Is Multiculturalism a failure?

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Re: Is Multiculturalism a failure?

Post by mantra » Fri Sep 21, 2012 10:24 pm

Rorschach wrote:Yet not all people who follow a religion are zealots.

Muslims are not all Arabs.

Race and religion have some correlation, but it is not a defining feature of either.
We wouldn't know the religion of the average muslim or jew on the streets - nor would we care as long as they go about their business the same as the rest of us regardless of their colour or origin. The male extremists of both religions tend to stand out with their dark clothes and beards. They appear alien in this sunny country and so we immediately shove them in the same box as other migrants who are making an effort to integrate.

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Re: Is Multiculturalism a failure?

Post by Rorschach » Fri Sep 21, 2012 10:37 pm

You don't think that females wearing hijabs and particularly burqas are extremists?
they arent trying to fit in they are deliberately setting themselves apart.
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Re: Is Multiculturalism a failure?

Post by mantra » Fri Sep 21, 2012 10:51 pm

Rorschach wrote:You don't think that females wearing hijabs and particularly burqas are extremists?
they arent trying to fit in they are deliberately setting themselves apart.
I was comparing the males, but there is nothing to compare the female muslims to - the ones who wear burqas anyway. I don't mind the hijab if they feel comfortable in it - but I find the burqa offensive and intimidating - in Australia anyway.

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Re: Is Multiculturalism a failure?

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Sep 21, 2012 11:53 pm" onclick=";return false;

This article Rorschach posted lists Arabic as Sydney's second language back in 2002. That's disturbing

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Re: Is Multiculturalism a failure?

Post by Rorschach » Sat Sep 22, 2012 8:32 am

With last weekend's riot in Sydney as a backdrop, Gillard used Labor's first question to reflect on a speech the previous evening by Frank Lowy celebrating multiculturalism, and to applaud Abbott's ''bipartisan embrace of multiculturalism and what it really means''.

Deputy Liberal leader Julie Bishop then compared the violence in Sydney to the riots by asylum seekers on Christmas Island some 18 months ago and asked Gillard: ''How many of these rioters had their visas denied on character grounds as a result of their actions?''

The question was what is known in the trade as a ''dog whistle'', the implication being that the asylum seekers involved were of bad character and the government had been soft on them. The truth, like the causes of the riots on Christmas Island, is far more complex. ''I would have thought, in line with what I just said about multiculturalism and the events of last night, that we could speak with one voice that violence is always wrong,'' Gillard replied.
Why is there this bipartisan embrace of Multiculti? Why are there criminals in detention centres not deportedr? Why have they not failed the character test?

Read more: ... z2797hUyMQ" onclick=";return false;
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Re: Is Multiculturalism a failure?

Post by Rorschach » Sat Sep 22, 2012 9:25 pm

Some words from John Pasquarelli...
The Muslim riots abroad and in Sydney says it all and here at home we have people like Malcolm Fraser and Paul Keating to thank. It would be good to hear a Liberal remind Australians that it was Keating who saved Sheik Hilali from deportation in order to win over Muslim votes in the Western Suburbs of Sydney. The young Muslim child in Sydney’s CBD holding aloft the placard proclaiming ‘behead all those who insult the prophet’ drives home the abject failure of assimilation in that case and exposes the scam that is multiculturalism. Those Muslims who are telling us how horrified they were about the violence here and abroad also need to do a bit more explaining.

Surely those ‘good’ Sydney Muslims must have known something was on and if they were fair dinkum they should have come into Sydney and stood with the police and demanded that their fellow Muslims desist – there are some of us who believe that many Muslims employ ‘good cop – bad cop’ tactics in order to confuse. I can’t remember any examples of ‘good’ Muslims demonstrating in Australian streets against the atrocities committed by militant Muslims? How many of the Sydney rioters are Australian citizens?
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Re: Is Multiculturalism a failure?

Post by Rorschach » Sun Sep 23, 2012 2:05 pm

You know how the stupid LW prog media got together and praised the Muslim Leadership getting together the other day.

University of Western Sydney sociologist of religion Jan Ali says the 25 organisations which attended Tuesday's press conference to respond to the riots would not represent "even 1 per cent" of the Muslim community.

"When the Mufti of Australia or the Islamic Council of NSW says, 'We condemn violence as Muslims', he is more talking about his own community (rather) than communities of Muslims in Australia or Sydney. How can he represent me when I don't know him? ... 6479500978" onclick=";return false;

Like I've always said, they are a fractious dysfunctional group.
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Re: Is Multiculturalism a failure?

Post by Rorschach » Sun Sep 23, 2012 4:54 pm

Just read this...
if you don't believe me about Australians being part of a fractious dysfunctional community. ... 6479395793" onclick=";return false;

When 25 Islamic organisations condemned last week's riots, the event was described as "historic" - the first time so many groups had united for a common cause. But those organisations cannot speak on behalf of Sydney's Muslim community, because there is no such thing. Australia's Muslims are deeply, irrevocably divided. They are split by sect, language and ethnic heritage, and further divided by ideology, geography and politics.
Disunity is Muslim Australia's biggest weakness; because there are so many voices, none is loud enough to the reach the restless, angry young men who violently protested last weekend.
Australian Muslims come from about 70 different ethnic backgrounds, and latest census figures supplied to The Sunday Telegraph paint a fractured picture. Lebanese, who make up 16 per cent of Australia's Muslim community, have settled around Canterbury, Liverpool, Parramatta and Rockdale. Turks, the next most populous group at 11 per cent, are concentrated in Auburn, which is also home to Afghani, Iraqi and Somali communities. In Parramatta, there are Pakistanis, Iraqis and Iranians. In Liverpool, there are Bosnians, Kurds and Jordanians. Fijians have settled in Green Valley, and Malaysians have settled around Botany Bay. These groups have little in common beyond religion. Often, they don't even speak the same language. Their cultures, too, can be wildly different - especially in such fundamental things as food and dress - so they have little to do with each other.
No one in the Muslim community will say it on the record, but quietly most blame the recent riots on young Lebanese men.
"Of course, the biggest problem is cultural," says Seyit. "Islam per se is not the problem. If it were then you would have Indians, Turks Bangladeshis, Indonesians and Bosnians running wild in the streets of Sydney too.
As Putnam has shown the problem is indeed one of diversity, in this case, the cultural diversity, propped up by Multiculturalism.
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Re: Is Multiculturalism a failure?

Post by mantra » Sun Sep 23, 2012 5:42 pm

Rorschach wrote:You know how the stupid LW prog media got together and praised the Muslim Leadership getting together the other day.

University of Western Sydney sociologist of religion Jan Ali says the 25 organisations which attended Tuesday's press conference to respond to the riots would not represent "even 1 per cent" of the Muslim community.

"When the Mufti of Australia or the Islamic Council of NSW says, 'We condemn violence as Muslims', he is more talking about his own community (rather) than communities of Muslims in Australia or Sydney. How can he represent me when I don't know him?
Maybe they think that positive psychology would help bring about more unity.

Like I've always said, they are a fractious dysfunctional group.
Were there that many different groups who attended the protests last week? I would have thought most of them would have been members of the Lebanese Muslim Association. If their leaders aren't prepared to stand up and speak of peace - at least someone from another group has. It's a step in the right direction, but I do believe they need to get their act together and create an umbrella to cover the many different sects of Islam.

If they remain divided, but continue to multiply - we'll end up like a mini Afganistan.

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Re: Is Multiculturalism a failure?

Post by Rorschach » Sun Sep 23, 2012 5:44 pm

We are already a Multiculti fruit salad mantra.
We need to fix it and get rid of the policy.
DOLT - A person who is stupid and entirely tedious at the same time, like bwian. Oblivious to their own mental incapacity. On IGNORE - Warrior, mellie, Nom De Plume, FLEKTARD

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