Libs voting green. Another of those phrases I didn't expect to be saying. It would have taken a few draughts to get that taste out of thier mouths.Jovial Monk wrote: With a lot of Libs strategically voting Green...
Melbourne sure is a strange seat.
Libs voting green. Another of those phrases I didn't expect to be saying. It would have taken a few draughts to get that taste out of thier mouths.Jovial Monk wrote: With a lot of Libs strategically voting Green...
Abbott didn’t offer more? Not what Wilkie said, $1Bn for a hospital that didn’t need anything like it? That he (Abbott) would have sold his arse if it had helped him become PM?Abbott wasn't as stupid as the ALP.
Look where they are now after offering 'more'
Julia Gillard has succeeded in uniting all Australians in a common cause! That's an historic achievement.skippy wrote: I never realized how hated she was until I went to Sydney a couple of weeks ago,EVERYONE I caught up with mentioned how they hated her.... there was one common theme,they hate her,full stop.
Howard got like $300Bn extra revenue and what do we have to show for it? Not a cracker: no NBN that could have been finished by now, no major new roadworks like duplicating the Pacific Hway, Bruce Hway etc. No major now hospital or univerity buildings. Not a cracker.Budget surplus is secure: Emerson
Published 8:36 AM, 23 Jul 2012
Trade Minister Craig Emerson insists the federal budget surplus is secure despite a new report tipping falling revenues and the end of the mining boom.
Dr Emerson says the government does not accept that the budget surplus is all but gone.
“We are returning the budget to surplus,” he told ABC Television.
The minister was responding to a Deloitte Access Economics report which found the mining boom was about to peak and that an economic slowdown was inevitable.
The government would struggle to get the budget back to surplus this financial year as falling mineral prices, a slowdown in the housing sector and sluggish financial markets lead to a drop in revenue, it said.
Dr Emerson said a decline in mineral prices had been factored into the budget as well as a drop in capital gains tax revenue caused by a sharemarket still impacted by the global financial crisis. ... nt&src=hp1" onclick=";return false;
And:But the more you look at the mechanics of what is required this time to change leaders, there is an outside chance Labor will go to the next poll under Gillard.
Read more: ... z21OiTcNZk" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;
Oh:Rudd 'supporter' praises PM's work: SENIOR Labor MP Richard Marles has declared his support for Julia Gillard as...
So another beat up by Rudd bites the dust.Police sources confirmed the leak did not come from Ms Gillard's office or the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, as had been suspected by Mr Rudd's supporters.
It is believed a computer trace initiated by Australian Federal Police cleared the PM and her staff.
It could only have been taken from a computer hard-drive from Mr Rudd's office either while he was PM or later as foreign affairs minister. ... 6432232854" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; (click Google link)
Gonski reforms overhaul of schools to cost $6.5bn
From: The Australian July 23, 2012 12:00AM
THE federal government is going ahead with sweeping reforms to the school funding system, planning to release its blueprint next month with the ambitious goal of increasing spending on schools by about $6.5 billion.
The formal government response to the independent review of school funding, headed by businessman David Gonski, is set to be debated by cabinet before the end of the month, and will place the states under pressure to also increase their spending on education.
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