Should Abbott step down?

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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by boxy » Mon Sep 14, 2015 9:13 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:Bishop is nothing but a vagina with a severe dose of the clap. She's been a leaky fluffy bunny for the better part of the last 3 months.

Abbott never stood a chance with backstabbers and a complicit left wing media prepared to beat up anything from Abbott like a fucking wink and mispronouncing Canada, etc etc etc.

Soft cock left wingers will destroy this country.
Tears of impotent rage :lol:

You loved the media when it was Labor leaders being put to the knife, but suddenly, they're the ones causing it, when the Beloved Leader is under pressure :roll
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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by skippy » Mon Sep 14, 2015 9:36 pm

I'll sneak this in before the votes are reported. I can't see Bishop backing Turnbull unless he has the numbers. Just my take on it.As she would be the most likely to succeed after Abbott and Turnbull so for her to throw her hat in with Turnbull tells me she thinks he has the numbers. Minutes away....... I bet Abbott isn't the only party leader that hopes Abbott wins, Shorten must be shitting himself that Abbott may be rolled.

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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by Rorschach » Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:06 pm

54 Turnbull 44 Abbott
Bishop remains Deputy
Turnbull will be the new PM.
Hockey will go.
Maybe Scott Morrison will be Treasurer.

Now the Libs have a much more effective communicator as PM.
Shorten's job has just gotten 1/ harder and 2/ More precarious.
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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by skippy » Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:06 pm

Turnbull wins 54 to 44. Abbott is gone. I hate to say I told you so. :rofl
I bet Bill Shorten feels just as sick as Abbott tonight.

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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by Rorschach » Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:07 pm

What I said months ago...
Rorschach wrote:Why Abbott has to go.

Tony Abbott is a political lightening rod. He’s hated by the Progressive Left with a passion. (Mind you they hate anyone who disagrees with them.) But in Abbott’s case, they go the extra yard to; libel, slander and ridicule the man. It is almost never ending.

The time has now passed in which Abbott could turn things around for himself and the Coalition. He has tied himself to policy that will drag him and the Liberal Party down and make him a one term leader. Even if they change direction and policies now, Abbott’s Leadership is in terminal decline. He will go down with “his” policies, either leading the Coalition to defeat at the next election or he will be replaced. Perhaps even falling on his own sword and stepping down.

This has come about partly due to the relentless negative campaign that has been waged against him personally, since he was Opposition Leader. But more than that, due to the implementation and direction of the current Liberal/Coalition policy. As Abbott himself often says… the buck stops with him.

The win at the last election, even though a strong win, has set up the Government to fail. Largely in part due to the negativity and bloody mindedness of the ALP and the Greens. The parties which delivered us into the economic situation we find ourselves today. Locked into ever increasing debt and ever decreasing revenue. Without control of the Senate the current Coalition government was never going to be able to implement the policies it felt were needed to “turn the ship around”.

But, then again they were voted in, to not only replace an incompetent government and implement certain key policies, (which largely they have.) They were voted in to end the lies, and broken promises. Abbott himself promised… “a government of no surprises and no excuses,” “a government that says what it means, and means what it says”. Both of which, he and the Government, have spectacularly failed at.
They were not given a mandate to make wholesale changes to Medicare, or increase the cost of living burden on the poor. They do not have a mandate to make wholesale changes to the education system and the cost of education.

What was needed this term was keeping the faith with the public. Followed by consolidation, planning and communication. Then implementation of what was possible in the current situation. Instead we’ve had; lack of consultation, knee-jerk reactions and knee-jerk policy. We’ve had: ideological obstinacy, and a mentality where crash or break-through was favoured to a more reasonable approach.

Personally, I don’t believe Abbott is personally responsible for all this, but… he is head of the Government and it would seem his loyalty to others, is undermining his Prime Ministership. He has been badly advised and/or is simply not listening, either way it shows bad judgement both politically and personally. For these reasons then, he must step down, if he is to give the Coalition Government a chance to “reboot”, reprioritise and find another way. One acceptable to the majority of Australians. It will take at least 2 years to regain the trust and acceptance of the Australian people.
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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by skippy » Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:08 pm

Sorry Rorschach, great minds. :rofl

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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by Rorschach » Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:18 pm

I told you years ago Skip, if you could stop abusing me for a few minutes, you'd find we agree on more things than we disagree. :roll: :D :thumb
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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by IQS.RLOW » Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:18 pm

I wonder how long it will take the lefties who are yucking it up right now to have it sink in and realise that the LNP will cream the leftists at the election.

It's highly amusing that they are celebrating their own downfall, although no one ever thought lefties could think any further ahead than their next bowel movement.
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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by boxy » Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:21 pm

Going to start re-posting all the shit you've talked about Turnbull? :thumb
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Re: Should Abbott step down?

Post by IQS.RLOW » Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:26 pm

boxy wrote:Going to start re-posting all the shit you've talked about Turnbull? :thumb
I don't need to. Turnbull has always been about Turnbull rather than the nation but in any case, I'd rather the lefty in a right wing party win the election rather than the righty in a left wing party.

Either way, the left are fucked come the next election. :rofl
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