Governor general has 'demeaned his office'

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Re: Governor general has 'demeaned his office'

Post by Super Nova » Tue Apr 19, 2016 7:44 pm

I thought a DD was when there was something that would stop the country running like a failure to pass a supply of money bill.

Working conditions is not one of these is it?
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Re: Governor general has 'demeaned his office'

Post by Rorschach » Tue Apr 19, 2016 7:47 pm

Well you've just proven how ignorant you are on this.
I'm sure its been explained many many times in the media :read
perhaps a quick Google or look at Wikipedia will help you Skip.
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Re: Governor general has 'demeaned his office'

Post by skippy » Tue Apr 19, 2016 7:59 pm

Rorschach wrote:Fairfax skippy did that slip your mind.... the ABC radio and TV.... the list goes on and on and on
The Guardian.
And any number of independent LW prog online blogs and rags.
newscorp shits on Faifax for coverage as do all the commercial tv and radio stations compared to one ABC. The ABC reports facts but you of course prefer right wing spin. :roll
This is the most piss weak excuse ever used to go to a DD and the right wing will be punished for it. The funny thing is though the most punishment will come from within. The hate for Turnbulls moderate government by the conservatives, like you, could well be enough to lose the election.

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Re: Governor general has 'demeaned his office'

Post by Rorschach » Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:13 pm

Oh dear so you are a Murdoch conspiranut like most Greens and other loonies?

This not an issue for this topic.

I told you google some facts they aren't hard to find and if you think most mainstream media in Australia isn't left leaning and progressive you are 1/ ignorant, 2/ kidding yourself or 3, both.

BTW the ABC doesn't just report facts it is the most LW Prog biased organization with the largest spread in Australia... also just a quick look at their climate change agenda and programs like Q&A more than prove the point.
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Re: Governor general has 'demeaned his office'

Post by Rorschach » Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:19 pm

skippy wrote:
Rorschach wrote:Fairfax skippy did that slip your mind.... the ABC radio and TV.... the list goes on and on and on
The Guardian.
And any number of independent LW prog online blogs and rags.
newscorp shits on Faifax for coverage as do all the commercial tv and radio stations compared to one ABC. The ABC reports facts but you of course prefer right wing spin. :roll
This is the most piss weak excuse ever used to go to a DD and the right wing will be punished for it. The funny thing is though the most punishment will come from within. The hate for Turnbulls moderate government by the conservatives, like you, could well be enough to lose the election.
In case you missed it the Senate and the handful of lunatic crossbenchers have made governing almost impossible.
lambie... psycho idiot
lazarus... bonehead ALP supporter
the rest have agendas, shouldn't have been able to get in and have been obstructionist to good government.

This is exactly what a DD is for.
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Re: Governor general has 'demeaned his office'

Post by skippy » Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:28 pm

Admirable of you to be defending Turnbull given he is a bigger lefty than Shorten could ever dream of being. :rofl
I hope Turnbull wins the election because he is the most left wing leader of the major parties, but I expect he will lose because the conservatives hate his guts and would prefer to lose government than keep him as PM. 8-)
The rest of your dribble is the same shit you've sprouted for ten years, I'd have thought you'd have grown up by now. :roll:

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Re: Governor general has 'demeaned his office'

Post by Rorschach » Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:31 pm

skippy wrote:Admirable of you to be defending Turnbull given he is a bigger lefty than Shorten could ever dream of being. :rofl
I hope Turnbull wins the election because he is the most left wing leader of the major parties, but I expect he will lose because the conservatives hate his guts and would prefer to lose government than keep him as PM. 8-)
The rest of your dribble is the same shit you've sprouted for ten years, I'd have thought you'd have grown up by now. :roll:
I've never defended Turnbull.
BTW I'm a Lefty.... Turnbull is a Progressive, I'm not.
So you are wrong again.
The real conservatives will eventually vote for Turnbull, because Shorten promises to make SSmarriage a fact without giving the people a choice. that leaves them with no choice.

I don't spout shit Skip I leave that to you and your inability to point to any of it. :OMG :oops :du
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Re: Governor general has 'demeaned his office'

Post by IQS.RLOW » Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:48 pm

Left wing media wankfest.
Even Fivehead disowned Milquetoast Crybaby Conroy.

If I was the GG I would have kicked Pilbeserk right in her pus filled STD carrying cooter rather than just ignored her grimy union splooged and anus tainted hand.
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Re: Governor general has 'demeaned his office'

Post by Neferti » Wed Apr 20, 2016 5:07 pm

So, do we know when the Election will be yet? :rofl

Turnbull doesn't seem too sure about July 2nd. Talk about a waffler.

I reckon that he has attained what he always wanted to do, be the Prime Minister and live in The Lodge, so that's off his Bucket List. :rofl

I hope that all the 53 who backed him and who are in marginal seats lose them to Independents.

Apparently, there won't be any "retired" people/Liberals handing out How To Vote stuff on Election Day, as they are all pissed off with whats-his-name (can't recall his name) saying that they "aren't important".

Sounds like a fun time ahead. I can't imagine anyone voting for Bull Shitten ... except the rusted on Laborites ... what a little twerp he is .... he looks so much more ineffectual when sitting in the Leader of the Opposition big chair during Parliament ... dwarf like even. :mrgreen:

The General Public do not realise that the Ministers already KNOW the Questions, (and the answers) so they aren't replying "off the cuff" ... except for those questions deemed as Questions without Notice. :rofl

Question Time is definitely NOT a time for the Public at large to judge what our politicians do. I very much doubt that the average Aussie watches Question Time, or even thinks about The Government, unless there is a problem with their "handouts" or they HAVE to have their names crossed off at Election time.

What's the word? Apathy. :bgrin

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Re: Governor general has 'demeaned his office'

Post by mantra » Thu Apr 21, 2016 8:12 pm

Shorten has been having speech lessons - not that you can notice much of an improvement. He could be another John Howard who was very unimpressive before he became PM. Sometimes these little men are capable of becoming great when they're' in positions of power. All the PM's over the past 8 years have been disappointing so it's a possibility Shorten just might have what it takes if he gets lucky at the next election.

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