The bullshit thread

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It's such a fine line between stupid and clever. Random guest posting.
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billy the kid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Tue Jul 09, 2019 11:29 am

In another display of absolute fkn incompetence, the grubberment has announced that the deeming rate
for assessing pensions will be reduced due to the RBA reducing interest rates...
But it will take six months for the amendment to occur....
Six fkn months to amend the deeming rate...
Six months to change a fkn number....
AND theres no apology from Frydenberg...the pos....
All he says is that...."its time to look at the deeming rate..."
Why don't they just admit that they forgot about the deeming rate...
This...from the arseholes that retire from politics on a non means tested political pension....

More bullshit from a bullshit grubberment….
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The Reboot
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by The Reboot » Thu Jul 11, 2019 9:32 am

NAIDOC week highlights... :roll:
Looking for love in the Kimberley: the first question to ask

Let me tell you a story about when I was young and in love. I was a hormonal 17-year-old girl in love with the boy of my dreams.

He was athletic, adorable, funny... and my cousin.

Yes, you read that correctly! I was head over heels for a boy who is related to me by my mother's mother's second-cousin's daughter's nephew's cousin's brother.

Confused yet?

You see I am an Aboriginal woman. That means I have a large family, which is great! But there's one problem: before you can date and go steady with another Aboriginal person, you need to check, "Are we related"?

The reason why I'm telling you this is because I need advice. I have recently developed a little crush on an Aboriginal boy from the Kimberley and we're going on a date.

Woo, yay for me!

As excited as I am, though, there is a problem with this situation: I. HAVE. ABSOLUTELY. NO. IDEA. IF. WE'RE. RELATED!
A guide to blackfella love conundrums

At times like this, I wish there was a guide on how to date another blackfella.

If a guide like that existed, I think it would go something like this:

So, you like someone and you itchy [aroused] for that person, aye? But you not too sure if you're related? Well, these are the steps to dating another Aboriginal in the Kimberley!

Step 1: Find someone that you have a mutual attraction with.
Step 2: Before initiating any sort of contact — like coffee, movies, dinner, even hand holding — always ask your parents the number one question: "Are we related?"
Step 3: To avoid an incestuous relationship, look through the family tree and connect the dots and trace back. Way back. Even if they're related through your second cousin's mother's aunty's son's daughter, that still counts.
Step 4: If your parents are unsure, consult with an elder like your grandparents. Learn about the kinship system and show respect. If any of your relatives have already dated the person in question, then give up and walk away because you can't go there.
Step 5: By now you should know if you're related or no. If you are and you say, ‘But it's distant' and proceed to go ahead, then you are proper itchy!
Step 6: If the research has been a success and you're not blood, then it's time to ask the person out. This is generally done by saying, "Heya yooou pober lubly tings aye, can I meet ya owat"? This translates as, "Hello there, I think you're very beautiful and I was wondering if I could take you out on a date?"

You have now learned the steps to dating an Aboriginal person in the Kimberley.

Good luck.

Unfortunately, there aren't any guides. So much of dating is trial and error.

I don't want to date someone who could potentially be my relative — that's shame job. I can see my ancestors already looking down, shaking their heads and chanting, "Itchy one, itchy one!"

Being a detective on the first date

OK, time to speak to Mother.

"I don't know how to be a detective on the first date... What do you want me to do?"

"Well, first you gotta ask him: who's your father's mob? And then, who's your mother's mob? Look at his face — some of our mob, they look the same, they do! Look at that nose, look at the foot. He might have the same foot as you!"

"Can't be!"

"True as god, that's what you got to do these days. Make sure who their mob is. Gotta go right back. Even country, right back to country!"

"What should I do — should I text him?"

"Nah, don't text him... Why don't you bring him over? Maybe we should grill him together. Maybe I should grill him..."

"And if we are related?"

"Sorry bub, that's the way the cookie crumbles."

Do your homework

So, I did my research. I rang my grandmother, who asked her cousin's sister, who asked her nephew and confirmed my suspicions. Turns out, we're cousins. Second cousins to be exact.

Damn. He was so attractive.

Well, I told him and, as I expected, it was extremely, extremely awkward.

And what I've learnt through the very weird, very awkward journey of this whole situation is: always ask your family! Do your homework, do your research.

But I've also accepted, being a blackfella in the Kimberley, it's inevitable that you'll date someone you're related to. And maybe that's okay, maybe that's not.

And if it gets too complicated, just date a white person.

Molly Hunt presents Breakfast on ABC Kimberley. This story was originally broadcast on ABC RN's Life Matters. ... y/10069950

Related stories... "An Aboriginal's guide on how to avoid dating a racist"... and... "Think online dating is hard? Try being a woman of colour". :roll: The important stuff.

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billy the kid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Thu Jul 11, 2019 9:47 am

Well I suppose we have to expect that from Channel Buttrose...the modern channel for the modern woman....
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Thu Jul 11, 2019 10:54 am

Great to see the wheels of justice in full motion in Melbourne recently.
A woman has been given a suspended sentence for 24 months but she will spend 3 months
in gaol (including TV, free meals, exercise room...all the usual mod cons of prison life...)
for the offense of defrauding Centrelink of $91000 over a four year period...which she has been ordered
to pay back at the rate of $7.50 per week....($15 per fortnight)
Which will take...wait for it...226 years....
Her name......ikraam mohamud…..and she has....wait for it...….a depressive disorder....

Now that's what I call Justice...….bullshit......

And they wonder why we complain about soft sentencing.... :WTF
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Fri Jul 12, 2019 11:42 am ... t-practice

Toldya....climate change is all bullshit.....
AOC couldnt find her own arse with both hands and a map....
Maybe the Japanese and Finnish scientists arent reliant on government grants to prop up their
income...(given to them of course on the proviso that they confirm that climate change is occuring....)

Climate change is bullshit....
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Fri Jul 12, 2019 12:11 pm

Apparently a scam is now operating as a duplicate MyGov website, hence the reason MyGov is down....
Silly me I thought it was down because all the punters wanted their "thanx for voting for us" bonus....
so they could put their tax refund on my racing tips...…
Silly me.....
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The Reboot
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by The Reboot » Fri Jul 12, 2019 7:42 pm

billy the kid wrote:
Thu Jul 11, 2019 10:54 am
Great to see the wheels of justice in full motion in Melbourne recently.
A woman has been given a suspended sentence for 24 months but she will spend 3 months
in gaol (including TV, free meals, exercise room...all the usual mod cons of prison life...)
for the offense of defrauding Centrelink of $91000 over a four year period...which she has been ordered
to pay back at the rate of $7.50 per week....($15 per fortnight)
Which will take...wait for it...226 years....
Her name......ikraam mohamud…..and she has....wait for it...….a depressive disorder....

Now that's what I call Justice...….bullshit......

And they wonder why we complain about soft sentencing.... :WTF
And somehow this is cheaper than the death penalty. :roll:

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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Sat Jul 13, 2019 7:27 pm

Part I ... s/11306226

Well, who woulda thought...our subs are going to be obsolete by the time we receive the first some time after 2030....
But of course, the big heap Payne still gets a junket to France today to watch the launch of a French sub....
Im so glad that our politicians still get their junkets...even though we're getting obsolete subs....
Why was it even necessary for her to be there....fkn unbelievable......

Part II ... ming-rates

Our poor government will be stuck with a $200 million bill for every quarter of a percent that the deeming rate
comes down from the current 3.25% for pensioners......that is $200 million for each year....
Don't expect it to come down any time soon....if ever...…..
The budget has been finalised and the morons forgot about the deeming rate....they forgot....
How incompetent is that....

Australians are being screwed by our governments all the way to our coffins.....
But the politicians still get their fkn junkets to France when their presence is absolutely and totally unnecessary...
All part of the kick back I suppose...…..

Bullshit....fkn bullshit.....
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Black Orchid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Jul 13, 2019 7:30 pm

Yeah it is BS. Cutting politicians' pensions would be a good place to start but that's never going to happen either.

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billy the kid
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Re: The bullshit thread

Post by billy the kid » Sun Jul 14, 2019 2:27 pm

I don't believe it....the grubberment has shown they have a conscience...
They are reducing the deeming rate for some pensioners and backdating it to the 1st July...
Hang on...what about 2013 onwards...the interest rate was about 3% in 2013 and reduced to 2%
in 2015...and the deeming rate stayed at 3.25%...above the 2% from 2015 onwards...
This means that the grubberment has kept quiet on this subject for many years....
whilst conning pensioners but granting themselves salary increases.....

And Frydenberg has the hide to say they are strengthening the arm around 1 million welfare recipients...
Yeah...and your hand is still in their fkn pockets...….. :WTF
To discover those who rule over you, first discover those who you cannot criticize...Voltaire
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