Solonoid wrote:OH there is a debt-- all of sudden we have a debt--a Lib lie to get into office- prove to me there is a debt?
There was a debt, but it's doubled since the Coalition came to power. Not only did they borrow another $200 billion in the first few months of office, they've spent it like drunken sailors.
They've sold us out to China. Did anyone see the 7.30 report when Robb was asked what he gave the Chinese in the FTA and he said everything - no tariffs for China, but we still have to pay their tariffs. With our ailing economy and people feeling the pinch - it's only going to get a whole lot worse.
The economy is in a steady decline and the budget deficit will continue to grow in the next couple of years. Unemployment and underemployment are steadily increasing.
We're in a huge mess and all the Coalition do is blame Labor.
I doubt Shorten will get us out of this mess, but it's obvious Abbott won't. The government has lost the plot and it's now showing in the cabinet. They're allegedly at each other's throats.