a week later, in a growing economy, with employment growth.”
Keating’s brazenness left O’Brien gobsmacked. This period was the beginning of the rise in unemployment that eventually peaked at over 11 per cent, and only came down through statistical manipulation and the permanent shift from full-time unionised jobs to part-time and casual jobs. O’Brien said, “You make it sound so simple: ‘a week later they had another job’! Do you really think that’s how it worked out?”
“We got them off the factory floor”, Keating responded. “The aim was not to leave them doing repetitive jobs on the factory floor, but to get them off the factory floor doing better professional jobs in the big service economy of Australia. I mean, all these people got picked up.”
This is a prime example of the incompetent politicians that have been running this country in recent decades...
Keating then brings in the compulsory superannuation levy, Howards gives us the GST and Costello
sells all our gold for threepence an ounce....I immediately think of the Three Stooges....but Im not laughing.....
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Sat Feb 22, 2020 11:33 am ... p/11990536

Well, surprise surprise..........9 new warships...
I wonder if our grubberment can screw this deal up.....
Submarines....warships...F35s.....all that money being committed to secure weaponry for
Australia....maybe in fifty years we might see something for our money...then maybe we wont....
Ooops sorry we've got the planes...well..some of them...that was a "dud" deal wasn't it... ... f91f652ea6
It is really sad to see how this country is being mismanaged by incompetent politicians..... ... eal-74018/

AND meanwhile, back at the ranch, we cant even maintain our railway tracks sufficiently to stop our
trains from de-railing...…. :WTF
Sad, isn't it...….
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by Black Orchid » Sun Feb 23, 2020 6:17 pm

A politician who ignored a stop sign with her young daughter in the car allegedly begged to be let off with a warning before lobbying a minister in a desperate attempt to overturn the fine.

Bankstown Labor MP Tania Mihailuk was pulled over by police in Revesby in Sydney's south-west just before 6pm on November 5 after she failed to stop at a stop sign.

NSW Police confirmed police stopped the vehicle and spoke with the female driver.

'The woman was subsequently issued with a fine for 'not stop at stop line,' a spokeswoman told Daily Mail Australia.

The offence incurs a $344 fine and the loss of three demerit points.

Police sources claim Ms Mihailuk begged officers to be let off because she was a 'politician and should be given a warning', The Sunday Telegraph reported.

She initially denied claims she used her role to beg police to her let off with a warning but then admitted she couldn't remember. ... -fine.html

Stupid cow.

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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Mon Feb 24, 2020 12:29 pm

AND so the bullshit continues....
The talking heads are out in force today, telling us that Australian property prices will continue
to go up...the demand for housing will continue as the Australia grubberment recruits thousands
upon thousands of skilled migrants into the country...and they all need somewhere to live...
Problem is, there aren't enough jobs for the muppets…..
The talking heads seem to overlook the fact that Australia and the rest of the planet is facing
a worldwide reset which will cut the economy to shreds....
Of course, the talking heads are pushing their own barrow....they have their own agenda, as
they are all in the business of wealth creation for their clients....
They cant tell their clients that things are crook in Tobruk, so don't buy anything...
They wont be able to make any commission out of that advice will they...
Id hate to be a millenial these days...who do you trust....whose advice do you accept/reject...
Oh by the way...if you do buy a house, we'll give you a 30 year mortgage, and if interest rates
go up,'ll just have to pay more....
How many kids do you plan on having folks.....two..three….four....
Yep...good luck with that family planning.....
The amount of bullshit floating around at the moment makes me want to puke.....
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Thu Feb 27, 2020 8:05 pm ... m/11999414

This animal is convicted and sentenced to six years gaol….and he is eligible for parole in 15 months...
Another example of our gutless, pathetic legal system.....
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Feb 27, 2020 8:23 pm

We definitely need a Trump style clean out of our justice system. It stinks.

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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Thu Feb 27, 2020 8:32 pm ... f7fc9bddd5

This is another area of our "legal system" which has to be reviewed...
Judges have the authority to order cumulative or concurrent sentences where there are multiple charges/convictions.
The court has to ensure that the sentence/s handed down are just and appropriate...
This is another example of gutless, soft sentencing in Australia.....
Jennings served two years and eight months...he was not granted parole...
Why didn't the Police appeal the light sentence...the same could be said of the case in my previous post.....
There is something seriously wrong with society when animals commit these offences and something is also
seriously wrong with our legal system when their punishments are so soft....
And no-one does a thing about it....
Its almost as though soft, gutless sentencing is accepted as part of the legal system we live under....
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