Arctic Ice Fails to follow Warmist Doctrine

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Re: Arctic Ice Fails to follow Warmist Doctrine

Post by BrokenDrum » Mon Aug 18, 2008 7:40 pm

Mattus wrote:More ice than this time in 2007 you say? Fantastic!!!

How does it compare to this time in 2006? .... Oh .....
Oh well, how about 2005? Do we have more than in 2005? Ahhhh... I see...
2004? Ahuh..
2003? Oh dear..
2002? Say we have more than in 2002... Of course not.

So in decades of recorded history, only 2007 recorded less ice than today. Yeah, that's definitely evidence that the world is cooling.

According to you people, who were bleating about this "crisis" well over 20 years ago, oceans were by now supposed to have risen so much that island nations would by now already be swallowed. Hasn't happened. Why not?

And sure, let's review the past decade. More carbon output than ever before ... NASA records a drop in temperatures over the past 10 years.

You find the fear an hysterical proclamation about "global warming", oops, "climate change" politically expedient. That's all. So do your masters in the upper ranks of the leftist political heirarchy. Hell, it just helped Rudd win an election - the hysteria was so loud, people so panicked, even conservative pols had to pay lip service to something which they knew was bunk to neutralize the issue. That's why it's an issue, still. But it's dying off as the science comes in, so a new trojan issue will have to be worked up. Get thinking, leftists, this one doesn't have many legs left.

The globe is cooling. NOT warming. You can't blame that on carbon output. It's foolish to think we completely understand a system as complicated as the planetary climate anyway, enough to take such drastic measures ... especially when sunspot activity hasn't been examined thoroughly (and it appears sunspot activity coincides with periods of warming / cooling.) Leftists have hopped on board an unproven, untested hypothesis seeing its political use (hooking a big ball and chain on western economies ... it's why the US, despite not being the biggest polluter, is the biggest target, and China, whose air is practically solid with metals, isn't targetted. In fact they had "global warming" propoganda in the Olympic opening ceremony.)


Re: Arctic Ice Fails to follow Warmist Doctrine

Post by BrokenDrum » Mon Aug 18, 2008 7:41 pm

I guess it'll be summer in Oz soon, then we'll be more partial to your propoganda. It does get hot in summer, after all ... fancy that on a continent that's mostly desert. Right now though, it's quite cold. Off to get the Ugh Boots and another jumper :)


Re: Arctic Ice Fails to follow Warmist Doctrine

Post by BrokenDrum » Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:33 pm

P.S., want to know why Canada has an interest in the Antarctic all of a sudden?

Because Canadian ice has increased and it's harder for them to get to their minerals.

Global wha ...?


Re: Arctic Ice Fails to follow Warmist Doctrine

Post by slimD » Mon Aug 18, 2008 10:44 pm

Why can't we learn from the history of the earth? Ice ages are as regular as clockwork, and the clock is getting close to "midnight". Global warming will be preferable to chipping ice out of the driveway, but in the end we won't stop it. The next ice age may be the earths saviour in the form of natural selection; the majority of the population won't be selected.

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Re: Arctic Ice Fails to follow Warmist Doctrine

Post by freediver » Mon Aug 18, 2008 11:00 pm

BD, I found the plots. They show they the world is still warming, in line with greenhouse gasses, but not sunspots. There was an unusually warm year ten years ago, but to say the world has been cooling over the last ten years is just stupid.

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Re: Arctic Ice Fails to follow Warmist Doctrine

Post by IQSRLOW » Tue Aug 19, 2008 12:01 am

You could post them if you have found them...

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Re: Arctic Ice Fails to follow Warmist Doctrine

Post by freediver » Tue Aug 19, 2008 8:21 am

BrokenDrum wrote:You'll find the info via NASA. Happy hunting.

White Indigene

Re: Arctic Ice Fails to follow Warmist Doctrine

Post by White Indigene » Tue Aug 19, 2008 1:20 pm


in North Australia, southerners have been seen wearing jackets and jumpers in the early morning, and sleeping with blankets and doonas.

Odd :idea:

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Re: Arctic Ice Fails to follow Warmist Doctrine

Post by JW Frogen » Tue Aug 19, 2008 10:17 pm

slimD wrote:Why can't we learn from the history of the earth?
Because history is like a lover, everyone sees what they want to see, and earth is like a spouse, no one sees what they do not want to see.

White Indigene

Re: Arctic Ice Fails to follow Warmist Doctrine

Post by White Indigene » Thu Aug 21, 2008 1:58 pm

‘If we imagine a society at peace, with plentiful energy and, therefore, with abundant capacity to recycle resources and to advance technology, we must also imagine that the society will reap the rewards of its victory over the environment. The most obvious reward will precisely that which has been experienced as a result of similar victories in the past – the increase of population.’ (p322)

‘We are left, then, with a lowering of the as the only way of avoiding catastrophe, But how?... There is thus no practical difficulty in lowering the birthrate – only social and psychological ones.’ (p388).

‘It may be then, that though the population will continue to increase it will do so at a decreasing rate, reaching a maximum of perhaps no more than a 8 billion, and will then decline.’… The kind of society we must anticipate, then, if we are to achieve a stable population, is one with an advancing median age. We will witness, so to speak, the ‘greying of Earth.’…’Might not civilisation, having evaded the death-by-bang of a population explosion, find itself suffering the death-by-whimper of population ageing’ (p329-330).

‘The result could well be that despite the unprecedented ageing of the human population and the never-before-seen underrepresentation of youth, the world of stable population would be one of rapid technological advance and an unparalleled intensity of intellectual crossfertilization’. (p335)

‘It would represent an enormous revolution in education and, for the first time, offer us a scheme of education that would be truly be open to people of any age’. (p333). The internet.

A choice of Catastrophes.
in ‘The Dangers of Victory’

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