Fatties on a Plane

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IQ popping

Re: Fatties on a Plane

Post by IQ popping » Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:38 pm

Being able to live requires only minimal amounts.

Being unable to walk because of it shows a lazy society unable to cope with advancement

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Re: Fatties on a Plane

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Jun 29, 2012 9:53 pm

There's a weight limit on planes for a reason. If half the plane is full of fatties who weigh twice as much as the average then the plane is carrying half again the capacity it was designed for. One day it will just fall out of the sky.

I also agree that luggage plus personal weight should be the criteria for maximum weight allowed per passenger

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Re: Fatties on a Plane

Post by AiA in Atlanta » Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:06 pm

How about an area of the plane without seats? Instead the fatties are harnessed to the floor so they won't roll off their foam mats.

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Re: Fatties on a Plane

Post by Black Orchid » Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:10 pm

I have an aversion to being touched on public transport and planes. I don't like my space being invaded. Almost as bad as sitting next to people who eat a ton of curry or garlic as a last meal before a flight.

If you take up more than one seat you should be prepared to pay the price

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Re: Fatties on a Plane

Post by IQS.RLOW » Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:26 pm

I got seated next to a fat fuck on a flight from Perth to Sydney once and he was huge. I felt a bit sorry for him as he knew he was taking up too much room and I suppose it was my own fault for scoping out the legroom seats near the exit and he probably thought that the extra legroom equated to extra arse room but he was spilling way over the arm rest to the point of uncomfortable.

As much of the prick I portray on here, I am not totally without feeling and I didn't want to say anything so I spent about an hour of the flight hanging about the galley and drinking free piss until they wanted me to sit down and I told them I couldn't because I was seated next to a fat fuck who took up half my seat.

The nice ladies shifted me to business class
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Re: Fatties on a Plane

Post by Super Nova » Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:41 pm

IQS.RLOW wrote:
The nice ladies shifted me to business class
That was nice. The FFs (fat Fucks) know they are a problem to those around them. It must really further damage their self esteme everytime that have to interact with normal folk in any close environment.

I do not believe they want to be fat they just don't know how to stop eating. Poor bastards.....

I wonder if they ever say NO when they are asked, do you want fries with that or for an extra 50 cents you could upsize that order.

FFs must have too much money. They should take up gambling, sex, drugs and excessive drinking. Much healthier, better for everyone around them (they don't know) and an instant gratification (hit). They have chosen the wrong addiction and they need to be set on the proper path to the gates of oblivion.


PS: IQ that is not an image of what you think it is... btw :rofl
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Re: Fatties on a Plane

Post by mantra » Sat Jun 30, 2012 7:48 am

FFs must have too much money. They should take up gambling, sex, drugs and excessive drinking. Much healthier, better for everyone around them (they don't know) and an instant gratification (hit). They have chosen the wrong addiction and they need to be set on the proper path to the gates of oblivion.
The US, UK and Australia have the fattest people in the world. A quarter of the population is obese. A large person is only destroying themselves, whereas a gambler takes his/her own family down with them. An alcoholic does the same.

It's our sedentary lifestyle and the abundance of food. Most of us when we were kids lived on the bare essentials because food was only meant for sustenance. There were no video games, TV nor parents willing to cart their kids around instead of making them walk. We were thrown outside to play and it was always a very strange family who allowed their child to stay inside on a nice day.

This has all changed through fear, convenience and technology.

As much as an obese person is offensive, one in four people in western countries are now morbidly obese. The only way to help them is to heavily tax junk food - the way they have with cigarettes.

I feel sorry for them. Even carrying an extra 10 kg is a burden - how do they manage to get around with an extra 50 kg? Most of the young obese people won't even make it through their 40's.

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Re: Fatties on a Plane

Post by freediver » Sat Jun 30, 2012 9:43 am

Black Orchid wrote:There's a weight limit on planes for a reason. If half the plane is full of fatties who weigh twice as much as the average then the plane is carrying half again the capacity it was designed for. One day it will just fall out of the sky.

I also agree that luggage plus personal weight should be the criteria for maximum weight allowed per passenger
Checked baggage capacity and cabin capacity are very different things. Cabin capacity is much more expensive because of all the extra infrastructure to support it (seats for starters). We should pay a different rate for checked baggage vs total carry on weight.

There should be no limit for either. You just pay for what you use.

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Re: Fatties on a Plane

Post by Black Orchid » Sat Jun 30, 2012 12:39 pm

No limit for either? You're kidding right? Planes have a total weight bearing capacity limit in order to fly effectively. If the average person is getting fatter and/or carries more online baggage they need to re-assess the average to fall within the total weight bearing limit.

Ever been in a lift with 5 people and it won't move even though the average capacity is that of 11 people?

How many pebbles can you place on a bird's back before it plummets?

How man people can you cram into a boat before it sinks?

I am not saying that a plane is at risk with a few fatties onboard but it isn't just a matter of cost. It is something that needs to be addressed in the future for both comfort and safety reasons. Nothing has an unlimited capacity on a pay for what you use basis

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Re: Fatties on a Plane

Post by freediver » Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:42 pm

No limit for either? You're kidding right? Planes have a total weight bearing capacity limit in order to fly effectively. If the average person is getting fatter and/or carries more online baggage they need to re-assess the average to fall within the total weight bearing limit.
If people didn't get a 'free' allowance, then many people would carry less weight. Obviously the airlines would need to keep track of the total weight and the ability of the plane to carry the total load. They do this now, with a wide margin for error, and would be able to do it far more easily if everything was weighed and charged.
Ever been in a lift with 5 people and it won't move even though the average capacity is that of 11 people?
I am not saying that a plane is at risk with a few fatties onboard but it isn't just a matter of cost. It is something that needs to be addressed in the future for both comfort and safety reasons. Nothing has an unlimited capacity on a pay for what you use basis
Why are you equating paying for the weight with planes requiring infinite load carrying capacity? Do you realise that if fat people pay for two seats that means one less person on the plane? They are not going to charge them for two seats then only give them one.

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