Thorium will be here before long.
I wanted IQ to read this.
if you only learn one thing about Thorium look at this graph:
Most of the Uranium in the world is the purple circle.
Only 0.7% of it is useful - yes - that tiny red sliver on the graph.
U235 is as rare as platinum.
However the green circles represent the amount
of Thorium in the world
that can be made to fission and produce energy.
Thorium is abundant and cheap.
It's only very weakly radioactive.
You could have a brick of it on your coffee table at home and it wouldn't hurt you.
The most stable isotope, 232Th, has a half-life of 14.05 billion years, or about the age of the universe; it decays very slowly via alpha decay, starting a decay chain named the thorium series that ends at stable 208Pb. In the universe, thorium and uranium are the only two radioactive elements that still occur naturally in large quantities as primordial elements.[a] It is estimated to be over three times more abundant than uranium in the Earth's crust, and is chiefly refined from monazite sands as a by-product of extracting rare-earth metals.