Why is there an Islamic ‘pop-up’ in Sydney’s Martin Place?

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Re: Why is there an Islamic ‘pop-up’ in Sydney’s Martin Place?

Post by Jasin » Mon Oct 21, 2024 5:33 pm

...its an act of the Left trying to 'antagonise' a reaction.

A reaction that justified them as the Yankee North (Democrat 'Blue' Unionists) and their reason to exist.
In other words, they've been trying to 'antagonise' a reaction since they all began tearing down old Confederate Statues nearly a decade ago it seems.
All hopeful that anyone who denies and stands up against them are the 'old' cliche 'REDNECKS' of the Confederate 'Grey' South Rebels.
If you disagree: you're a cliche Confederate Redneck (or the Euro version of German Nazi).

The funny thing though is that the Republicans have not been sucked in by such antagonism to give the Democrat Lefties an excuse to empower themselves.
...nor has Britain (it has 'stepped back' via Brexit) in Europe, from the European version of the Democrats - in France (the Gay cafe latte Poof!).

The German Nazis and Confederate Rednecks are long gone and now the Democrats/French are in a panic, throwing accusations of everyone being Nazis and Rednecks (like their justification to exist, from old), in the hope of empowering themselves.
...but that 'soap box' of justification that they have stood on is no longer there and this is why the Democrats and France will HANG! (self destruct).

This won't last long folks. I can assure you. All 'we' have to do, is weather the storm and stay clear of the self-destructing blast radius of all things Democrats in North America and France in Europe as the World moves forward and leaves them where they belong - another part of the past buried in time.

Alas, this era (decade or two) will be as painful as it was during WW2 in Europe and the American Civil War.
The worst is yet to come. Yep, it gets worse. World War 3 is not the 'end of the world' (although America is back there, at the end of the international dateline. ;) ) After this France/Democrat phase is done and dusted.
...we move into the Italian (Euro) and 'Media' (USA) phase and the Italian Mafia (with the Vatican choosing 'gold' over God) will make the Nazi's look like amateurs as they slaughter 'UNARMED' and de-militarised Islam in their genocidal TENS OF MILLIONS.

So we must be subtle, sublime and conservative in our condemnation of this awful act of the Political/Media Lefties putting such a Moslem (AKA TERRORIST) in such a place, like Martin Place - in their hope to antagonise an 'anti' reaction for them to feed off.
We all know - don't 'feed' the Trolls. But to really deal with them by watching them 'starve' and making them aware that you/we bear witness to that with a wry smile :Hi and a satisfaction of letting them shoot themselves in the foot.

We of the Right are not the Confederate Rednecks or German Nazi's that they hope for and accuse us of.
We of the Right are not the Democrat Lefties or French Poofs, just because they are.
We of the Right are not playing their game or buying into their insecurities.
We of the Right are right in being who we are... which is something the Left/Poofs can't comprehend or get dirt on.
We of the Right, will be revealed 'after' they are gone. :Hi :thumb

Martin Place? Meh - let em have it. Some crazed Moslem will blow Sydney sky high with a black market (ex-Soviet) Nuke out of Kazakhstan from a little white van in some backstreet of Parramatta or somewhere.
...like I said, stay well away from 'blast radius's' ;)

(PS: Sorry if this sounds terrible) :rain

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Re: Why is there an Islamic ‘pop-up’ in Sydney’s Martin Place?

Post by Black Orchid » Mon Oct 21, 2024 5:38 pm

Jasin wrote:
Mon Oct 21, 2024 5:33 pm
....... Martin Place? Meh - let em have it .......
Ummm NO! :slap

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Re: Why is there an Islamic ‘pop-up’ in Sydney’s Martin Place?

Post by Jasin » Sat Nov 02, 2024 3:52 pm

Let em have it. They'll just blow it up anyway. :lol:
It's full of homeless people in Tents anyway (like Moslems in the desert) trying to make rich people feel bad.

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Re: Why is there an Islamic ‘pop-up’ in Sydney’s Martin Place?

Post by UnSubRocky » Sat Nov 02, 2024 7:26 pm

Jasin wrote:
Sat Nov 02, 2024 3:52 pm
Let em have it. They'll just blow it up anyway. :lol:
It's full of homeless people in Tents anyway (like Moslems in the desert) trying to make rich people feel bad.
If I could make a bold assessment. That "pop-up" is actually a type of improvised security beacon.

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Re: Why is there an Islamic ‘pop-up’ in Sydney’s Martin Place?

Post by mellie » Sat Nov 09, 2024 7:01 am

Jasin wrote:
Sat Oct 12, 2024 6:04 pm
It's a monument dedicated to the Lefties like Albanese/ALP (and mainstream Media) who 'support' Terrorism (Islam as it currently is as a 'whole').

It's also a monument pronouncing the weakness of Australians to deny it.

No way would it be allowed in other places like Camden. :lol: They would burn it to the ground!!! :rofl
Martin Place must be the weakest place in all of Sydney region.
It's times like this I feel glad to have left Sydney.
This monstrosity would have been demolished overnight had it been placed in Ballarat.

It doesn't get much weaker than the unashamedly and relentlessly albeit superficially apologetic left.

If they're so apologetic, why won't they encourage the Islamisation of their own neighbourhoods?

Why must it always be someone else's, as far away from theirs as possible?
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Re: Why is there an Islamic ‘pop-up’ in Sydney’s Martin Place?

Post by mellie » Sat Nov 09, 2024 8:16 am

Black Orchid wrote:
Sat Oct 12, 2024 6:21 pm
It's controlled by the idiot Clover Moore and she just got re-elected. The gay and latte city set seem to love her.
Only the Chai latte swilling gated community sector, the rest of wider Sydney and NSW can't stand her.
Her suck-holling to the middle class has worn thin, particularly in recent years.
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Re: Why is there an Islamic ‘pop-up’ in Sydney’s Martin Place?

Post by Jasin » Sat Nov 09, 2024 4:34 pm

As an 'independent' Clover Moore has done exceptionally well.
As an 'independent LEFTY' - she has done something akin to shooting oneself in the foot and still not knowing why?

Her 'independent' tenacity against the surrounding councils and their adversity against her being an 'indie', was to be admired! :hlo

But her 'theme' as an independent soon showed her ugly Lefty side and she, as an Independent - suddenly 'isolated' herself from other Independents basically.

She sailed a good ship. But she sailed it into the rocks.

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Re: Why is there an Islamic ‘pop-up’ in Sydney’s Martin Place?

Post by Bobby » Sat Nov 09, 2024 5:59 pm


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Re: Why is there an Islamic ‘pop-up’ in Sydney’s Martin Place?

Post by Jasin » Sat Nov 09, 2024 6:37 pm

You're right there Bobby.
Vote for ALP and you vote for a lack of against Terrorism

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Re: Why is there an Islamic ‘pop-up’ in Sydney’s Martin Place?

Post by mellie » Sat Nov 09, 2024 7:02 pm

Jasin wrote:
Sat Nov 09, 2024 6:37 pm
You're right there Bobby.
Vote for ALP and you vote for a lack of against Terrorism
I find it sad that minority groups, of all sorts, actually think Labor cares for them.
If these groups decided to create their own political party tomorrow and vote for themselves instead, Labor would knife them in the back the same way they've knifed more established, mature, educated Australians over the years.

It never gets old does it, can always count on Labor to splinter Australians into vote factions, playing minorities off one against the other.

Turncoats, got to love how the ALP removes posts from their X accounts, depending on who they are cultivating or smooching up to at the time.
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