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by Rorschach » Mon Mar 02, 2015 9:57 am
In this game of thrones, Scott Morrison is now key
Date March 2, 2015 - 7:23AM
Paul Sheehan
Sydney Morning Herald columnist
In an interview with Tony Abbott in 2010 about his shadow ministry, what struck me most was his singling out of one person above all, describing him as having prime ministerial potential. That person was Scott Morrison. I didn't see it then. I see it now.
Morrison is changing the game of thrones. All the war-gaming going on by the major parties is assuming a transition to Malcolm Turnbull before the next election, if Abbott continues to flat-line in the polls. The war-gaming must now factor in the Morrison effect.
On January 28, already a long time ago in politics, I wrote something that was fresh at the time but quickly became conventional wisdom: "The Liberal Party is already moving. The phones are running hot. They will not turn to the deputy leader, Julie Bishop. It will be Malcolm Turnbull."
So great is the vulturing going on in Canberra that some commentators are behaving as if Turnbull's ascendency is a fait accompli, an inevitability, or merely imminent. They are looking straight through Abbott to the next contest in the race-that-never-ends.
Turnbull has not been responsible for the fever. He has behaved with restraint, knowing it could be fatal to appear treacherous. Far better, instead, to let the public do the job of removing a prime minister by giving him prolonged, untenable polling numbers. Everyone keeps clean hands.
Yet such is the state of flux, and so rapid and assured has been Morrison's rise, that he is becoming more than the most successful minister in the federal government.
Morrison is rapidly evolving into the cleanest re-set, and biggest game-changer, the Liberals have. He stopped the boats. He largely emptied the detention centres. In one year he did what Labor could not do, at enormous cost, and instead made progressively worse.
Morrison has a gift for cut-through messaging. He is not a former leader whose leadership blew up. He does not have a carbon tax attached to his resume. He has not been preening on the ABC. He has not been making snide references to "captain's picks", reawakening character questions among his colleagues (and a re-calibration of deputy leader Julie Bishop's stocks).
Morrison is the son of a policeman. He attended Sydney Boys' High, is not wealthy and thus not a class-war target for Labor. He is also free of wishful thinking and waffle about the internal threat presented by Islamic extremism.
Any war-gaming now must figure in Morrison as a serious factor. If Labor had to face him in next year's federal election, at least as Treasurer, it has shown little evidence it can match him in debate, or policy formulation, or confronting the damage caused by cynical, pain-free policies built on debt-and-deficit politics.
As for the latest outburst of speculation, what is keeping the scent of fresh blood in the air is destabilising agents within the government. Three Liberal MPs are the primary dissidents. Journalists don't need to contact them, they contact journalists. One contacted me after Abbott's latest misjudgment when the prime minister scapegoated the chief government whip, Philip Ruddock, after the leadership spill motion three weeks ago.
The dissident told me that three ministers had called him after Ruddock's removal to say they would vote against the Prime Minister should another spill motion be moved.
So intense has it all become that the mere fact that Parliament resumes sitting today has been generating speculation and agitation that another spill could be imminent.
A spill would be an act of collective hysteria. Despite a minority position in the Senate, the government has been productive, not engulfed in scandal, and is trying to confront Australia's growing economic stasis. The unpopularity of Abbott has basically been personal. A re-run of the 2010 Labor putsch that brought down a first-term prime minister with a big House majority would thus be redolent of treachery and panic. We know how the electorate reacted to that.
Gratuitous internecine upheaval on the eve of a NSW state election would be absurd, especially given the Liberal Party preaches so often about stability. It would be a capitulation to panic not to give the Prime Minister and Treasurer time to bring down a second budget and rehabilitate their economic reform message.
Then there are the polls, which are showing that the electorate is beginning to wake up to Opposition Leader's Bill Shorten's empty opportunism. Some landmines are awaiting Shorten.
With all this, events continue to break Turnbull's way. The Prime Minister's criticisms of the president of the Australian Human Rights Commission, Professor Gillian Triggs, was ill-conceived, given that the battle was already being carried robustly by the Attorney-General, George Brandis. It would have been more politic to focus on the government's removal of 90 per cent of children from detention after Labor had locked them up.
Events are also breaking Morrison's way. He has established a reputation as an excellent administrator. He is already shaking up the giant Social Security portfolio after just two months on the job. He is a forceful performer in Parliament. He delivered the most difficult election promise of the Coalition, amid a blizzard of abuse and lawfare.
Crucially, Morrison can shape and deliver a complex narrative in simple terms. On big policy changes, he can take the electorate with him in explaining the need for reform.
He is now established as the pre-eminent next-generation Liberal leader. Turnbull is 60, Bishop is 58, Abbott is 57. Morrison is only 46. Whatever happens, he should play a central role in the government's survival strategy.
It made sense for him, speaking on radio 3AW last week, to dismiss the internal leadership agitation as "political bedwetting". Time is on his side.
Well it seems the press are finally catching up to me.

DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD
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