Fears nearly 500 million animals killed in Aussie fires

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Re: Fears nearly 500 million animals killed in Aussie fires

Post by Neferti » Tue Dec 31, 2019 6:54 pm

Summer usually equals bushfires. We Aussies realise that. However, this year, we have ALL States being burnt up, for weeks and weeks and it has absolutely nothing to do with "climate change" .

It is to do with fuckwits who think it is funny to light a fire. those that they do catch should get the full 9 YEARS in Gaol, perhaps even more if people have died because of the fire that these fuckwits started.

I don't care how old or young they are .... it is criminal and should be treated as such!

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Re: Fears nearly 500 million animals killed in Aussie fires

Post by Texan » Wed Jan 01, 2020 8:32 am

I think arson is the next weapon of choice for terrorists. I'm not just talking about muslims. Anybody who wants their government to have greater control over the people can start a fire to promote bigger government and leave more people dependent on government services. All it takes is fuel, ignition, a map, and weather predictions. They can set the fire upwind of any target they want.

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