Newspoll hands Gillard more bad news

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Re: Newspoll hands Gillard more bad news

Post by Aussie » Fri Feb 15, 2013 6:53 pm

With the feminist-supported media campaign of portraying all men as potential paedophiles, and the disastrous consequences for men of false accusations - few males will be willing to take jobs as teachers.
That is sheer unadulterated bullshit. I know there have been teachers (of both sexes) convicted of having sex with their adolescent students (I have professional legal experience of it) but I know of no evidence that the threat of an allegation is making men 'unwilling to take jobs as teachers.' Methinks the comment is close to the AM personal bone, and ought be disregarded as a bit of bigotry on his part.

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Re: Newspoll hands Gillard more bad news

Post by Super Nova » Fri Feb 15, 2013 7:33 pm

Black Orchid wrote:
Super Nova wrote:(there are some who are perfect teachers)
Whilst this is true there are many who aren't. Far from it in fact.

I just can't see how perfect teachers could be pulled from other better paid professions. Teachers need to be passionate about teaching for them to succeed. They know what to expect and really want to walk that road. A perfect teacher would be unlikely to be found in someone who had chosen another career path but resorted to teaching as a second to last choice due some some idiotic government initiative.
I agree. Teaching is a profession in it's own right. Those that choose it as a vocation with passion for educating the next gernation are great. Teaching is not about having the knowledge but the skill to impart knowledge to our youth. You don't have to be at the top of a field to be a bloody good teacher.

E.g. I brainiac who is on another planet with the mathematics skills of a genius that is modelling the depths of the substructures of the universe who is at the top of his field would probably not be the best teacher of 15 year old average inteligence pupils in an outback town. He would be bored and a shit teacher. Your average Joe with a passion for teaching that gets the basics on maths and science would do a great job.

If you train as an engineer you will know lot's of good applied science but can you teach a bunch of 15 years olds. This is a flawed model from the start and was always going to be a waste of money. More money wasted that could have gone into paying the teachers more thereby attracting those that have a passion for teaching to join the profession.
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Re: Newspoll hands Gillard more bad news

Post by AnimalMother » Fri Feb 15, 2013 8:40 pm

Super Nova wrote:Do you really think a feminist-supported media campaign is trying to portraying all men as potential paedophiles?
Yes. It's part of the drive to stop equal child custody laws, and was quite successful in Australia under the current government.

Feminists portray men as potential child abusers in order to give women an advantage in the family court. And it's the main reason the Labor Party changed the law to make it easier for women to make false accusations against men, without consequences.

Just one of the reasons I would really like to see an end to the Labor Government. To think that I once supported those bigoted arseholes! Makes me mad.
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Re: Newspoll hands Gillard more bad news

Post by Super Nova » Fri Feb 15, 2013 8:45 pm

AnimalMother wrote:To think that I once supported those bigoted arseholes! Makes me mad.
I once voted Labor (Hawke) and they got in. As I get older I have moved more to the right.

"Make me Mad"

Does it make you angry with yourself or have you started to go insane (mad) with the guilt?
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Re: Newspoll hands Gillard more bad news

Post by Aussie » Fri Feb 15, 2013 9:18 pm

Super Nova wrote:Do you really think a feminist-supported media campaign is trying to portraying all men as potential paedophiles?

Yes. It's part of the drive to stop equal child custody laws, and was quite successful in Australia under the current government.

Feminists portray men as potential child abusers in order to give women an advantage in the family court. And it's the main reason the Labor Party changed the law to make it easier for women to make false accusations against men, without consequences., PA, you are seeing the woman hater emerge. What is this shit about a stop to equal custody laws when these days, under both Liberal and Labor there is an emphasis on joint parenting arrangements? AnimalMother please evidence this absurd claim..."Feminists portray men as potential child abusers in order to give women an advantage in the family court."

That is sheer personal prejudice, right there. And....where do you find solace for this crap..."And it's the main reason the Labor Party changed the law to make it easier for women to make false accusations against men, without consequences." Show me one thing the Labor Party did to that end, and if you can find anything, show me where the LNP opposed it.

You really are a miserable failure as a man, and you choose to blame that on The World, and women. Well, fuck you and your gratuitous abuse of women AnimalMother. You got what you deserved.

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Re: Newspoll hands Gillard more bad news

Post by IQS.RLOW » Fri Feb 15, 2013 9:25 pm

I've never voted for Labor. They have always been a party of massive c.nts supported by massive c.nts and infested by crooks and criminals.

Always have been and always will be.

If Gillard can accuse Abbott, a married father of 3 girls with a female deputy and chief of staff of being a misogynist and get the taxpayer funded Mcquarie dictionary to change the definition of 'misogyny' to suit the twisted bitch...then it's not really far fetched at all under the ALP.

Full of and supported by limp wristed pansies who handed their nutsacks into the feminist nazi dyke brigade in an effort to appear PC.

Aussie is case in point
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Re: Newspoll hands Gillard more bad news

Post by IQS.RLOW » Fri Feb 15, 2013 9:29 pm

Hawke: no child in poverty= slugging men 18% of their pre tax wage
Even if not separated, a family doesn't see pretax money

No doubt about it. The ALP are a bunch of c.nts
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Re: Newspoll hands Gillard more bad news

Post by Rorschach » Fri Feb 15, 2013 10:55 pm

Try getting a job working in a Childcare Centre or in Early Childhood Learning, and let me know how it goes.
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Re: Newspoll hands Gillard more bad news

Post by IQS.RLOW » Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:12 pm

Speaking of bad news for Gillard, I see Swans vanishing surplus of $1.1bn is currently sitting at -$22bn

Way to go ALP supporters. You destroyers of Australia. :roll:

Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

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Re: Newspoll hands Gillard more bad news

Post by Rorschach » Fri Feb 15, 2013 11:52 pm

Well at least Wayne will be able to relax for a while... he's OS.
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