Fag force 1

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Outlaw Yogi
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Re: Fag force 1

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Thu Oct 05, 2017 3:50 pm

J o h n S m i t h wrote:
Outlaw Yogi wrote: Oh they're watching me alright, almost constantly, but not for any good reason.
IS nato 'custard guts' from your Hill Billy Capers?
Could be ... they express themselves the same way.
If Donald Trump is so close to the Ruskis, why couldn't he get Vladimir Putin to put novichok in Xi Jjinping's lipstick?

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Re: Fag force 1

Post by Bobby » Thu Oct 05, 2017 7:06 pm

Outlaw Yogi wrote:
Sir Bobby wrote:
Last time I got busted with a prohibited weapon (Ruger 10/22 [semi-auto] with a Gold star silencer (on a farm at Bullyard in 2009) the cops seemed disappointed the phone wasn't connected, my computer wasn't connected and I had no mobile/cell phone. They broke into the house while I was in court. Then I was broken into every fortnight.
I didn't know you were a crook.
Well maybe they are watching you?
I'm not a crook ... that's the annoying thing about these lefties' gun bans. A few decades ago quite often the 1st (1st form/Year 7) high school woodwork project was a gun rack for your Dad, but these days urban soft cocks automatically assume anyone with a gun is a crim.

Oh they're watching me alright, almost constantly, but not for any good reason.
The problem is cops are too stupid to recognise people on anti-depressant medication aren't to be believed - they lie constantly. Alot of characters with these mental conditions requiring drugs to elevate their serotonin levels are also psychopaths (manipulator/control freak) and tend to be scared of anyone that they can't intimidate or control.

I grew up with a manic depressive (now called Bi Polar) control freak, so one of my favourite past times is frustrating psychopaths manipulations, and when they can't get their way they resort to false reports to authority figures.

Slightly off topic ... but just today the front page of the Australian has a report about a gun nut shooting up a country & western concert in LA ... and of course there'll be cries for gun bans.
Bet you any money you like the shooter was addicted to anti-depressants.
Actually one still often prescribed in Oz (Zoloft) was banned in the US because users kept committing suicide and mass murders on them.

It's not people with guns the cops need to be watching, it's the loonies on anti-depressants they need to keep an eye on.
Don't you mean Las Vegas?

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