How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

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Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by IQS.RLOW » Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:26 pm

Some are saying that she won't last out the recess- gawn in 5 weeks

Watching Labor and Greens go at each other is like watching two retarded kids fighting in the playground over a scooter. One has the wheels and the other has the frame...and neither of them have figured out that the scooter won't ever work without the other.

The wheels have well and truly fallen off...and by fuck, it is funny to watch :rofl

Monk must be sobbing into his kleenex and pissing his diaper by now
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Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by Super Nova » Tue Jul 10, 2012 5:11 pm

Wat will happen after she gets dumped.... will the world be set to right?

Will Labor find there way back into the voters hearts....

Will Labor then get in again so Australia can jon the rest of the world in ecconomic ruin just a few years behind them?
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Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by Mattus » Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:04 pm

"I may be the first man to put a testicle in Germaine Greer's mouth"

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Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by IQS.RLOW » Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:16 pm

Mattus wrote:Image
Only in a leftys dream.

Tony will be your next PM.
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Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by Mattus » Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:31 pm

"I may be the first man to put a testicle in Germaine Greer's mouth"

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Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by Mattus » Tue Jul 10, 2012 11:59 pm

"I may be the first man to put a testicle in Germaine Greer's mouth"

-Heston Blumenthal

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Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by Super Nova » Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:56 pm

Looks to me from this article that IQ was right. Even the unions are getting ready. ... 22bz0.html
Gillard leadership reaches tattered stage
Julia Gillard’s leadership has reached that tattered stage where she is victim to random stirrings.

This week, government whip Joel Fitzgibbon set off a new round of speculation when he said, in effect, that unpopular leaders eventually get their come-uppance.

Then came a report in The Australian Financial Review that the heavy hitters of the union movement at a meeting on Tuesday canvassed the prospect of Kevin Rudd returning to the leadership. The fact that ACTU secretary Dave Oliver contested the report makes little difference; anything that feeds into leadership talk stirs things along, regardless of the nuances.

The central issue at the meeting was getting together a union battle plan -— the plan is for a $2 a head levy on union members.

The unions leaders were not primarily concentrated on the leadership, but rather recognising reality. They can read the polls as well as anyone else. It is not so much a matter of actively backing a change — some would be very much against — as knowing that it might well happen. They realise that in the present volatile climate, if things don’t turn up (and few think they will), momentum will gather for the switch.

People present did make the point that they don’t want to see an early election. Aware there almost certainly will be a Liberal government, they would like to delay its arrival as long as possible. While they realise a move to Rudd may well occur, they also know that Rudd’s becoming leader would make a premature poll more likely than if Gillard hung on.

Key union figures, most notably the Australian Workers’ Union’s Paul Howes, had a prominent role in the coup against Rudd. In February, union support for Gillard was important in ensuring she overwhelmingly trounced Rudd. But in the likely turmoil ahead, Gillard can’t rely on such strong backing from the industrial base.

Not that the unions would welcome a return to Rudd. Apart from the prospect that he could have to, or choose to, go to the polls early, they are fully aware that he is less sympathetic to them and their agendas than is Gillard. But though Gillard will have her diehard backers in the union movement, others will take the view that if there is a tide, there is a limit to what can be done to hold it back.

While the unions are thinking ahead to the election campaign, their eyes are also scanning the horizon beyond that — how to cope with an Abbott prime ministership. But at least, many of them expect, they may well then have one of their own in the opposition leadership, with Bill Shorten an early favourite for the job.

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Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by Outlaw Yogi » Fri Jul 20, 2012 12:59 pm

Haven't read it yet (got into convo with former work mate), but just bought a copy of The Australian, and the front page headline says - Quote ' Union cash lost if Labor dumps PM' - Unquote.
Admitedly I missed it while living feral under a blue tarp, but I was surprised Gillard trumped Rudd. From what I could work out the unions shafted Rudd on behalf of the mining companies, because the unions realise without large industries to lean on, there is no longer any justification for their existence.

So in short Labor is jammed between a rock and a prickly spot, because the electorate won't vote for Gillard and the unions won't support Rudd.
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Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by IQS.RLOW » Sat Jul 21, 2012 12:10 pm

The ALP natives are getting restless and the bell is tolling for the rolling of Gillard

The best Monk has been able to come up with is an anonymous post on an irrelevant blog about how the whole media is completely wrong and it's all a beat up and Gillard will win the next election

:rofl :rofl :rofl

Gillard has been the walking dead for 6 months and the blind ideologues have been spraying the corpse with perfume. They can no longer hide the stench and the body must now be disposed of
Quote by Aussie: I was a long term dead beat, wife abusing, drunk, black Muslim, on the dole for decades prison escapee having been convicted of paedophilia

Jovial Monk

Re: How long until Gilliar gets dumped?

Post by Jovial Monk » Sat Jul 21, 2012 1:52 pm

At least I don’t say stupid things like Gillard not lasting the winter recess: caucus has to meet for a leadership spill to be moved so a recess is not when that will happen. That was moronic, IQ!

Gillard will last to 2013 and will win the election then. Abbott will never be PM. The rest is just beatups by the press.

There, that isn’t anonymous.

And Turnbull will not be elected Lib Leader again.

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