Reasons not to vote LABOR.

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Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Rorschach » Sun Feb 24, 2013 8:17 pm

I can name a great many labor biased media people. But unlike you I don't use their bias to prove them wrong. I use facts and the truth.
I just did that......^^^^^^^^. I posted facts and truth. no you started off by just attacking the messenger. you trot our another schmedia fuckwit, Akerman.
Like I keep telling you I don't care what side of politics they come from... if they write information I'll post it if they lie I'll correct it or leave it for someone else to correct.
Feel free to argue against Akerman any time you like. I have many times before. Even over the phone. But at least have the intellectual decency to do it based on reality and not just some moronic personal dislike.
You mean like the moronic personal dislike Akerman has for Gillard? In that post ^^^^^^^ I negated or reconciled every bit of boofery contained in the Article. You, on the other hand, sucked it all up like the Liberal fanboy you clearly are.
No Arsie you've got that arse about as usual. I corrected your belief in Labor lies. No unbiased sane person would concede you were right.
It doesn't matter what you think or the Labor propaganda you spout... she chose to inflict a carbon tax on the people of Australia after her party went to an election and stated publicly many times (and due to opposition policy) that she would NOT bring in a CARBON TAX.
Now you are being deceptive. What she said was that there would be no carbon tax 'under a government I lead.' She was clearly referring to an ALP majority Government, and she was not contemplating having to negotiate to form a minority government. What part of that sentence is not fact and truth, Gumpy?
No you are being deceived not me, by the deceptive ALP. She leads the GOVERNMENT Arsie. She is the PM.... She made deals to ensure that. How many times would you like me to shoot you down? :roll:
Circumstances hadn't changed so that she had to do any such thing.
Reality was that they changed very dramatically, and as part of the argy bargy of negotiations so that she could form a minority Government, she agreed to introduce the tax....something not too dissimilar from an ETS.....something the ALP had foreshadowed in the campaign.
No they hadn't changed. There was no way The Greens were ever going to side with Abbott. Brown, Milne and Bandt have proven that time and time again. A real leader whose word meant something would not have broken their promise to the Australian people.

She stated and I quote....
There will be NO CARBON TAX under the government I lead.
Swan stated and I quote...
"No it's not possible that we're bringing in the carbon tax, that is a hysterically inaccurate claim being made by the Coalition."
Wong stated...
"A Carbon tax is a less efficient way in the Australian government's view of dealing with this issue."

Would you like me to post endless youtubes on this?
SHE CHOSE TO BREAK HER WORD TO THE AUSTRALIAN PEOPLE. In doing so she betrayed not only those who voted against her, but to those who voted for her because of that promise.
Now you are being deliberately dramatic, and also idiotic. How on earth can she have betrayed those who voted against her? As for those who voted for her including people like myself, there would have been a multitude of reasons, including 'bugger you Abbott.' Produce the evidence which demonstrates that where it mattered, voters voted ALP and not LNP for the sole reason that she made that comment.
Good grief... not dramatic or idiotic... just telling the truth. How on earth did she betray those who voted against her? Well aren't all voters Australian? Didn't she promise all Australian there would be no carbon tax under the government I lead... QED Arsie. QED. I suggest you produce the evidence that proves me wrong. I suggest you don't misquote me or tell lies about what I say... that's not nice now is it. I have merely stated that some people who voted for her voted for her in the belief she would not introduce a carbon tax. Where if she stated she would then they would have changed their vote and not voted for her at all. Prove me wrong.
So stop making up crap excuses, because it doesn't wash. It is an EMPTY EXCUSE.
It reflects reality. I thought you wanted to discuss truths and facts. I guess you don't.
No it doesn't it is as I said an Empty excuse. I have already explained why. You it seems are too biased and too rusted-on to accept the truth Arsie.
As for Windsor that bitter old man, I expect he's as credible as Gillard and Swan are in keeping their word.
I reckon there is a reason Abbott has never taken Windsor to task about those revelations, concerning the desperation of Abbott, made in Parliament by Windsor. Bloody pesky smart-phones, wot?
I don't believe I've ever commented on Akerman and the so-called "Children overboard" affair... how about I go just a bit further back in time and ask Eve about that apple controversy :lol:
Pesky? You mean apparently non-existent. Windsor the blow-hard bitter old man and national party hater has never provided any proof.
Now you are being deliberately obtuse, and evasive. I never said you had commented on Akerman's treatment of the "Children over-board" matter. I did ask you, in the interests of balance concerning what you call 'lies' made to people during a Campaign, lies which may have had an impact on the outcome, to produce the writings of Akerman on that subject in which he discusses the lies of Howard and Reith. If you really are interested in balance, that is what you'd do. You won't and you'll come up with fairy dust like you already have with your irrelevant reference to Adam/Eve.
Then you should ask me what I did about it then shouldn't you. I stated from the beginning that no one should jump to conclusions until it is confirmed absolutely what had actually happened. I also stated that yes if it did happen as originally reported in some of the media, then no they are not the sort of people I'd like in Australia. I believe the PM made a similar comment.

I don't need luck Arsie... I have a fully functioning brain.

How's yours?

Last edited by Rorschach on Sun Feb 24, 2013 8:25 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Aussie » Sun Feb 24, 2013 8:21 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:
Aussie wrote:
Bandt had already promised support for the ALP
Wanna back that up with some links which prove it?
Do your own research, dickwad.
I have, now prove me wrong
More lies and Fiberal fairy dust. I asked you to provide links in support of your claim.......'Bandt had already promised support for the ALP."

And you come up with nothing.....which is no surprise at all because, as is usual with you, you just make it all up. Must be a leftard thing..........well yes it is.....Tone does it as well.


Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Aussie » Sun Feb 24, 2013 8:26 pm

Gumpy............Do you really expect me to respond to that ^^^^^^ chook's breakfast? (I can't even quote it because the board software couldn't make sense of it either.)

You crap at this!

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Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Rorschach » Sun Feb 24, 2013 8:38 pm

Well it's only a chooks breakfast because of how you set it out.
If I can have the patience to wade through your stuff you should do likewise.

Or is it intellectually too difficult for you?

Or do you just want an excuse to avoid the truth.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD


Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Aussie » Sun Feb 24, 2013 8:53 pm

Okay...wanna start again?

Here are my original comments. All my own.....not one chunk of 'copy' anywhere. you trot our another schmedia fuckwit, Akerman. There is no doubt...even Gillard concedes she made that statement. There is also no doubt that when she made it, she was referring to an entirely different kind of Government than the one the people handed her. No-one, including Gillard and yourself Gumpy, and Akerman contemplated at the time she made the statement that there would be a hung Parliament, and that before anyone could form a Government, there were going to have to be compromises. Abbott was willing to sell his soul, but not his arse, Gillard agreed to the carbon tax, not too far from what she had previously publicly expressed was an intention, the emissions trading scheme.

So, I have responded to 'Akerman.' Now, in the interests of balance I think you make claim to, how about you now produce the writings of Akerman in which he exposes the lies of Howard and Reith in the context of an election campaign, of 'children overboard.'

Prove to us that you are not really crap at this.

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Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Rorschach » Sun Feb 24, 2013 9:08 pm

Rorschach wrote:You know you are sooooooooooo predictable.

I can name a great many labor biased media people. But unlike you I don't use their bias to prove them wrong. I use facts and the truth.

Feel free to argue against Akerman any time you like. I have many times before. Even over the phone. But at least have the intellectual decency to do it based on reality and not just some moronic personal dislike.

It doesn't matter what you think or the Labor propaganda you spout... she chose to inflict a carbon tax on the people of Australia after her party went to an election and stated publicly many times (and due to opposition policy) that she would NOT bring in a CARBON TAX. Circumstances hadn't changed so that she had to do any such thing. SHE CHOSE TO BREAK HER WORD TO THE AUSTRALIAN PEOPLE. In doing so she betrayed not only those who voted against her, but to those who voted for her because of that promise.

So stop making up crap excuses, because it doesn't wash. It is an EMPTY EXCUSE.

As for Windsor that bitter old man, I expect he's as credible as Gillard and Swan are in keeping their word.

I don't believe I've ever commented on Akerman and the so-called "Children overboard" affair... how about I go just a bit further back in time and ask Eve about that apple controversy :lol:

God you're an idiot.

I just took apart your biased claptrap if I'm not good at this what does that make you? :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
Wow look at that all my words too... :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun Feb 24, 2013 9:20 pm

Why are you always wrong Arrssie?
:roll: ... 12482.html" onclick=";return false;

The Greens candidate for the electorate of Melbourne has confirmed he would side with Labor if he wins the seat and the parliament is hung.

you fucking rug riding sausage wallet :roll:
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia


Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Aussie » Sun Feb 24, 2013 9:37 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:Why are you always wrong Arrssie?
:roll: ... 12482.html" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

The Greens candidate for the electorate of Melbourne has confirmed he would side with Labor if he wins the seat and the parliament is hung.

you fucking rug riding sausage wallet :roll:
Okay....that is evidence. But when did he ever become part of the argy bargy between Gillard and Abbott on which Party would form a minority Government?

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Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by Rorschach » Sun Feb 24, 2013 9:53 pm

There is a very real danger on current polls that Tony Abbott could win control of both houses of Parliament as John Howard did back in 2004 and we know the result.

So the Greens are the backstop for the Australian people, not only in the Senate but with Adam Bandt in the seat of Melbourne.
Bob Brown....

this is the same attitude he, Milne, Bandt, Hansen-Young etc all had after the 2010 election. They have all made statements inferring they would never do a deal with the Coalition.
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Re: Reasons not to vote LABOR.

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sun Feb 24, 2013 9:59 pm

Aussie wrote:
IQS.RLOW wrote:Why are you always wrong Arrssie?
:roll: ... 12482.html" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

The Greens candidate for the electorate of Melbourne has confirmed he would side with Labor if he wins the seat and the parliament is hung.

you fucking rug riding sausage wallet :roll:
Okay....that is evidence. But when did he ever become part of the argy bargy between Gillard and Abbott on which Party would form a minority Government?
What does that have to do with you being WRONG yet again or the fact that Gillard sold the soul of the ALP to the Greens for an agreement they already had and in doing do damaged the ALP and her own brand forever as a bunch of liars believed only by weak minded numptys like yourself who would still back the ALP if they were selling babies to the union movement as sex toys.

You sick gormless fuckstick
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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