NSW a step closer to gay marriage

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Re: NSW a step closer to gay marriage

Post by mellie » Wed Aug 21, 2013 1:48 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
There were about 33,700 same-sex couples in Australia, according to the 2011 census
Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/travel/countries- ... z2cVvQbR56" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Big decision to make for such a small minority. There's only one reason why they won't hold a referendum and that's because it would fail.


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Re: NSW a step closer to gay marriage

Post by Chard » Thu Aug 22, 2013 2:59 pm

I'm still waiting for someone to give a valid reason why same-sex couples should not be granted the same rights as hetero couples. Saying that the "people would be against it" is a non-starter as then you're just advocating discrimination based on a bullshit ad populum fallacy. If you really don't understand why leaving such decisions up to the mob is a bad idea then all you need do is look at the US civil rights movement.

Gays is the new N*gger. Same old discrimination, new target is all.
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Re: NSW a step closer to gay marriage

Post by Neferti » Thu Aug 22, 2013 4:27 pm

Chard wrote:I'm still waiting for someone to give a valid reason why same-sex couples should not be granted the same rights as hetero couples. Saying that the "people would be against it" is a non-starter as then you're just advocating discrimination based on a bullshit ad populum fallacy. If you really don't understand why leaving such decisions up to the mob is a bad idea then all you need do is look at the US civil rights movement.

Gays is the new N*gger. Same old discrimination, new target is all.
For a start you could try calling them by their real name, i.e Homosexuals. Gay reminds me of Judy Garland and the Wizard of Oz or Yul Brynner in The King and I. :mrgreen:

They are a minority group. Most Aussies would be happy to vote in a Referendum to decide whether they can "marry" or not. That would be fair on the rest of us.

They already have the same legal rights as married couples and de facto (common law) couples. The Australian Law doesn't discriminate between the sexes.

So their call to be able to "marry" can already be done, legally and through a Ceremony with a Celebrant in certain places in Australia. Churches won't marry them though, but then, who goes to Church regularly in Australia and can get married in one? Very few.

NOBODY cares what homosexuals do. Except the odd few voyeurs.

We don't have "niggers" in Australia. We have Indigenous People. The colour of their skin can range between pale (Caucasian) with blue eyes and fair hair, to dark with brown eyes and curly dark hair. Our Indigenous People are more in line with your Native Americans. :mrgreen:

US civil rights? Australian Governments (both sides) have bent over backwards to "do something" for our Indigenous Peoples. Tony Abbott spends time (volunteering) up at the "Top End" with these people, he is a true believer in helping the downtrodden and will do something about it should he become the next Prime Minister. His sister is Homosexual.

Anyway, get the chip off your shoulder and you will feel a hell of a lot better, Chard!

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Re: NSW a step closer to gay marriage

Post by mellie » Thu Aug 22, 2013 4:46 pm

Chard wrote:I'm still waiting for someone to give a valid reason why same-sex couples should not be granted the same rights as hetero couples. Saying that the "people would be against it" is a non-starter as then you're just advocating discrimination based on a bullshit ad populum fallacy. If you really don't understand why leaving such decisions up to the mob is a bad idea then all you need do is look at the US civil rights movement.

Gays is the new N*gger. Same old discrimination, new target is all.

Marriage is a heterosexual institution.

It comes down to values, and what an overwhelming majority feel comfortable with.

Two of my closest friends are gay, neither of them believe same-sex marriage should be legislated.

In fact, you might be surprised at the number of gays who feel offended by our politicians politicising their sexuality.

This isn’t about gay rights, it's mere politicking.

8-) ...And those switched on enough can see it for what it is and are quite offended by it all.

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