New virus from shithole China

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Black Orchid
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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by Black Orchid » Thu Jan 30, 2020 11:23 am

I'm glad your nephew is ok Tex.

We need to be shutting down flights from China but we can't upset the Chinese and their money now can we? :roll:

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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by The Reboot » Thu Jan 30, 2020 11:27 am

Oh look... the WHO (which, I'll stress again, is part of the farce known as the 'UN') admits they "made an error". And to think the medical field looks to these incompetent, useless twats for "guidance". :roll:

WHO Has Admitted an Error in Its Assessment of Wuhan Coronavirus Risk
28 JAN 2020

The World Health Organization, which has sometimes been criticised for its handling of past disease outbreaks, admitted an error on Monday in its risk assessment of China's deadly virus.

The Geneva-based UN agency said in a situation report late Sunday that the risk was "very high in China, high at the regional level and high at the global level."

In a footnote, the WHO explained that it had stated "incorrectly" in its previous reports on Thursday, Friday and Saturday that the global risk was "moderate".

The correction of the global risk assessment does not mean that an international health emergency has been declared.

The WHO on Thursday stopped short of declaring the novel coronavirus a public health emergency of international concern - a rare designation used only for the worst outbreaks that would trigger more concerted global action.

The virus, which was first identified in the city of Wuhan in China on December 31, has since infected more than 2,700 people worldwide, including a few cases identified in over a dozen other countries.

Eighty-one people have died - all of them in China.
A 'sizeable' mistake

WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who is visiting China this week to discuss ways of containing the outbreak, came under intense questioning from reporters on Thursday over his decision not to declare the emergency.

Some reporters asked whether the decision was politicised.

At the briefing at WHO headquarters, however, Tedros had said that the designation could be changed at any moment and that the global risk from the outbreak was "high".

"This is an emergency in China but it has not yet become a global health emergency. It may yet become one," he said.

"WHO's risk assessment is that the outbreak is a very high risk in China, and a high risk regionally and globally."

WHO said the categorisation was "a global evaluation of risk, covering severity, spread and capacity to cope".

The agency added that the mistake made in three of its situation reports had been an "error in the wording".

Asked about the correction, Antoine Flahault, co-director of the Swiss School of Public Health, told AFP: "It's a mistake. It's definitely a sizeable one... but I really think it's a mistake that has now been corrected".
Cautious approach

WHO's cautious approach to the outbreak, which has been challenged by some critics, can be seen in the context of past criticism over its slow or too hasty use of the term, first used for the deadly 2009 H1N1 swine flu pandemic.

During that outbreak, the UN health agency was criticised for sparking panic-buying of vaccines with its announcement that year that the outbreak had reached pandemic proportions, and then anger when it turned out the virus was not nearly as dangerous as first thought.

But in 2014, the WHO met harsh criticism for dragging its feet and downplaying the severity of the Ebola epidemic that ravaged three West Africa countries, claiming more than 11,300 lives by the time it ended in 2016.

[url= ... risk-level[/url]

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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by BigP » Thu Jan 30, 2020 11:53 am

Texan wrote:
Wed Jan 29, 2020 11:18 pm
The guy at Texas A&M tested negative. My nephew is in the clear.
Good to hear Tex, I dont see my nephews from one year to the next, One of them spent 4 years in the slammer and I was totally oblivious to it lol

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The Reboot
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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by The Reboot » Thu Jan 30, 2020 12:02 pm

Woman brags about beating border checks and travelling into France with fever amid coronavirus panic

A woman has boasted on social media about using fever medication to beat her symptoms and pass through customs into France.

A Chinese woman has boasted how she took tablets to cheat airport scanners looking for symptoms of the coronavirus.

The woman said despite having a fever she managed to leave the city of Wuhan, the epicentre of the outbreak of the deadly virus, and make it to France, leaving the Chinese embassy there desperately trying to track her down.

The outbreak of the coronavirus has so far killed 41 people with 1287 more confirmed cases and has led to authorities placing the city of Wuhan under lockdown.

In Australia, one man in Victoria is confirmed to have contracted the deadly coronavirus, and two men in NSW are now likely victims of the outbreak as health authorities await the results of further testing.

Vietnam, Singapore, Saudi Arabia and Hong Kong all now have confirmed cases — alongside the US, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand.

The woman left Wuhan last year before flights were suspended, but when thermal scanning had been put in place, the BBC reports.

After arriving in France she posted pictures on WeChat social media platform of her eating at a Michelin star restaurant in the city of Lyon.

“Finally I can have a good meal, I feel like I’ve been starving for two days. When you are in a gourmet city of course you have to eat Michelin (food),” she wrote.

“Just before I left, I had a low fever and cough. I was scared to death and rushed to eat (fever-reducing) medicine. I kept on checking my temperature. Luckily I managed to get it down and my exit was smooth.”

The Chinese embassy in France says it has now managed to track her down and asked her to seek medical attention.

It said she had taken antipyretics, which work to reduce body temperature, and she no longer has a fever or cough.


•The coronavirus death toll has climbed to 41 with more than 1287 confirmed cases

•China has placed a lockdown on the Hubei province, the centre of the outbreak

•The first Australian case of coronavirus has been confirmed in Victoria and another man is being held in isolation in a Melbourne hospital

•In NSW, six cases are under investigation, and two people are likely to have contracted the deadly virus

•Authorities are monitoring the virus with fears millions of people will travel for the Lunar New Year

•The World Health Organisation is yet to declare a global public health emergency

As well as Wuhan, the Chinese authorities have now moved to quarantine at least 13 other cities as they desperately try to contain the virus.

A 1000-bed prefabricated hospital dedicated to treating patients infected with coronavirus is also being hastily constructed, as existing ones struggle to cope with the numbers.

There are fears that it could accelerate further with millions travelling for Chinese New Year celebrations.

But the World Health Organisation last night refused to declare a global public health emergency, saying it was “too early”. However, officials admitted the committee was split almost 50-50.

At least eight hospitals in Wuhan issued public calls asking for donations of masks, googles, gowns and other protective medical gear.

Shocking images from Wuhan show residents lying lifeless on the ground in a city that had become dubbed “zombieland” by desperate locals.

Harrowing pictures on social media show people collapsed on the street and in hospital waiting rooms.


This biatch needs to be shot. :roll:

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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by Texan » Thu Jan 30, 2020 12:10 pm

BigP wrote:
Thu Jan 30, 2020 11:53 am
Texan wrote:
Wed Jan 29, 2020 11:18 pm
The guy at Texas A&M tested negative. My nephew is in the clear.
Good to hear Tex, I dont see my nephews from one year to the next, One of them spent 4 years in the slammer and I was totally oblivious to it lol
Sorry to hear it. I work with a very smart guy who has been great to work with for the last 26 years. His wife was a piece of work and it apparently was passed on to his 3 kids. All 3 of them are in and out of prison. His wife died suddenly last year and he is now raising 2 grandkids by himself. The sad thing is that he knocked up his high school girlfriend and he left for Vietnam without knowing about it. This daughter turned out to be successful and well adjusted and even her daughter is now doing very well. It seemed he had the right girl to start with before he went into the military and let her go.

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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by Bobby » Thu Jan 30, 2020 8:01 pm

I got back from the supermarket and it was a white bogan woman
who was coughing everywhere without covering her mouth.

The Chinese will bring the virus here but Aussie bogans will spread it.
Filthy bastards.

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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by Bobby » Fri Jan 31, 2020 3:22 pm

There are so many people with disgusting health hygiene standards
that we're doomed from this Corona virus.
It will spread quickly.
See your lawyer now to re-write your will and get your affairs in order.

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Black Orchid
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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Jan 31, 2020 3:43 pm

There are people out there who think you contract it from beer :lol:
Online searches for “corona beer virus,” “beer virus,” and “beer coronavirus” have increased substantially around the world since January 18, data from Google Trends shows.

From January 18 to January 26, searches for “corona beer virus” jumped 2,300% globally, Google Trends data shows. ... ?r=US&IR=T

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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by Texan » Fri Jan 31, 2020 4:34 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Fri Jan 31, 2020 3:43 pm
There are people out there who think you contract it from beer :lol:
Online searches for “corona beer virus,” “beer virus,” and “beer coronavirus” have increased substantially around the world since January 18, data from Google Trends shows.

From January 18 to January 26, searches for “corona beer virus” jumped 2,300% globally, Google Trends data shows. ... ?r=US&IR=T
The "Lite" version acts as a vaccine.

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Re: New virus from shithole China

Post by Bobby » Sat Feb 01, 2020 10:00 am

If if it's not Chinese bringing disease here it's
Mussies bringing terrorism or
Sudanese bringing crime.

No wonder people are becoming xenophobic.

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