Boat people - what is the solution?

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Re: Boat people - what is the solution?

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Jul 19, 2013 1:47 pm

I don't know why this was moved to the Vortex so I am reposting it.

Late night news said we are out rescuing the 5th boat this week. 180 on board this time. 144 on Tuesday, 120 on Wednesday and so on ...
The navy's workload means the 21-person crew of patrol boat HMAS Bathurst, which was involved in last night's emergency, has rescued six boats in the past 10 days carrying a total of 709 people.

The arrival of between 700 and 800 asylum-seekers a week for more than a month has pushed the number of asylum-seekers on Christmas Island to a record of about 4000, and the relentless pace of arrivals is creating serious problems for the management of the compounds, which are now severely overcrowded beyond contingent capacity. ... 6681034941" onclick=";return false;

Man the cannons I say :thumb
Chard wrote:Question, is "Boat People" just a generic term or is it analogous to using the term "wetbacks" to describe illegal Mexican immigrants here in the US? I'm genuinely curious.
'Boat people' fly to Indonesia, destroy their visas and papers then pay people smugglers for passage to Australia on leaky boats. They are mainly from Iran, Iraq, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Pakistan. The assumption is that if we don't know their point of origin we can't send them back.
Of the 3237 asylum-seekers who admitted to flying to Indonesia on a passport, 3200 did not have any travel documents when they arrived in Australia.

People-smugglers routinely advise their clients to discard their identity documents before arriving in Australia.

The refugee status assessment process operates primarily on a risk model, meaning there can be significant advantages to inventing false identities and claims of persecution.

The absence of documentation also makes it extremely hard to deport failed asylum-seekers, because receiving countries are reluctant to accept those whose nationality is not clear. But it complicates the refugee status assessment process, contributing to the length of time asylum-seekers are held in detention.

The figures showing some 3200 asylum-seekers arrived from Indonesia without documentation - revealed in Senate estimates - cover the period from July 1, 2010, to October 17, 2011.

The information is based on admissions made by asylum-seekers during their initial entry interviews with officials.

Opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison said the admissions raised serious questions about the validity of many asylum claims.

"It frustrates our assessment process and is done on the assumption that they will receive the benefit of the doubt," Mr Morrison said of the practice of dumping documentation.

"A person's document, if you are a refugee, should be the most important document you hold, because it proves your case. The destruction of those documents raises totally reasonable suspicions about those claims." ... 6256747251" onclick=";return false;

Old article. We have had over 700 just this week.

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Re: Boat people - what is the solution?

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Jul 19, 2013 7:03 pm

KEVIN Rudd has vowed to send all new asylum-seekers to Papua New Guinea under a regional resettlement deal, declaring future boatpeople will have "no chance" of staying in Australia as refugees.

The Prime Minister said he would impose the changes as soon as possible as he signed the agreement with the promise that there be no cap on the number of asylum-seekers being sent to PNG's Manus Island detention centre.

“From now on, any asylum-seeker who arrives in Australia by boat will have no chance of being settled in Australia as refugees,” Mr Rudd said in Brisbane at a press conference with PNG Prime Minister Peter O'Neill.

“Asylum-seekers taken to Christmas Island will be sent to Manus and elsewhere in Papua New Guinea for assessment of their refugee status.

“If they are found to be genuine refugees they will be resettled in Papua New Guinea - an emerging economy with a strong future, a robust democracy which is also a signatory to the United Nations refugees convention.

“If they are found not to be genuine refugees they may be repatriated to their country of origin or be sent to a safe third country other than Australia.”

Mr Rudd said the agreement did not specify an absolute limit to the number of refugees who could be resettled ... 6681830019" onclick=";return false;

He might have won me over if he didn't add that the agreement was only for 12 months. Still it's a step in the right direction. It's a problem both parties should be addressing with a vengeance.

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Re: Boat people - what is the solution?

Post by Neferti » Fri Jul 19, 2013 7:24 pm

You do realise that Kevvi is talking through the hole in his head? He is campaigning ..... means nothing, all talk and bullshit.

Gosh, I am all for people who need to seek asylum to be allowed in ... immediately. I would even go so far as to nominate to take on a couple of asylum people. FREE. I do have compassion. I have taken people in, temporarily, in the past. Not asylum seekers, obviously, but people down on their luck. Never had a problem with them.

How many do-gooders would actually open up their own homes for asylum seekers? Most leftards would certainly not, they expect The Gubbmint to do that. Leftards are all talk.

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Re: Boat people - what is the solution?

Post by IQS.RLOW » Fri Jul 19, 2013 8:23 pm

Only the ALP could cock something up so badly, flush billions of taxpayers money down the toilet to house the illegal immigrants then have to pay billions more taxpayers money to a third party to fix their own fuckup thean have the architect of the failure trumpet how he fixed the problem :roll:
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Re: Boat people - what is the solution?

Post by Rorschach » Sat Jul 20, 2013 11:04 am

For me... these people don't pass the character test...
Fire tears through Nauru centre as detainees riot
July 20, 2013 - 9:25AM
Bianca Hall, Daniel Flitton

Calm has been restored to the Nauru detention centre after the building was burned to the ground in a night of rioting and unrest.

On Saturday morning, locals reported that only a few buildings were still standing and most of the facility had been razed by fire.

Overnight about 60 detainees were arrested and taken to the Nauru prison after riots broke out at the centre on Friday.

Early reports that a police officer had been stabbed appear to have been false.

A Department of Immigration spokeswoman said all the asylum seekers who escaped had been returned to the centre, and all staff had been accounted for.

A witness on Nauru who asked not to be named said the riot was sparked by false rumours that the Manus Island centre had been closed. The rumours emerged before Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's announcement on Friday afternoon that all asylum seekers heading to Australia by boat would now be sent to Papua New Guinea for processing and resettlement.

"At the moment, most parts of the island are on lockdown," the source said on Friday.

"The detention centre is on fire. The mess, the accommodation area, the kitchen and the newly built recreation area have been set on fire.

"The detainees have been pelting the police and security guards with rocks and sticks. There have been at least five explosions, reportedly from cars set on fire.

"Reportedly, one police officer has been stabbed and is being held by the detainees. Hundreds of local Nauruans have rushed to the detention centre to help the police. At least a dozen detainees have been injured, many rushed to the hospital."

Another source said there was considerable anger in the Nauru government and among immigration officials no warning was given ahead of Mr Rudd's announcement asylum seekers would "never" be settled in Australia.

Food stocks are also believed to have been destroyed at the camp.

The riots began at 3pm, when asylum seekers staged a protest. Authorities evacuated the centre at 4pm, according to local reports. It is understood most of those involved are Sri Lankan Tamils. Once a terrorist it seems...

According to a written order obtained by Fairfax Media, Nauru's acting Police Minister, David Adeang, has deputised a new "Nauru Police Force Reserve" to respond to the riots.

The force includes contractors from Australian company Transfield as well as "all others deputised to respond".

On Friday women and children on Nauru were instructed by the government to lock their doors and stay inside until further notice. All men have been told to present to the centre to be deputised as security guards.

Up to 1000 men are estimated to have responded to the call for deputies distributed via text message on the island's mobile phone network.

Police now have the extra challenge to control these men, "baying for blood", as one islander put it. yep these are the sort of people I want in my country.. NOT!

At 7pm, Nauru man Clint Deidenang reported that the situation had calmed. But another source on the island said many detainees remained at large on Friday night.

A spokeswoman for the Department of Immigration said: "The situation is tense and efforts will be continued to restore order to the facility."

She confirmed the centre had suffered property damage and said there were reports staff and "transferees" had been injured.

And she warned the riots would not help asylum seekers' cause. "Such non-compliant behaviour is unacceptable and people should be aware that this kind of activity can affect their visa applications." hasn't so far what about all the other rioters who destroyed property and harmed people? Nothing.

Another source in Nauru said: "all adult Nauruans can now just go to the police station and gain law enforcement powers, effective immediately. hundreds have already done so. calling it martial law would be exaggerating it but the new regime is the Nauruan equivalent to martial law."

There were no reported issues on Manus Island.
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Re: Boat people - what is the solution?

Post by mellie » Sat Jul 20, 2013 5:47 pm

Why has Rudd publicly announced that he plans to send all those who have already arrived at Nauru to PNG, without having so much as recalled Parliament?

A tad sudden wasnt it? 8-)

Not only has he announced he plans to stop/turn back the boats, (this is a good thing) but boldly claims he plans to go even further to turn-back the people who have already arrived and have been waiting for months to be processed.

He wanted the excite rage, wanted a riot. 8-)

His words/promises mean nothing until he recalls parliament.

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Re: Boat people - what is the solution?

Post by Rorschach » Sat Jul 20, 2013 7:20 pm

Why has Rudd publicly announced that he plans to send all those who have already arrived at Nauru to PNG, without having so much as recalled Parliament?
Quote please...
Not only has he announced he plans to stop/turn back the boats, (this is a good thing) but boldly claims he plans to go even further to turn-back the people who have already arrived and have been waiting for months to be processed.

Quote please...
He wanted the excite rage, wanted a riot. 8-)
Didn't the riot occur before the new policy was announced?
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Re: Boat people - what is the solution?

Post by Rorschach » Sat Jul 20, 2013 8:13 pm

Nauru rioters cause $60m damage
* by: Gemma Jones Political reporter
* From: News Limited Network
* July 20, 2013 6:17PM

RIOTING asylum seekers caused $60 million damage on Nauru, as pictures released to News Corp Australia show.

After three interpreters and three medical personnel were held hostage during the riot,
all non-essential detention-centre staff were to be flown back to Australia.

The situation remains tense as preparations are made to house 545 men in tents and almost-finished accommodation near the camp the rioters torched.

Police are holding 130 asylum seekers and Nauruan justice officials are planning to prosecute them for rioting, assault and property damage. The charges could lead to jail terms up to seven years. Then deportation one hopes...

Nauru riot 'biggest baddest ever'

Three asylum seekers are still being treated for injuries, but their conditions are stable.

Led by Iranians angry at the length of time their refugee processing was taking, the gang of 150 burnt down their new two-storey accommodation blocks, medical centre, water tanks and offices. Where many economic refugees are coming from.
Only a recreation centre, made of fire resistant material, remained standing after the night of violence. The destroyed buildings were insured.

The riot had come after chaos had gripped the Nauruan government in the hours before the riot.

With tensions escalating during the week, including an assault on a centre worker who was attacked with boiling water on Thursday, Nauru's Australian police commissioner Richard Britten had prepared contingency plans for an explosion of violence.

However, his preparations were dismissed by acting president David Adeang, who responded by suspending Mr Britten hours before the violence broke out, News Corp Australia has been told.

Nauruan sources said if Mr Britten's warnings had been acted on the damage may have been limited.

Instead, Mr Adeang was forced to issue a call for all "strong and able men" to be deputised as a Nauru police force reserve to try to hold back the violent asylum seekers at the processing centre gate.

Hundreds of Nauruan responded and MP Kieren Keke was forced to call for calm after some attempted to attack the asylum seekers.

When asked about Mr Britten's suspension, an AFP spokesman said that "this is a matter for the Nauru government".

The country's justice secretary, who was processing the refugee claims, was suddenly replaced two weeks ago, the change adding to tension at the centre. The riots are said to be unconnected to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's announcement hours earlier that PNG had agreed to process and settle asylum seekers who arrived here by boat.

"It is carnage, total devastation," witness Clint Deidenang said of the damage to the processing centre "All the buildings are all burned. The only building still standing is the recreation room."

It had been hoped impoverished Nauruans, many of whom live in third world conditions, could have moved into the air conditioned accommodation blocks after the government finished using the processing centre.

Immigration minister Tony Burke said: "After an event like this, we need to wait until we have all the facts on the table before we draw too many conclusions.

"But no matter what the details are, we do know this. No one will advance their case by behaving this way. Big talk unsupported by past ALP government action.

"The reports we have seen seemed to involve criminal behaviour and I expect they will be dealt with accordingly."

Australian officials said contingency tent and marquee accommodation was being established.

No transferees will be moved off Nauru.

Opposition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison questioned whether the government could manage its PNG deal after seeing a brand new camp in Nauru reduced to smouldering rubble.
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Re: Boat people - what is the solution?

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Jul 20, 2013 8:17 pm

Not only has he announced he plans to stop/turn back the boats, (this is a good thing) but boldly claims he plans to go even further to turn-back the people who have already arrived and have been waiting for months to be processed.
My understanding is that those already here are not affected by the PNG proposal. Just people who arrive by boat from today ..
The first boatload of asylum seekers to be processed under the Government's hardline new deal with Papua New Guinea has been intercepted.

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd has announced that asylum seekers arriving in Australia by boat will be processed in PNG and resettled there if they are found to be refugees.

Immigration Minister Tony Burke says two boats which arrived yesterday afternoon will not be processed under the new regime.

But he says a third boat carrying 81 passengers and two crew was intercepted in the early hours of this morning and the new rules will apply to them. ... st/4832886" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
Rorschach wrote:Didn't the riot occur before the new policy was announced?
I read earlier on the SBS site that the riot happened a few hours after Rudd made the announcement. Can't find it now. Shrugs.

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Re: Boat people - what is the solution?

Post by Rorschach » Sat Jul 20, 2013 8:28 pm

I read earlier on the SBS site that the riot happened a few hours after Rudd made the announcement. Can't find it now. Shrugs.
Depends who you read and listen to apparently.

Earlier in the day the radio was saying both things.

TV also...
But a witness on Nauru who asked not to be named said the riot was sparked by rumours that the Manus Island centre had been closed. The rumours emerged before Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's announcement on Friday that all asylum seekers heading to Australia by boat would now be sent to Papua New Guinea for processing and resettlement.

Another source said there was considerable anger in the Nauru government and among immigration officials no warning was given ahead of Mr Rudd's announcement asylum seekers would ''never'' be settled in Australia.
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Nauru is to the (north) east of Australia in the NZ timezone so I'm doubtful the riots started after Rudd's announcement.


Rudd's announcement was at the signing which took place at 4:30pm. They are about 2 hours ahead of us in Nauru.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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