Just so you know... The Koran hasn't been changed. In fact it is forbidden to change it. It's very reason for existence is supposed to be because the Bible has been changed... it is immutable.Solonoid wrote:For once Nato I agree with you--the Koran is not being used nor followed in the way Allah taught- they have manipulated the msg the Koran teaches for their own nepaharious purposes over the eons since.. the Koran in essence has been twisted to mean and endorse everything bad...the Koran did not condone violence and disrespect of women and children for instance in its original form-- nor any of the atrocities committed in its name over time.. Muslim's religion and it's teachings have been manipulated for purposes of control over womenand for the purposes of gruetitous violence by evil mysoginistic animal who try to call themselves respected men. The Koran is a book that has been changed and contaminated to mean something else entirely to underpin evil and corruption.
I know someone who has a copy of the original teaching's..he is not a Muslim.
To change the Koran is to change Islam and it is strictly forbidden.
BTW Allah didn't teach anyone.
Mohammed was given the word by some shadowy figure in a dark dingy cave... go figure.