Greta Thunberg

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Re: Greta Thunberg

Post by The4thEstate » Sat Nov 23, 2019 4:15 am

Gordon wrote:
Fri Nov 22, 2019 4:56 pm
Dis is funny ... s/11728674
Twitter: Tweet from Jack Sam Strange: "So, 'Greta Thunberg' is in a photo from 120 years ago, and it's my new favourite conspiracy. Greta's a time traveller, from the future, and she's here to save us."

Send her back to the 19th century.

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Re: Greta Thunberg

Post by The4thEstate » Sat Nov 23, 2019 4:50 am

Hebe wrote:
Sun Nov 17, 2019 3:12 pm
Do you people have any idea of how you look expending so much energy against a child who has ideals and the guts to stand up for them? Jesus Christ, get over yourselves. If you feel so strongly, why don’t YOU get out and act, instead of sitting on your arses on the internet insulting a teenager who happens to disagree with you? :roll:
Get out and act? Over WHAT -- the contrived climate change alarmism that people of your ilk swallow like a baby magpie being beak-fed by its mother? No thanks, I'd rather expend my energy over real crises, not subtle attempts to extort billions of dollars in guilt tax from industrialized Western nations like mine.

You disagree? Well, even if you believe in manmade climate change, here's what ought to send your BS-ometer needle into the red:

Total CO2 Emissions (Tons)

China 9.04 billion
United States 5.00 billion

Now guess which country got a 15-year pass on having to curb their CO2 emissions under the Paris climate accord? (Hint: Starts with a C.)

But wait, it gets better! Not only does China -- the world's biggest spewer of CO2 -- not have to reduce their emissions; they also have a free pass to do this: ... e-capacity
China's appetite for coal power returns despite climate pledge

Capacity rose by 42.9GW in 18 months, far outpacing global efforts to cut use of fossil fuel

China’s growing appetite for new coal-fired power stations has outstripped plant closures in the rest of the world since the start of last year, data shows. Elsewhere countries reduced their capacity by 8GW in the 18 months to June because old plants were retired faster than new ones were built. But over the same period China increased its capacity by 42.9GW despite a global move towards cleaner energy sources and a pledge to limit the use of coal.

Meanwhile, for those who actually believe that CO2 is destroying our planet, here's how it is on my side of the pond: "The U.S. has reduced energy-related carbon emissions 14 percent since 2005." Yet the Paris agreement -- which Trump wisely decided to use for toilet paper -- required the U.S. to not only cut its emissions by another 28 percent, but pay $3 billion of our taxpayers' money to a U.N. climate fund. ... tural-gas/

All of which brings me back to Greta. I might have some modicum of respect for her if the little Borg Princess were at least consistent in her outrage and intelligent about her target.

Instead, she follows the lefty script to a T, staring daggers at Trump and demanding that the United States assume its "moral responsibility" for combating climate change ... while not even troubling herself to stand on the steps of the Chinese Embassy, let alone take her environmental clown show to China.

So ... if my attitude toward Greta "triggers" you, maybe you should look for a safe space with coloring books and cuddly puppies. I know a left-wing prop when I see one, even when it comes in the form of a self-righteous teenager.

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Re: Greta Thunberg

Post by Bogan » Sat Nov 23, 2019 5:30 am

Teenage girls can do "disapproval" face better than anybody.

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Re: Greta Thunberg

Post by Bobby » Sat Nov 23, 2019 11:44 am

Bogan wrote:
Sat Nov 23, 2019 5:30 am
Teenage girls can do "disapproval" face better than anybody.


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Re: Greta Thunberg

Post by Hebe » Sat Nov 23, 2019 4:18 pm

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Re: Greta Thunberg

Post by Valkie » Sun Nov 24, 2019 8:01 am

Bobby wrote:
Sat Nov 23, 2019 11:44 am
Bogan wrote:
Sat Nov 23, 2019 5:30 am
Teenage girls can do "disapproval" face better than anybody.

I have two girls.
The single most effective way to get up their noses when they do the "dissaproval" thing is to simply ignore them.

They really hate it, with a vengeance.

They will go to rediculious lengths to show their "dissaproval", and I used to go to equally ridiculous lengths to simply ignore them.

Eventually they woke up and realised that while I may not be perfect, I had far more experience and knowledge than they did.

I now have two beautiful and intellegent young daughters who now have their own children.
It's interesting to watch them using the same tactics I used, because it was effective.

When anyone is unreasonable and "dissaproving" for no good reason.
Simply ignore them, walk away.
It is more effective than punching them in the face, because they can't fight back, they have given their best and are now ignored.
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Re: Greta Thunberg

Post by Hebe » Sun Nov 24, 2019 2:19 pm

The4thEstate wrote:
Sat Nov 23, 2019 4:50 am
Hebe wrote:
Sun Nov 17, 2019 3:12 pm
Do you people have any idea of how you look expending so much energy against a child who has ideals and the guts to stand up for them? Jesus Christ, get over yourselves. If you feel so strongly, why don’t YOU get out and act, instead of sitting on your arses on the internet insulting a teenager who happens to disagree with you? :roll:
Get out and act? Over WHAT -- the contrived climate change alarmism that people of your ilk swallow like a baby magpie being beak-fed by its mother? No thanks, I'd rather expend my energy over real crises, not subtle attempts to extort billions of dollars in guilt tax from industrialized Western nations like mine.

You disagree? Well, even if you believe in manmade climate change, here's what ought to send your BS-ometer needle into the red:

Total CO2 Emissions (Tons)

China 9.04 billion
United States 5.00 billion

Now guess which country got a 15-year pass on having to curb their CO2 emissions under the Paris climate accord? (Hint: Starts with a C.)

But wait, it gets better! Not only does China -- the world's biggest spewer of CO2 -- not have to reduce their emissions; they also have a free pass to do this: ... e-capacity
China's appetite for coal power returns despite climate pledge

Capacity rose by 42.9GW in 18 months, far outpacing global efforts to cut use of fossil fuel

China’s growing appetite for new coal-fired power stations has outstripped plant closures in the rest of the world since the start of last year, data shows. Elsewhere countries reduced their capacity by 8GW in the 18 months to June because old plants were retired faster than new ones were built. But over the same period China increased its capacity by 42.9GW despite a global move towards cleaner energy sources and a pledge to limit the use of coal.

Meanwhile, for those who actually believe that CO2 is destroying our planet, here's how it is on my side of the pond: "The U.S. has reduced energy-related carbon emissions 14 percent since 2005." Yet the Paris agreement -- which Trump wisely decided to use for toilet paper -- required the U.S. to not only cut its emissions by another 28 percent, but pay $3 billion of our taxpayers' money to a U.N. climate fund. ... tural-gas/

All of which brings me back to Greta. I might have some modicum of respect for her if the little Borg Princess were at least consistent in her outrage and intelligent about her target.

Instead, she follows the lefty script to a T, staring daggers at Trump and demanding that the United States assume its "moral responsibility" for combating climate change ... while not even troubling herself to stand on the steps of the Chinese Embassy, let alone take her environmental clown show to China.

So ... if my attitude toward Greta "triggers" you, maybe you should look for a safe space with coloring books and cuddly puppies. I know a left-wing prop when I see one, even when it comes in the form of a self-righteous teenager. ... b/11726072
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Re: Greta Thunberg

Post by Bogan » Mon Nov 25, 2019 6:33 pm

The ABC! Wow, that is a font of impartiality, isn't it? You might as well read Pravda of The Guardian. How about CNN? (Clinton News Network) or the BBC? (Baathist Broadcasting Corporation)

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Re: Greta Thunberg

Post by brian ross » Mon Nov 25, 2019 9:57 pm

Bogan wrote:
Mon Nov 25, 2019 6:33 pm
The ABC! Wow, that is a font of impartiality, isn't it? You might as well read Pravda of The Guardian. How about CNN? (Clinton News Network) or the BBC? (Baathist Broadcasting Corporation)
Oh, dearie, dearie, me. Attempting to shoot the messenger again, hey, Bogan? Tsk, tsk, amazing isn't it that the overwhelming majority of Australians trust the ABC above all those commercial news sources. Despite what you may proclaim, the ABC is far more impartial than you seem to believe in your biased mind. Just as the BBC is. CNN? not sure, only having watched it on one layover in Bangkok and being appalled at their irrational reporting on the cricket but that might have been because they were Americans. The Guardian is actually a pretty good newspaper, allowing for it's leftist viewpoint. Pravda? Not worth using to wrap yesterday's fish.

Now, you got anything to add to the topic or are we going to see further petty snipes from you? Mmmm? :roll
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Black Orchid
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Re: Greta Thunberg

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Nov 25, 2019 10:17 pm

brian ross wrote:
Mon Nov 25, 2019 9:57 pm
Now, you got anything to add to the topic or are we going to see further petty snipes from you? Mmmm? :roll
Mirror mirror! :rofl

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