skippy wrote:I hate to say I told you so but honestly Abbott was never the right option. The majority of Australians are centrist not left or right.
I think Abbott will survive Tuesday but he won't survive the year. The party's best chance of holding power is dump him now the longer it goes on the more dismal it becomes, ask Labor.
We don't get to pick that particular option Skippy....
even though Abbott and others are trying to claim we do right now.
The option may be exercised next week.
By the people who do get to pick.
The majority of Australians are Conservative... BTW even if Labor's education system are indoctrinating our youth. I had a 16 year old kid tell me the other day I was being racist when repeating a poem about black and white cats FFS.
I already made my point re abbott and his leadership.
No matter the outcome his leadership is terminal for him and the party.
Now I may be wrong and there may be a miracle and he changes and policy direction changes and all politicians suddenly grow a brain. But I doubt it.
If he defeats or survives a spill next week, if things haven't turned around in 6 months he will be gone. Better to go early and give the new PM a chance to turn the Titanic.