Abbott's clangers...

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Re: Abbott's clangers...

Post by Rorschach » Tue Mar 17, 2015 12:54 pm

Well how ignorant and out of touch are you mantra....
Abbott spends more time per year in remote communities (and understanding their problems) than you will in your lifetime.
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Re: Abbott's clangers...

Post by mantra » Tue Mar 17, 2015 1:07 pm

Rorschach wrote:Well how ignorant and out of touch are you mantra....
Abbott spends more time per year in remote communities (and understanding their problems) than you will in your lifetime.
You don't know that. I've lived and worked with aborigines in my lifetime and for longer periods than a week. It surprises me that we still have so much limited understanding as to what's best for "them". Abbott's "clanger" is obviously a serious disappointment as it appears that he's learnt very little from his visits and is still adopting the old stereotyped stance that they are the same as us, but just black, bludgers and unmotivated.

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Re: Abbott's clangers...

Post by Rorschach » Tue Mar 17, 2015 3:13 pm

mantra wrote:
Rorschach wrote:Well how ignorant and out of touch are you mantra....
Abbott spends more time per year in remote communities (and understanding their problems) than you will in your lifetime.
You don't know that. I've lived and worked with aborigines in my lifetime and for longer periods than a week. It surprises me that we still have so much limited understanding as to what's best for "them". Abbott's "clanger" is obviously a serious disappointment as it appears that he's learnt very little from his visits and is still adopting the old stereotyped stance that they are the same as us, but just black, bludgers and unmotivated.
Well really then please enlighten us all about this vast experience.

I have very good Aboriginal friends thanks.
But I don't claim to have lived in a remote community.
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Re: Abbott's clangers...

Post by mantra » Tue Mar 17, 2015 4:21 pm

It has been quite a few years, but the communities I stayed in and/or worked in were remote. I don't intend to go into detail here about it though. Just because a politician spends a week every couple of years in a remote community doesn't mean he's an authority on the subject. I'm giving my opinion which I'm entitled to do.

If Abbott was so right when he claimed that it was a lifestyle choice - why have a majority of Australians objected to this? How about we move one of these "taxpayer funded" communities to a suburb near you, so the kids can go to the local school and the parents entertain themselves in your local parks. Mind you most of them will still be existing on food stamps, so when they see their neighbours living an affluent lifestyle - the younger generation are going to want a piece of that too. These remote people are not your typical trendy city aborigines who thrive in concrete and have had a good education. They have been born into a lifestyle which we couldn't accommodate easily or successfully. There is no choice involved.

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Re: Abbott's clangers...

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Tue Mar 17, 2015 4:43 pm

Neferti~ wrote: Who knows. IF I was the PM and somebody handed me an unpeeled ONION and said "eat this" ... I would say Getenze fukenzee.
My half Jewish half Catholic (parents disowned by both families) step grandfather used to eat a raw onion for breakfast every morning. Then at 2pm every day he'd let rip farts that were louder than a factory full of functioning machinery. One truckie searched the factory asking "Who did that fart?" so he could shake the onion eater's hand.

IQS.RLOW wrote:I think I'd rather eat an onion than do a Bill Shorten and go deep mining for magic nose goblins and chowing down on the extracted nuggets
In 4th grade I went on a school excursion to Canbera. In parliament we sat in the gallery and watched Malcom Frazer pick his nose, roll it into balls and flick it at Whitlam and Co.

On a serious note though, concerning Abbot, he might make the odd vebal gaffe, but his actions so far haven't been too bad.
As for him being a rabit right-wing jack booter, it's absurd. I'm more of a jack booting fascist than critics wish he was.
Y'see Abbott isn't originally from the progressive or conservative side of the Liberal party.
He's a defector from the DLP. Y'know the Catholics who quit the ALP?
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Re: Abbott's clangers...

Post by Neferti » Tue Mar 17, 2015 5:00 pm

The boy stood on the burning deck
Picking his nose like mad
Rolling it into little balls
And flicking them at his dad.

The boy stood on the burning deck
His pockets full of crackers
One went off between his legs
And paralysed his knackers.

The boy stood on the burning deck
The oars were in the rowlocks
A spark flew up his trouser leg
And burned him on the... knee

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Re: Abbott's clangers...

Post by boxy » Tue Mar 17, 2015 11:21 pm

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Re: Abbott's clangers...

Post by Rorschach » Wed Mar 18, 2015 9:03 am

mantra wrote:It has been quite a few years, but the communities I stayed in and/or worked in were remote. I don't intend to go into detail here about it though. Just because a politician spends a week every couple of years in a remote community doesn't mean he's an authority on the subject. I'm giving my opinion which I'm entitled to do. Abbott does it more often than that and has other contacts as well.

If Abbott was so right when he claimed that it was a lifestyle choice - why have a majority of Australians objected to this? :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl Really, you do post crap. Did you read the article I posted. have you looked at comments except those of the outraged greens and Progressive Left? Of course not. You don't listen to sensible people. How about we move one of these "taxpayer funded" communities to a suburb near you, so the kids can go to the local school and the parents entertain themselves in your local parks. Apparently they don't want to move mantra... honestly do you even know what the debate is about. Mind you most of them will still be existing on food stamps, well they'll be better off than those on Newstart won't they. so when they see their neighbours living an affluent lifestyle - the younger generation are going to want a piece of that too. Good, then they'll know that life has more to offer them. These remote people are not your typical trendy city aborigines who thrive in concrete and have had a good education. Then they need to actually attend school eh. They have been born into a lifestyle which we couldn't accommodate easily or successfully. There is no choice involved. Really born into a LIFESTYLE... gee Abbott was right then wasn't he.
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Re: Abbott's clangers...

Post by mantra » Thu Mar 19, 2015 7:38 am

Rorschach wrote:Really born into a LIFESTYLE... gee Abbott was right then wasn't he.
Everyone is born into a lifestyle, but genetics and environment would play a big part in how we adapt to the world around us. Many of those communities are alcohol free and for a good reason. Moving them out of there and closer to civilisation would cost more in the long term because of escalating violence and arrests. As it is they are represented disproportionately in our gaols. Shifting them to the suburbs won't solve their problems or reduce government spending.

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Re: Abbott's clangers...

Post by Rorschach » Thu Mar 19, 2015 9:51 am

Yes manta being born into a lifestyle and being a baby at that time does limit ones options.
One doesn't have to remain in that lifestyle though does one.
A great many Aborigines have clearly shown that.
drinking and smoking is a personal choice mantra.
Just like vandalism, rape, child abuse and theft.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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